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Pc Question - expert needed :)


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Originally posted by Clem

can u partition a drive without formatting the whole drive

yes you can do that if you have enough space. but aparently you dont so either clear some stuff off or just forget about partitioning it. hope that was some help. (i doubt it was but whatever):)
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i have best part of 12 gig to backup


my mums pc has a 7 gig hdd ... so thats out




lol mums the only 1 with a cdr drive ... and thats only 4x so thats out


zip disks ... id need a mountain of em!!


id need 2 dvds if i had a writer

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Well, its best to format before you partition. However, there is some software that will allow you to partition your drive without completly formating it, but the new drive created from the partition will be cleared. So you will only have to wipe half the drive for example. I have never done it this way, so I dont recommend it. I would rather format the drive and partition on a clean one.


You do have some other options to save your data. You can try ghosting your image accross multiple CDR/RW volumes. It will take a while and a good number of disks, but at least you wont loose what you have. Or you can use any extra HDD you may have. Just plug in, copy and swap out. I do that a lot with my smaller drives.


Lastly, you can try to buy a large external HD and copy your data over temporarily. Then you can format your drive and move data back as you need it. You can then either keep the external HDD or return it for refund saying that it will not work with you sytem.


Good Luck.

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dos rocks


but fdisk needs u to restart


i cant open my pc cos the blokies who built it got pissed off at me opening it and breaking it :D so this motherboard (now the only component under garuntee) if it goes wrong ... and i havent opened it .. theyll sort


also i dont ahve a big enuff hdd


i have access to a 500mb (but i cant put it in) and a 7 gig in mums


the external idea sounds like a goodun


what programs lemme partition without whole format ... i have 25 gig of spare space ... so i can clear 20 ... move the stuff to there and format the other half :D


and wacky .... i said expert :D

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i'm no expert, but i like taking part in things :p


as far as i know you can't partition without formatting..

at least with the programs i have used


imo i don't really think partitioning is worthwhile


you probably know all these but i'll post them anyway..


if you need space there are thing to try first like


- uninstalling any programs or games you aren't using

- check windows setup, see if there's anything you can remove

- look at the system restore setting, maybe reduce the amount of space it uses

- reduce the amount of space taken up by temporary internet files

- if you really need to 'scrape the barrel' delete all readme files

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It takes programs like Partition Magic to enable you to change partition size without formatting, and it also has a built in Boot Manager that will allow you to boot between OS's.


I have changed parition sizes when upgrading, not wanting to lose my data, but getting past what was a FAT16 (used in old DOS and Win95 and 98 (FAT32 came in for 98SE)) limitation.


I think with Partition Magic, you don't have to format the original partition, but basically make sure it isn't the boot partition, as it may screw a few things up, but then again it may not. It will allow you to create a new drive from the remaining space, or whatever amount of spare space that you have.

Depending on the version of Partition Magic you "get" it may or may not format the new partition for you in the FAT system that you like.

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