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there are tonnes of proffessions "skill trees" and most people will probably have a bit of everything but im going marksman/weaponsmith/merchant but you can get 3.5 skill trees in total because you have i think its like 200 skills available to you so youll probably have alot of things that you can do

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Good that's what I thought. And it's good that they have the ability to "dump" skills to make rooom when you dont want to be of a certain profession tree or specialty anymore. In case you start out and get some awesome stuff, but your character completely blows, you can start again with a different career.

Such as a failed bartender. J/K...J/K... Don't hurt me Please.:( :( :(

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I'll propably get a good combo of Marksman and Brawler, enough to enable me to climb the Commando tree (and get my hands on the heavy artillery!). Spare points will either go into entertainment, image design, or creature handling, since I'd like a pet. Not some especially owerpowered pet, just something to follow me around.

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He'll be fine. The war will be over pretty soon. Iraq just doesn't have the bite to put a dent in the big dog. Plus if you compare this to any other war you have to laugh. We were in WW2 for like 4 years.....Vietnam was like 10 years or something....and here we are now having almost taken over an entire country in a week. The only problem is since Saddam has already violated the Geneva Convention by executing POWs he'll have no qualms in using the Chemical weapons (That he claimed time and time again that he didn't have) once we get closer to Baghdad but still that can't save him.


Oh and I'm planning on being a Ranger. Also will most likely get a second account so I can twiddle around with a secondary character for some variaty. Don't know what he'll be though. Probably a mix of a lot.

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Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Yeah, he's a seargent in charge of some Black Hawks.


my dad used to be a seargent sniper division in charged of some platoons in the swedish army id hate to see him go to war i would not be able to handle it i hope murashu is safe

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Originally posted by setsuko

Man, the swedish snipers are good, we met some at one of our battle simulations, and you could barely see them if you were two meters away, and that's when you knew where to look! :)

i know what its like ive played paintball against him 5 on 1 and he really really wasted us...... mum was pissed off though because i had bruises for like a week
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A day with paintball in it is a good day indeed...:D


*Leaps from brush cover in a bright orange hunters vest*


COME AND GET ME YOU SAVAGES!!! Well trained men and women!!!


*Runs across paintball field screaming in rage*

*Gets mowed down my Setsuko's sadistic snipers*

*Lies in a painty mess in the middle of the field*


Mayeb this is WAY off topic. ;):p I stop here...


EDIT: When I say savages, I don;tmean any offense at all. I am not talking about the Swedish... Just Set's sadistic snipers. But better yet, I remove savages alltogether

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