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Human domination?


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Alright, I was just curious, after taking a look at some of the hundred "what race are you gonna be" threads, I discoverd that a whole lotta people are going to be playing human. Ok, I may be wrong in assuming this but I think more people are going to be playing humans that all the aliens combined! But that may be a hasty generalization. Whadayall thank? :fett:

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Human domination is probably right.... I mean.. humans have colonized many planets. the Bothans have a few colonies, the MonCals only have a planet, the Wookies have a Planet and some moons, Zabrak.... are rare (considering they were created in Ep 1 and EU has been out long before Ep 1), Rodians have 1 planet, Twi'leks have a PLanet, ect. Humans are the dominant race in the galaxy, unfortunately...makes you wonder, perhaps it's because humans reached space travel first and colonized like crazy. Who knows. i will definatley be thinking on that....

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Actually, the earliest space faring species were the Duros and the Devaronians, according to most SW reference material. Humans are just more prone to colonization unlike the two I mention, which are travelling wanderlust type species. Duros for the sake of travel and the Devaronians to avoid their psychotic furballs they call wives. I also believe that Ithorians and Verpine started space travel before humans, but I could be incorrect in that.

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Yes, but those are those we know for sure, StarWarsPhreak.


There is an estimated 20 million different intelligent species in the galaxy (Star Wars, not the Milkyway ;) ), scattered over 12 million inhabitated star systems.


Over a million of those were "member worlds" at the end of the Old Republic's reign, supplemented by colonies, protectorates and governorships", which adds up to "nearly 50 million systems".


And yet, the galaxy is in the order of a 100 billion starsystems large, spanning a galaxy much like our own with a diameter around 120,000 lightyears.


This is so huge, that in the 200,000 year history, maybe (I think I'm exagerating by 100,000 years ;) ), that hyperdrive engines have existed, for them all to have been visited would require 1358 starsystem survey each day.


:D :D :D

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Well, I took what I've learned from Curtis Saxton's site, Star Wars Technical Commentaries, and added it up, along with some info from different other sources such as the Star Wars Essential Chronology book. :)


Note: His site is one of the reasons he has recently earned himself a position to write info books on Star Wars, one of them being

Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections. :)

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Well, I dunno about everyone else, but I'm planning on being a male Zabrak. C'mon, creepy dark skin, horns...


... and customizable tattoos! I'm sold. :D


Now I'll just have to deal with that "susceptable to being halved by a lightsaber" drawback... rats!:p


Anyway, I don't think this is going to be too huge a problem. If anything, some people will start a first character as a human just to get to know the gameplay, then switch the race to make things more spicy. Look at EQ; in my mind, who the hell would EVER want to play as a hobbit? But, there are quite a few.


I'm sure there will be a decent population of wookies, rodians, and Mon Calamarians. They just don't know it yet. :cool:

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Just look at the cast of main character in all the five available movies. How many alien main characters are there? 0. How many supporting alien characters? Well, Jar-Jar, Chewie and Yoda. With a bit of straining, you can add Jabba and Wicket too. Now, considering this, I believe it is very true to the Star Wars feel that humans are way more common than any alien. I mean, how bad wouldn't it be if 95% of the players were wookies? ;)

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You can be pretty "#%!%ed up an a human at the same time. Just look at the world surrounding you if you doubt me! ;)


Me, I have no problem with humans 'overcrowding' the world. I think is appropriate, and I've never had a problem playing a MMORPG where everyone's human. There'll be plenty of alien NPCs if you ever get bored.

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*puts his hand out towards Set, with his palm towards her*

Easy there, Set. Calm down. He .. he didn't mean it.

*sweat's starting to run when he realises the position he has put himself in: Between Set and Swediot*

You're on your own, buddy. :(

*dives down behind the couch with Jackrabbit*

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