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You know what sucks?


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Originally posted by Clefo

Arizona.. Plus our 4 seasons are: Summer, Extreme Summer, Summer (Again), Cool Summer, and Phoenix smells funny...


we got summer, crap (fall), very cold winter and more crap (spring)


cuz spring = all the frozen dog s**t thats been frozen starts to smell again


fall= rain,rain,rain,rain,rain,rain


p.s.: in Montreal

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Originally posted by Natopo

At least you have 4 seasons. We only had two in Singapore. Dry Season and Rainy Season.


Well, he has only 3. Summer is repeated...


Where I used to live in India, we had Extreme Summer, Extreme Rainy, Summer, Extreme Summer...:rolleyes::p

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I hate Arky humidity...


I mean just look at my HAIR! It's so clingy now. What ever shall I do?


*sorry...that was really random*


anyway...arky is way to humid. I mean sure our summer is 100+ the whole time...but we have around 70-90% humidity too. You can't even walk outside without sinking to the ground by the shear weight of the oppressive air.

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All you yankees need to stop complaining about your "hot" summers.:D Come spend the summer with me in Florida. The average high is 90-105 with humidity 90%-100% (usually in the upper 90's). The temperature wouldn't be that bad, but the humidity applifies it. Just walk outside and feel the sweat start to pour. Plus the sunburns, Oh the sunburns. I don't tan, I burn. And I live in the sunburn state. Ouch


On the plus side, we have a great winter. It never really gets too cold, plus NO SHOVELING SNOW!!!


PS-Clefo, there is nothing wrong w/ Republicans. :D And yes Phoenix does smell funny. :p

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yep. as the saying goes, it's not the heat, it's the humidity. here in arky we've got about 15 seasons. we've got your rainy, your dry, the hot and cold, the hot-humid, the hot-dry, the cold-hot and -dry, the extremely hot, the mild-yet-still-snowing, plus, like another 10 variations of them all. and to top it all off, it doesn't go in any specific order. it randomly fluxes from 1 to another. arky weather's confusing.

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Originally posted by Imperial Sardaukar

Oh no... It's a southern Red Neck! :p J/k


Ma, get me gun! Them yankees are comin!:p:D


What bugs me is when the weatherman (or woman) predicts one thing and it ends up wrong.:mad: Thankfully, we have some really good weather stations here in the Tampa Bay Area.

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Originally posted by Jatt13

yep. as the saying goes, it's not the heat, it's the humidity. here in arky we've got about 15 seasons. we've got your rainy, your dry, the hot and cold, the hot-humid, the hot-dry, the cold-hot and -dry, the extremely hot, the mild-yet-still-snowing, plus, like another 10 variations of them all. and to top it all off, it doesn't go in any specific order. it randomly fluxes from 1 to another. arky weather's confusing.




THIS is what Arky weather is. I can attest to the accuracy of the statement. You also forget tornado season. It's a variation of oppressively humid yet mild. With upwards of 60-70 tornados spotted in 1 night. :p

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