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Should I get Obi-Wan for X-Box?


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i remember when obi-wan was first in production, it was going to be for PC, but then the X-Box came out and they decided to make obi-wan for that and then make JK2 for PC.

at the time i was dispointed (big obi-wan fan, though you've probably guessed that :D)

after hearing what people said about obi-wan i was kinda glad that they did that. and after playing JK2 i was extremely glad that they did that.

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one LAME game, never touched it, way too much bad karma about it. Many people said the graphics were ordinary, and so was the gameplay, didn't exactly get a good review either....



I'd try other games like JK2, or if you can wait Knights of the Old Republic, which everyone hopes will kick some major gluteal....

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For a game to be, "ok" to me, it needs to meet some basic game requirements.


1. Non half assed textures. In my games I prefer there to be a tad more than a handful of textures.


2. Non half assed enemies. Enemies should attack you and should probably also not all be doing the same animation whilst doing so. :D


3. Obi Wan's bad eyesight. Apparently he can only see about 50 feet in any direction. I think it was due to a fever he had when he was young. Well, that or there's just cover fog everywhere you turn in this game.


4. I don't know about everyone else but I usually prefe rthat games be fun. Horrible level layout, camera angles and weapon control crapped on that. :(


5. Multiplayer mode. Obi Wan's barely deserves the title. It doesn't even offer as much enjoyment as SP. And when saying that when talking about Obi Wan, you're saying something. :D


MP seriusly looks like a feature where the programmers were sitting around, most likely sharing the hashish, until the week the game was due out when somebody handed them a note saying, "Obi Wan must have MP or it's your ass".

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I must agree, Obi Wan is major dog doodoo. I only bought it because it was on sale and never read any reviews about it. I played it for about 20 minutes and that was all I could bare. My daughter mucks about with it from time to time, but apart from that, it's another dust gatherer.

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