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Tavion: The new villian of JK3?


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Well first post. So hear goes.


I have a strong feeling that Jedi Acadamy is going too try and tie up the loose ends of JO. (Which is just a theory but)


It seems likely that Tavion got out alive so she could appear in an expansion, but is just going too apear in this game. It also wouldn't suprise me if she was the leader of these "cultist" guys.


Also, there are other loose ends that can be tied up like the fate of the valley of the jedi and what happened too the remaining force enhanced troopers (Reborn, Shadowtroopers). It doesn't seem fluff wise for you too fight this cult of jedi unless they were the force enhanced troops of JO. This brings me too this theroy:


After the events JO, Tavion took the remaining force enhanced troops and attempted too forge her own threat too the New Republic. Bidding her time she turned the Reborn and Shadowtroopers too participate in this cult, and possibly use what was left of Galak Fyars technology too create more Force Enhanced Troops. The game is probably Tavion trying too do what Desann couldn't, destroy the jedi acadamy.


At least that my crack-pot theory, what do you think?

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I want these dark jedi to have character, a past, a NAME.... Battling "force injected baddies" is going to be very unoriginal and boring. Perhaps the Dark Jedi Academy from the young jedi knights series will play a part in this..hehehe...


Dathomir, tons of sith witches....very interesting..

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Ug, Tavion was the dumbest character ever. I absolutely loathed that voice of hers (shudders at the thought)... and the stupid lines she says.


I really hope they don't make her the main villian of the nect game... That would be so incredibly lame... No other way to descibe it.


But I have no problems with force infused dark jedi troops. That was actually one of the cooler concepts in JK2 to me. The only problem is: it's already been done. But I wouldn't mind fighting some left over reborn and shadowtroopers... provided they get some more training since their last encounter with Kyle.

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Yeah I didn't mind the reborn/shadowtroopers :) But you can't come up with them again... Hmm well maybe the original Sith race has been reproducing on a planet far from the outer rim territory (or something like that ;))!


Ah well, It has all been done before, I think I'll just let Raven surprise me... In a good way I hope!

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I don't think she'll be in it, at least as a main bad guy. They seem to be moving from the old JKs ala no Katarn, so I would expect they moved on from her as well.


the only place where you should find Tavion is some rundown bar

LOL. I could see we may have to find her to get a little info, but it would be hilarious if she was juiced up on spice.

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Originally posted by Prime

I suspect that because of the "history" between Tavion and Kyle, they might save her for a new Dark Forces game featuring Kyle.


I could see here as an unwilling ally to Kyle somewhere along the line -- you know like united against some common enemy or something.


The only way I would want to see her in this release is if she decided to become a Jedi and was being trained at the Academy.

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Originally posted by Master_Payne

I'd be happy if the new villian doesn't die with one rec hit like desann...

I want a real challenge more than a well known or cool character.


I guess you used the evil-super-powerup-finger-of-death-swing move because he didnt die in one hit for me.

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Originally posted by JaledDur

I guess you used the evil-super-powerup-finger-of-death-swing move because he didnt die in one hit for me.

I use a red stance horizontal hit and he died, was a flawless victory, walk in front of him (he doesn't move until you are very close) activate speed, run towards him, push (he will block but will lose all his defenses) slash him horizontally and he dies.


forgot to say you dont need any kind of saberrealisticcombat or something like that, that and: i tried again, hit him in the back to ensure 1 a hit kill.

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