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Where do you get your names from?


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sorry to drag this back on topic n all but i want a customisable tag too.


a few years back i was doing chemistry coursework. all my mates were getting into msn messenger, i'd had internet for years but not really done much with it, except for downloading the settlers 2 demo, and so i needed an e-mail address. drawing a crap graph that should be a curve but miraculously came out to be a straight line in that very chemistry lesson, i came up with anomalous result. on the other boards i'm on it's got an underscore because i put it in to be identical to my e-mail address, but it's too many characters on this one, so i axed that. what a lovely story.

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Well, you look at my name and you think "Hmm, where did he get his name? It's so obscure considering this is a GRIM FANDANGO forum. Is that just a coincidence?"


Alright, I'm kidding. Where I got my name is kind of obvious. My mother(before I was born).



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*pokes head in*


Anyone remember me? ...Thought not ^^;;


Anyway I thought I ought to pop back in, just because I like this little forum. ^_^;;


I chose my name partially because I once created an RPG character (well not really a character, a mecha suit) named Redwing, and partially because I like cardinals. ^_^

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Originally posted by GendoTheGreat

Of course I remember you, you're the [guy/girl?] with the Rei Ayanami avatar. Wouldn't forget a thing like that. Your name, on the other hand...


Lol. Okay, one person remembers me. (Two, actually, counting Metallus, who had better remember me ;))


Oh, and I remember you as well, for the same reason =D


*Allows thread to return to topic* ^^;;

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ray G. Jones is my name ..


Ray .. sounds good *cough* and inspired by Ray Stance from Ghostbusters ..


Jones .. :dozey: guess..


and G. is to confuse peoples. ..


hey i was young and needed a name for my amiga flight sims .. at this time i thought col. Jones, Ray G. is some sort of stylish .. . and now i'm OLD .. hell why change it NOW?????



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