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Thrackan Solo

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Originally posted by Darth Eggplant

I think it retoric, as in retorical question,

there may be an H in there but no D:)

and I serve loyally my master Darth Groovy:deathstar


Err... redoric is a word meaning some frm of textual compelation (I think), but it si DEFINITELY a different word from retoric.


As for Bush, well, Im a brit.... So.... no.


I wasnt even that fussed with the US forces leading us until the point where is was determined that most of the poeple operating artillery and warheads ar colour blind - you know, red and blue.....

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Well the conflict still continues even though Bhagdad has fallen... after the war the REAL test will be on... will Iraq survive now that it's economy has be destroyed? ...And don't think it hasn't cause it has...



Anywayz, one thing I found bad about this war was the lives lost by our own fire... damn x.x

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to answer your question on the friendly fire...

We're using night vision goggles, and it's hard to tell the difference between your own soldier and the enemy. I'm not sure about the helicopters though.


And I fully support Bush.

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