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At-St Q


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Ok, I saw the awesome pick of the stormtroopers and the at-st' blastin the hell outta everything. But... I was wondering if its possible to jack one of the at-st' like chewbacca and the ewoks did, turn it around, and make endsmeat out of the STs.?

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This is more like a general vehicles question, which should be addressed officially at release. I think a patch will come out rather shortly allowing the vehicles... but then again, what do I know? :rolleyes:


What excites ME is just the possibility of piloting an AT-ST, or even better, an AT-AT! That would be awsome. :D

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Upon release, AT-ST's will only be aquired as a vehicle you give order in battlezones. How things evolves from there, noone knows, but don't expect one in the initial vehicle patch. There you'll find speeders and other more conventional ways to travel.

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I think they should add these and let people drive them with some rules. They should have it so that you can work your way up in rank in the empire so that you are able to access these things. It would make the game more cool and more like the movies.

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I remember at one point they weren't sure if there would be crushing damage from AT-ATs. Have they decided what to do with that? My opinion depends on the answer to that question. I don't want some 12 yo running me down with an AT-ST or AT-AT (not to say 12 yo are all bad).

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Wrong, reaper. It will definately be a patch, and the devs has confirmed it a lot. They have put all the necessary models in the game, what they need is to supply a working engine for it. And a lot of the toughest work with vehicles are on the servers themselves, not the clients.


So no, the vehicle patch will not be an addon, the stuff is already on the discs, the models, skins etc.


Crush damage, however, I haven't heard about for a while, so I have no idea.


BobaFettWp: yes, vehicles that are 'aligned' to a faction will propably be faction only, such as AT-STs and Snow Speeders if these are ever included. However, there is no reason to limit civilian speeders to factions (after all, the initial vehicles will be common civilian speeders).

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Snow Speeders are ordinary speeders, which the rebels fitted powerfull guns on, and modified the cooling fins at the rear, so they were less effective in the cold weather.


They were spesifically modified for the rough Hoth climate, so we shouldn't see those in the game, if they follow continuity.


However, I see no reason that we wouldn't be able to buy the basic speeder of the same make.

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Here I try to provide newbie question answers, and you smack me on my fingers with trivia! LOL, a good one Jan, I deserve to be put in place now and then. Just as long as it doesn't become too regular!


After all.....









Dancing heads.




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The addon disc is the space expansions, an the spacecraft and eventual vehicles in it. All the vehicle models that they plan on giving us in the vehicle patch are already in the game, just that you can't use them as vehicles! So, the amount of data required to make them functional is not as great as you might think. No biggie.

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Who you callin' newb questions Set!?!?! These are legitamate queastions. A newb queastion is like "Can I be a bounty hunter and kill people for money?" or my favorite... "What do you want to be?" Yes I know I know I asked one of the what do you want to be Qs but it has recieved quite a bit of response. Dont piss off this wookie man! He just might tear your arms outta thier sockets.


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Believe me, a question that has been adressed on a forum a dozen times is a newbie question. After all, newbie doesn't (necessarily) mean 'stupid', it means being new and not up to speed. If the questionair wasn't a newbie, he/she would have read the answer on these boards. A couple of times. The questions are not automatically not "legitamate" because they have a newbie flair; it merely shows that the persons haven't read a large percentage of the thousands of posts on this forum, like some of us. And believe me, in some way, that can be a sign of sanity! ;)


There, with that settled, I must say that I see nothing wrong with newbies. Sure, at times it gets frustrating to answer the same question three times the same day. But at the end of the day, the newbies of today is tomorrows friends and gaming partners, so I appreciate watching them taking their first steps, and then grow into the grumpy oldtimers that resides here. :p


Be curious, keep the newbie questions coming, and I'll provide tea and cookies while we sort them out.

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I'm sorry if I come across as a jerkus majorum, perhaps for you newbie is a word with a 100% demeaning semantics. To me, it isn't. My usage of the word is not in any way ment to make people feel bad about themselves, if you look a bit, you'll see that I am amongst the first to answer questions from new members of these boards.


Again, if you were in any way offended by my post, I'm sorry. But come on, if you had stayed on these boards as long as me, I have no doubt you would also react to most questions with the thought "oh, I guess they didn't read the discussion we had about this three weeks ago, guess this bloke is new in town". To me, most people here are new. ;)


EDIT: ah, I saw you added a smiley. Guess I'm home free, then! :p

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Setsuko, im honored, If i had infact been a member for as long as you have I would have lost all interest in the game and would most likely give up on it all together. I think its super your helping out all those in need of advice, if anything I think Lucas Arts should give you a job as an official queastion answerer...er. Ok, you get my point. :p

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Oooh, praise, I eat that like chocolate! Yummy! :D


Seriously, thanks. Yes, some days it's not all fun and games to hang around the forums, when it feels like all the questions are already answered, three pages back. And yes, some days I roll my eyes when people whine about the April 15 date and mumble: "Yeah, back in the days, we argued whether it would be out August -02 or November -02!". But then, it also feels nice to contribute to the SWG community in this way, by greeting new people and answering their questions. After all, I've read more pages of SWG info than some people in here has read words, so I guess the best I can do until the game hits the shelves is to share my knowledge.


Also, after this, I could grow old, move to China and become Wise [TM], and have people travel to me for advise. Yes, on a mountain top. In a little shrine. With a little path. *A path! A path!*


Then it's settled. Five years of SWG, and then it's off to Shao-lin mastery for me! :)

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