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Are we FORCED to use the saber staff?

Toa Tahu

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Assuming the change to twin sabers/saber staff is optional, I'm hoping you'll be able to switch back to the single blade if the twin sabers/saber staff doesn't suit you. Maybe something you can toggle inbetween the levels. That seems like it would be practical.

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It wouldn't be an opportunity if you were forced to use it. I don't care what other words are in the sentence that have a very small and vague suggestion of forcing the player into using it, it's an opportunity.

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Originally posted by Emon

It wouldn't be an opportunity if you were forced to use it. I don't care what other words are in the sentence that have a very small and vague suggestion of forcing the player into using it, it's an opportunity.

It sure sounds like you have the option of using either.
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From my understanding, you will have the Force at the beginning as well as a single blade lightsaber, and only as you grow stronger will you be able to choose between the different sabers, whether its single blade, light staff, or dual sabers.

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

It would be cool if u first had a blaster and needed to go to come kind of cave to get ur crystals...... and then make ur saber...:D


If that was even considered ... I'm sure it went the same path as it did from the RotJ book to the movie ... ;)



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Originally posted by PromoSidone

It would be cool if u first had a blaster and needed to go to come kind of cave to get ur crystals...... and then make ur saber...:D


Maybe they'll include a training level, similar to JO's, where you have to use your Force powers to collect different parts of your lightsaber to be able to construct it at the very beginning. It would be a good tutorial for those new to the game...although it would probably be redundant for long-time players.


I hope any 'training' level is optional this time around...

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not sure but maybe the game will let you gain the staff saber and the duel Sabers to add to your weapons as you skills incresse so you can change in combat would be intresting if theres differnt styles for each saber types




Single Saber





Staff Saber





Duel Sabers





I hope they take there time with the styles so there not all the same stances for each saber Stuff Saber shoul;d be more like a quaterstaff style of fighting

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

It would be cool if u first had a blaster and needed to go to come kind of cave to get ur crystals...... and then make ur saber...:D

According to Raven, they have learned their lesson about not giving players the lightsaber right from the start.


I think you can be sure you will have a lightsaber right from the get-go. Besides, in the movies, padawans are given a lightsaber from their masters right away.

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In several interviews, including the gamespy one that StormHammer brought to my attention, it is mentioned that the character will in fact have the lightsaber from the get-go. Cuz I mean, they are already Jedi Padawans.

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Prime i thougt that building a lightsaber made u a jedi or something


yeah that was part of their training (something in a book about this they go off to a planet which has the crystals for the saber and the master leaves them alone to build the lightsaber using the force or something like that)

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But our characters will already be Jedi padawans under Master Skywalker and Kyle Katarn. So they already completed that phase of being a Jedi padawan.


VADER (indicating lightsaber)

I see you have constructed a new lightsaber.



Your skills are complete. Indeed, you are powerful, as the Emperor has foreseen.:D

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Originally posted by PromoSidone

Prime i thougt that building a lightsaber made u a jedi or something


Makes you a Jedi Knight. It's the last trial of a Padawan to build his/her own lightsaber. When they start off, they are given one by their master.

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Actually... if making a lightsaber makes you a Jedi knight than both Anakin in episode II and Obi-Wan and episode I were already knights. Altough making a lightsaber is a big step in the training, in the old jedi order at least, you didn't get the rank of Jedi Knight untill you either did something awesome like defeating a Sith lord, or face the often mentioned but never seen trials.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Actually... if making a lightsaber makes you a Jedi knight than both Anakin in episode II and Obi-Wan and episode I were already knights. Altough making a lightsaber is a big step in the training, in the old jedi order at least, you didn't get the rank of Jedi Knight untill you either did something awesome like defeating a Sith lord, or face the often mentioned but never seen trials.

Having constructed your own lightsaber does not make you a Jedi Knight, but you can not become a Jedi Knight if you haven't. It is one of several tasks you must complete before reaching the rank of Jedi Knight.
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Yeah and that makes it strange EPI Obiwan and EPII Anakin already had their own lightsaber :confused:


But making one in JA isn't going to work out, since you get to choose the hilt in the beginning... They could also make it so that you get a padawan saber in the beginning and that you can choose blade color and hilt only after a few missions. That would be the closet you can get to 'making your own lightsaber'.


But then again, why would they do that? It doesn't add much...

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