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Loseing faith in SWG...


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I feel like everyone seems to be loseing faith in SWG and moving on to other games instead. I have been checking the other fourms lately and many people seem to be bitching, for use of a better word, about the delay or the removal of features. Come on guys, rememeber how you felt when you first heard about SWG and checked it out. I am would wait till next year if the devs kepted working as hard as they are on the game. Working on any game, MMOs in particular, is very hard and they have been working to make all of us as happy as they can. I have faith in SWG...do you?

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I agree on the fact that they definatly need to stop taking stuff out. It makes you wonder if all you get from the game is the shell and the nut will be added later. (sorry for that bad metaphore) I am not losing faith but more disapointed, for Sony and Lucas Arts they could hire fifty more people, get the game done quicker with more things added and only lose a small amount of profits.

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Well as far as i can see the SWG community is bigger then ever.There is course the Jedi wannabes but the 70% of us that are normal all support the game and have been waiting for a long time.


Ive followed this game since day 1 and still have faith in it :) Theres plenty of guild's around and im chossing SWG over 1mb net that's got to be some support :D


So let's all enjoy are lives free until SWG comes out and takes them over :p

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I have been waiting for this game since well.. 2000

it would be a WASTE of time if i threw it out now..


so.. i still have faith... its just that the big huge whiners kinda ruin the GOOD impression i once had.. :(


*kills stupid whiners*

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Yep, the devs keep nerfing, and nerfing and nerfing. It's a damn shame. But I can entertain myself for eternity with OPF, so it's not a problem for me :).


I wonder what their main problem is? Is it just time, or something else?

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As a Beta tester.......I can't tell you anything......but I will assure you that it is worth waiting for. :D

*Quickly deletes all contact info*

Wait, I have a PA to promote!

*Adds back in all contact info*

No, I can't get you into Beta, so stop asking.


I do of course realize that I probably should not have said anything, but I want you all to rest assured, that they have an amazing group of Beta testers......


Me....me....me....and of course.....me! :D


Why else do you think my appearances have diminished, I have work to do.

*Goes back to work before the slave drivers notice his absence*

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I figured that's why you were MIA for so long. I was taking cracks at your PA and you didn't respond. JR, and I have had plenty of discussions about this on AIM and we've come to the conclusion that plenty of people who don't post anymore have:


1) joined beta

2) Fallen and they can't get up

3) Sailed off the edge of the world


I only know of the devs taking out mounts/vehicles, player owned cities, and dark jedi. Did they recently take anything else out of launch?


I can wait, I've been following this game since 2000 and another few months isn't going to bother me. I just have to find something to hold over my appatite so i don't go waste money on other games.

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I assume you are probably right. Who else has vanished?


Sorry to say, but I cannot......well I can.....answer your questions, but I will not risk my status as a Beta tester nor will I risk my future status as a player, to sate your thirst for knowledge. I will however hope for you the best, and wish that all of our consistent members would gain entry to Beta. It would be nice to see you all there.


What was it you said about my PA? We're up to 25 members now and in full swing. Has anyone else noticed a serious lack of interest in the tech and support side professions? Hard to recruit or hard to find?

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I first heard about SWG about a year ago, and back then they were saying November or December of 2002 release. I was very excited as I'm sure you all were. Then, they pushed it back, and I started playing Jedi Knight and Op Flash, and then got even more busy with school and sort of forgot about it. But I'm back now, and am patiently waiting for release. If they push it back again I might get sidetracked with a new game, but I'll never just forget about it all together and not buy it when it actually does come out... I'll just keep my ever vigilant watch.

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D_S AIM or MSN Messenger is a good friend ;)


and I expect screenshots from you pronto! :D


I remember reading about SWG in a gaming Mag back in 2000 and thought it'd be cool.... the I totally forgot about it. Then like 6 months ago, I notced SWG again and got very interested.

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Originally posted by StarWarsPhreak

D_S AIM or MSN Messenger is a good friend ;)


and I expect screenshots from you pronto! :D


I remember reading about SWG in a gaming Mag back in 2000 and thought it'd be cool.... the I totally forgot about it. Then like 6 months ago, I notced SWG again and got very interested.


Same here Phreak i recently before christmas lost intrest poped over here liked it and im now following the forum's like hell ;)

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Originally posted by waffleman

for Sony and Lucas Arts they could hire fifty more people, get the game done quicker with more things added and only lose a small amount of profits.


Not much posting from me today. But I had to reply to this.


So, you think they could hire 50 new people to get it done? You didn't bother to think that that would mean that 50 current employees (at minimum) would have to teach those 50 new staff members how everything the dev team has produced the last 4 years works? And how many months would that take, months where the production is at zero instead?


Yeah. Let's hire 50 more people. That will solve everything. Not. Please, think things through. It's never as easy as it sounds.

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Originally posted by setsuko

Not much posting from me today. But I had to reply to this.


So, you think they could hire 50 new people to get it done? You didn't bother to think that that would mean that 50 current employees (at minimum) would have to teach those 50 new staff members how everything the dev team has produced the last 4 years works? And how many months would that take, months where the production is at zero instead?


Yeah. Let's hire 50 more people. That will solve everything. Not. Please, think things through. It's never as easy as it sounds.


Nicely said set.Do you people think your the only one's waiting i bet most of you have been following the game for a few month's some of us here have been following it for 4 years 4 years.


The developer's are trying there best it's almost finished today we got more update's posted on the official site screenshots


Brawler skill tree


How do you think they will feel after they hear the 20% of whinners if id been working on the game for 4 year's then hear this crap i would be preety upset and try even more hard to finish it.


As you can see they are working as fast as hard as they can after all they are only human.So sort it out guy's THINK before you say something :)

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Lets not forget another whine point, the "nerfing". The game has not even been released yet so they aren't really nerfing anything. It is called balancing the professions so there are not 30 Snipers for every Melee combatant.


Like the DEVS have said "It is better to take away now and to add later" I would rather that, than spending 6 months devoloping certain skill, to have my character get "chopped of at the knees" with a patch down the road. It is a lot better to get a pleasant surprise than to restart a character because a patch takes away what you work for.


My 2 creds



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Originally posted by Darknightmare

I feel like everyone seems to be loseing faith in SWG and moving on to other games instead. I have faith in SWG...do you?





I have more faith than ever in swg and i agree with reapers post............i think it is comming soon








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loose faith? never. everytime i read something about the changes i want it more. That they took out player cities or dark jedi will not be a problem the first two months of play. U gotta get a few architects first to be able to build a city. And most will not even be a padawan after two months, let alone full blown dark jedi.


That screenshot of the :atat: just looks so frelling good.

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I wouldn't complain so much if Iwas in the beta. :D



I for one haven't given up....but I have moved on to other games. I am playing the Wolf ET beta test, and I am about to finish waiting to download the PlanetSide beta and see what it is like.


I'm not quitting on SWG....I'm just tired of waiting with nothing else worthy of my playing time not installed on my computer.



BTW, I am not in a PA, and I am considering a medic profession. Anyone wanna recruit little ol' me? :p

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