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The Hmmm Game....


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I want to do a game(more like research).

It goes like this. You have name what you usually expect to see or what you do (like click the thread or just past it)



Lemme do a example


TheHobGoblin: Okay lets start..... what would you do or expect with a thread called "I FOUND A ULTRA LIGHTSABER!!!"


So and so: uhhh..... zip by? :)

what would you do or expect with a thread called JKIII Leak download!



And so on and so on.... remember when you answer the other question before you, you say "what would you do or expect with a thread called" then name the thread. I'll start off....




what would you do or expect with a thread called "I have 9000 points!"

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what he means is..


if you saw a thread named "JKIII Leak download", what would you expect to see when you opened it.


now what you would say is, some leaked jkIII info or something like that. but i'm guessing you have to provide a funny and unlikely answer




"tasty vegetables, sponsored by JKIII -


download this wallpaper featuring a leak"



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it's easy


a thread that had the title "I have 9000 points!"


who inply that someone was saying that have 9000 LF store points.


but what you have to do is come up with another subject thats unlikely & funny


i.e thread title - "I have 9000 points!"


subject - "man!! i'm never driving again."



get it? who's been passing around the glue?

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Well i think someone posts a title of a thread then you reply saying what you exspect to see in there but its got to be funny i know its weird but for eg i put naked portman instead of u saying natilie portman naked u put fisherman gets caught naked on beach or something.



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how often do you see a threads title and guess whats its about but when you open it its about something completely different.


well this the game


you put a thread's title which implies a certain subject but you have give a subject thats completey different.



so if i put a thread title of "new windows coming soon"


the implied subject is that microsoft are releasing a new windows version, but you have to give a subject thats completey different to the implied subject

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