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welcome, let me be the first to say hello, before Jan sees this post.


As to answer your question, there are a few people in beta, the only one I definately know that is in it is Darth_Sidious. Well, again welcome, I hope you hang around these boards, because it is much more of a community then the main SWG boards.


Also, this is my 100th post, yay me!


Edit: make sure you read the forum rules, and under no circumstnaces should you accept chocolate Gnorts.

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Stay away from the Gnorts.

What, you're gonna be a dentist or doctor in-game, Dr. Zaius? :D



Welcome to the SWGalaxies.Net Forums!!! :)


I'm Jan Gaarni, XO of the Official Welcomming Committee and Moderator of this place.


Be sure to check out the Read This First thread at the top of this forum, as it contains some guidelines on how to behave, if you haven't all ready. :)


Most here are friendly and the aggression level is far from what you will find in the Official SWG Boards, so I'm sure you will like it here.


Please feel free to stay as long as you want. :)


And have some chocolate covered gnorts. :D Complementary Juztyn. :p


Also be sure to check out the SWGalaxies.Net site which is connected to these forums. :)


We hope you enjoy your stay here on the SWGalaxies.Net Forums. :)

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I ate the gnorts once, the next morning I woke up inside ME. That was freaky because it was like I was cloned and shrunk, or I defied the laws of physics...um anyways...DON'T EAT THEM! or do, I really don't care. Or do I? No I don't. But mabye you just think I don't because I really do. I do! Or not. Or yes I do! I do every day! All the time ! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Umm... What were we talking about?

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hehe thnx StarWarsPhreak, you shocked me for a short moment there :D


ReApEr: Yay, now who to give them to.


lol, just give to whoever likes to eat chocolate gnorts :D


DirtyWombat: Luke, Nice to have you...


Thank you wombat, and nice to have you too ;)




StarCords: I ate the gnorts once, the next morning I woke up inside ME. That was freaky because it was like I was cloned and shrunk, or I defied the laws of physics...um anyways...DON'T EAT THEM! or do, I really don't care. Or do I? No I don't. But mabye you just think I don't because I really do. I do! Or not. Or yes I do! I do every day! All the time ! Ha! Ha! Ha!


Umm... What were we talking about?



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