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A SW TV show

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Hey all- Don't you think a StarWars TV show would really be awesome. I'm not talking about a show continuing the saga or anything. I'm talking about something like a show following Rogue Squadron. I mean, those books were awesome, I just think that if they made a tv show (yeah, it might suck with bad actors) it'd be on the sci-fi network, but I think there is a big enough fan basis and the technology is there to pull it off. What do you all think??

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Okay, since it was mentioned; Which is the best Star Trek Movie of the original season?


Star Trek I

Star Trek II - Wrath of Khan

Star Trek III- Search for Spock (alot like the "Spocks brain episode")

Star Trek IV - Voyage Home

Star Trek V - Final Frontier

Star Trek VI - Undiscovered Country


It's so hard, they all have their moments!!

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Are you kidding me, voyage home had so many great moments! I can count a few good lines- not only that we pick up Chekov's speech impediment with "phasers". Not too mention, "colorful metaphores!" Lol- I like Voyage Home but not for the same reasons as Undiscovered Country or Wrath of Khan. It has a different twist, a more commical one.

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This may be just a rumor, but i heard that their may be anime style shorts based off of the Star Wars universe, kinda like the Animatrix. I think it would be cool to see animes based on Star Wars, but not remakes of the movies. Maybe somthing cool like animes base of the Extended Universe stuff. However this is just a rumor so take it or leave it.

BTW i got this out of an imported anime mag, so it may be just my mistake since i can't read Japanese very well.


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