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For I have seen X2 and it is good...

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The only thing I'm gonna say is...




Ok, now that I got that out of my system, X2 is an amazing movie...pretty good plot, awesome action, and huuuuge hints as to what the next movie holds. I can't wait!! :D :D :D

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yes it is very good.


As for characters, I'll just name you the new ones.


Colonel Stryker



Iceman(him and the previous one have upgraded roles)

Lady Deathstrike(only referred to as Uriko, however.)

Stryker's son(spoiler?)

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*drags himself into thread*






Huzzah! :)



I really enjoyed the movie! There were just a few points that didn't make sense to me but I'm sleepy and do not remember them right now. :D


Didn't this movie increase everyones love of Wolvey by like ten fold? He was so cool! I loved the scene where he gets shot in the head and moments later he just stands up, cracks his neck and we see the view of what it looks like to the mutants behind him and you get this, "HOLY ***t, he's getting up" feeling from them. :D


Oh and Mystique! I never thought we'd get to see her that much in the movie. She had a pretty large role and for that I am glad. :D

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The movie was great





~~~~ Spoiler Alert ~~~~






Nightcrawler's begining scene was AWESOME. I actually used to think he scked because all he could do was teleport. The way they had him do it makes him very dangerous man. i also liked how whenever he introduced himslef he would get interrupted :lol:


Another good scene was when Wolvie had Iceman make his soda cold :lol:


I so see X3 coming.

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I'm really looking forward to X3.









Phoenix is coming!!!

Nightcrawler was also VERY cool!


The plot was good, the additions were good, and I think it was better than the first one. I also liked the fact that it looks like the movie makers are trying to create the Brotherhood for the 3rd movie (we now have Magneto, Mystique, and Pyro...just a few more to go)

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Meh, I thought the first was better. I could predict almost every plot twist (spoiler)

such as when Magneto changed the thing around to kill the humans, the fact that he would double cross them, when that kid cooled Wolverine's drink, etc etc

. There were a couple parts that confused me

such as the whole Xavier freezing time thing, and Jean Grey's problems in the beginning of the movie[/sPOLIER].


The movie did have it's moments,

my favorite scene was when Magneto escapes from his cell by ripping out the guy's iron

. And yes, Wolverine is awesome. :D

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Phoenix isn't there yet... the power influx you saw is only the start of this. Her now increased powers and her seemingly untiming death are going to be the perfect targets for the Phoenix entity. Now, the Shii'ar empire is going to make a grand enterance first, with lady lilandra and prof X having a bad dream announcing her arrival. And so, it appears the Phoenix Saga will become two movies, possibly :confused:

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That's what I ment, she is starting to show the pheonix, the next movie the whole pheonix thing will start


(hmm...I wonder if they will do anything w/ dark pheonix...probably not, that would be too long a movie, they would have to do that in a 4th movie)

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Damn! I loved it! :D



Nightcrawler and his teleporting thing was awesome!! Especially when Rogue "falls" out of the jet and he goes *boom* *catch* *boom* and it's all good :D


Also, Magneto pulling out the guy's iron was sweet :o


And man, could I see the anger in Wolverine's eyes, screaming, heavy breating, scratching :p


And Pyro's little escapade with the cops and their cars was sweet too...




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  • 2 weeks later...

I just watched the movie...........and I'm at work....hum...


NE ways couple of questions. I'm going to put them in spoilers for I don't want to spoilt the unspoiled.



Who is Jean gray? Was she Pyro's chick? I thought her name was something else. And what is the pheonix? Did she die or does she come back to life. I was so pissed they killed her off!


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*smacks forehead*


You need to be geeked up.. :p


Pyro = has no chick. he is the teenage punk who controls fire

Jean Grey = Cyclops' chick. Is also hot. Has telekenetic powers and some mind powers.

Phoenix = Jean Grey, but much more powerful.


Jean Grey Killed Off = no she wasn't. you'll see her in X3.. ;)

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A few things that irked me. Lady Deathstrike had adamantium grafted onto her, just like Wolvie. But Yuriko is romantically linked to Logan in the comics and series traditionally. So that's all thrown out the window and he just pumps her full of adamantium and that's all she wrote? Bah. That, and Deathstrike did not have Wolvie's same healing abilities. So one skewer from Wolvie and it would all have been over for her.


Two, I don't like what they've done with Rogue. They've made her a punky Jubilee wanna-be with romantic ties to Iceman. Whaaat? No no no. Rogue is supposed to be hella strong and kick ass, not some scared little girl. Bah.


Nevertheless, the movie was still great. I love Alan Cumming as Nightcrawler.

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