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Indiana Jones and the Emporer's Tomb has raised my Full Throttle2 confidence.

The Adventurer

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After having a go at the Indy and the ET demo resently released I began to realise how this type of a game would be good for the apparently more Action orented Full Throttle2. With the fistfights and Bottle/chair smashing, it all fits into the kind of combat Ben would get into. All FT2 needs is standered Adventure game conventions, Talking to people, solving puzzles and what not. Then have events that make Ben beat the snot out of trouble makers. It could work. Quite well accualy imo:indy:

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The problem is LEC is likely to go to far on the action element and not enough on the puzzle and adventure side.


Im sure this is what is going to happen, it's already happened in the Emporers tomb. Compared to infernal machine theres practically no adventure element so far (im up to chapter 3) it's all making jumps finding switches beating people up... where's the adventure and puzzle solving?


The new indy is also cumbersome to control so I hope LEC improves this if they use a similar engine. The camera needs to be able to lock on to the characters position from behind.

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you'd like that, wouldnt you? hohoho



indy ET is a fairly good game..


They did a really good job on the manual and official walkthrough guide. The brawling is fun but there are too little puzzles and cutscenes.


What ive seen of full throttle 2 so far is plumpy. I hope it's improved otherwise optional brawling would be plumpy too.

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I sure hope they change Ben's posture to something less stupid and uncool before release... but it's unlikely isn't it? He looks like some campy cowboy from some really bad western, IMHO. They should be aiming for The Wild One and Rebel Without a Cause, not westerns!


Anyhoo, I could endlessly speculate, but the proof is in the pudding! :) I remember everyone hated the look of Guybrush in CMI, but we all got used to it!


~ Johnny

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Originally posted by ThunderPeel2001

Anyhoo, I could endlessly speculate, but the proof is in the pudding! :)


Pudding, of course, being the favourite foodstuff of the gay cowboy.


I hope they keep the action to a minimum, like they did in the original Full Throttle. I'd be happy to beat up some bikers, but I would be angry if I would have to use brawn on the final "boss". I just hope it doesn't turn into Tomb Raider, I will be counting the number of switches and levers I have to pull. ¬

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Indeed Scabb I fear this is what is going to happen...


You'll probably have to make jumps with your bike across gorges and things to progress to the next part and then you'll have to beat up aload of people and pull a lever to open a door.


The only thing that would be missing would be the collect 100 coins to get an extra life... haha.

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FT2 uses a completely different engine from Indy (FT uses LEC's internal 3d action/adventure engine as seen in RTX Red Rock and gladius while Emperor's Tomb used the collective's "slayer" engine from the Buffy game)... and the art team is probably entirely different... and its got a different project lead/director. That aside, yeah, with every new piece from FT it looks more promising... I do like the one tiny shot in the header of the LucasArts E3 site.


Though I do agree that Ben looks a bit weird. He's always hunched over like a bouncer at a club form an old cartoon... sort of monkey like? In the FT2 stuff so far he frequently looks all menacing instead of his stoic but alert and self assured look in that other Full Throttle game.


Im also overanalysing and being a crazy person, but shh.

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Jake, what does the art team have to do with gameplay?


Fact is LEC has a tendency lately to make action/adventure games which tend to be 99% action.


It doesn't matter if it's the infernal machine engine or a diff art team, the main thing is they see a niche in the action game market and are probably going to concentrate on that niche.


Why else do you think they seem to be releasing more titles on consoles as well as PC?

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In the FT2 stuff so far he frequently looks all menacing instead of his stoic but alert and self assured look in that other Full Throttle game.


I knew there was something else that was bugging me about the FT2 Ben. That's it exactly!


I hope someone from LEC is reading this!


~ Johnny

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by RemiO

I think he's just saying that Indy and FT2 is being developed by two completely different teams (not just art), and one shouldn't be used to draw conclusions about the other.




And one would prefer it if Jake would answer for himself... or are Jake and Remio the same person, CONSPIRACY THEORY I TELL YA! :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by GregD

Fact is LEC has a tendency lately to make action/adventure games which tend to be 99% action.


Name one.


Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb was never meant to be an adventure game and even if you count that one it hardly justifies "tendency lately" or "gameS".


Btw, just completed Indy, what an awesome game. Not many puzzles, but that was not what I was looking for in this game. The few there were fun and a nice pause in the action.

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If the genre is action/adventure, there should at least be enough adventure to go with the action. I got to chapter 2 in Indy and got bored so I haven't played it since. So far it's a disapointment compared to indy infernal.


FT2 im pretty sure will go the same way... thus "gameS"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bah. The new indy game had decent graphics and fun gameplay.. but it was nothing special. The fighting was too easy and the puzzles could be solved by a two yearold. The entire game was ridiculously easy.. and the story was even more non-existent than the Incredible Machine game. I only hope that they put more effort into Full Throttle.

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Btw, just completed Indy, what an awesome game. Not many puzzles, but that was not what I was looking for in this game. The few there were fun and a nice pause in the action.

I agree. There's so much I liked about the game that absence of "real" adventure type puzzles didn't make playing it less fun in any way. After competing it, I even sold my copy of Infernal Machine as there simply wasn't any fun left(other than using different vehicles) after fighting system of Emperor's Tomb. Nothing can beat the beating of your opponents in true Harrison Ford style, you know? :D


Of course, it seems to me that one have to be some sort of fan of Indy to really appreciate this kind of game(could you please stop complaining about the camera and controls and get use to them?) but even if we look at it objectively, it comes much closer to movies and their action oriented style than The Fate of Atlantis did. Now, don't understand me wrong: I DID enjoy Atlantis as AN ADVENTURE GAME, but if I had to choose between it and Emperor's Tomb, the latter would be my personal favorite.


Now, what comes to FT2, I don't mind seeing more action included than what we already saw in the first game. You have to remember that even though the story and style of Full Throttle alone made it stand out the crowd of other adventures of its time, ALSO the action was something that wasn't usually connected to adventure gaming. It's even integral part of Ben's "little" universe and quite normal(considering his lifestyle) for him to prefer handling problems with fists and not wit; actual adventure elements of original game weren't THAT hard to begin with. After all, most important thing is the familiar atmosphere original game created and that characters are true to the way we remember them. :cool:

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon

I agree. There's so much I liked about the game that absence of "real" adventure type puzzles didn't make playing it less fun in any way. After competing it, I even sold my copy of Infernal Machine as there simply wasn't any fun left(other than using different vehicles) after fighting system of Emperor's Tomb. Nothing can beat the beating of your opponents in true Harrison Ford style, you know? :D


Of course, it seems to me that one have to be some sort of fan of Indy to really appreciate this kind of game(could you please stop complaining about the camera and controls and get use to them?) but even if we look at it objectively, it comes much closer to movies and their action oriented style than The Fate of Atlantis did. Now, don't understand me wrong: I DID enjoy Atlantis as AN ADVENTURE GAME, but if I had to choose between it and Emperor's Tomb, the latter would be my personal favorite.


Now, what comes to FT2, I don't mind seeing more action included than what we already saw in the first game. You have to remember that even though the story and style of Full Throttle alone made it stand out the crowd of other adventures of its time, ALSO the action was something that wasn't usually connected to adventure gaming. It's even integral part of Ben's "little" universe and quite normal(considering his lifestyle) for him to prefer handling problems with fists and not wit; actual adventure elements of original game weren't THAT hard to begin with. After all, most important thing is the familiar atmosphere original game created and that characters are true to the way we remember them. :cool:





Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis is the greatest game ever made. Oh god, that game was so good. Perfect, in fact.


Well, it ties for greatest game ever with "Planescape: Torment" at least.

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That was actually the very first time someone has bashed me from criticizing something related to Indy and I happen to be a guy who can speak about Indy for hours; my friends get tired sometimes how much I can actually ponder about my favorite archeologist(AND Star Wars/movies generally). I even ended up buying my very own fedora at the same time when I bought Emperor's Tomb. ;)


Actually, adding to my earlier statement, I personally didn't find controls of ET too troublesome, when I first got use to them and now, after completing the game two times it's quite funny to move Indy to some corner, put him to throw a punch and watch him making angry faces like genuine Ford. :D


That's enough with bragging. :)

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Originally posted by Lord_FinnSon



That was actually the very first time someone has bashed me from criticizing something related to Indy and I happen to be a guy who can speak about Indy for hours; my friends get tired sometimes how much I can actually ponder about my favorite archeologist(AND Star Wars/movies generally). I even ended up buying my very own fedora at the same time when I bought Emperor's Tomb. ;)


Actually, adding to my earlier statement, I personally didn't find controls of ET too troublesome, when I first got use to them and now, after completing the game two times it's quite funny to move Indy to some corner, put him to throw a punch and watch him making angry faces like genuine Ford. :D


That's enough with bragging. :)


Heheh, well, it seems you beat me then. I don't own a fedora (although I wish I did).


I thought the controls were great, the fighting was great, the graphics were great--- but the puzzles were way too easy!


And, as I said before, the story was very weak. If they had bothered to create an in-depth storyline with lots of nifty cutscenes then I'd like the game more.

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