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The trailer has confirmed my fears


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The trailer has confirmed my fears. It looks to me that instead of a more skillful feel, WITH FLUID animations YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE, there is more of that same spammy feel, and unrealsitc movement that plagued the JK2.


Don't get me wrong, JK2 is a great game, but it was these factors I wished they improved on. I believe in a press release they mentioned enhanced animation, but from that clip I saw more of the same 'GAME' like animation.


The saber will never be something real in the eyes of Raven programmers I suspect. Well, at least until the next engine.

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Guest Jolts

yeah, it is pretty much the same. Not every exciting or clean to watch, love how the special move for the 2 sabers is the same backsweep from the yellow stance. I think they should have showed that off more. Out of all the game expected this fall/winter this game just moved to the end of the list for me.

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I really feel Raven needs to make this game feel less like a game!



1. Why are the sparks and golden balls in the game?!?! In all saber combat this is not an element.


2. Why do they FEEL the NEED to have gradiose visual effects with a simple force push? Just do a force push, use the force, not some energy cloud!


ERGH! So many brilliant people, but they cannot make that game movie connection.

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Guest Jolts

"2. Why do they FEEL the NEED to have gradiose visual effects with a simple force push? Just do a force push, use the force, not some energy cloud!"



same reason they think its cool to have some spin 360 sideways in the air and 100mph when you shoot them in the head. And because chewbacca is a wookie that lives on the planet endor, does that make sense? NO! it does not make sense!

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Originally posted by Smood

I really feel Raven needs to make this game feel less like a game!




ERGH! So many brilliant people, but they cannot make that game movie connection.


I disagree with you on that. I think Raven went wrong with JKO by trying to make it more like the movies (as one of the many reasons why JKO failed as a MP game).


If they are concentrating to make it feel more like a game, well that's great!!!! Bah to the movie feeling, because this isa game, and it's been proven that most of the things that work in movies do not work well in a game. I'd rather have a fast paced, action packed fun game than a 'game' that's 100% realistic.


Fun in a game has the highest priority in my opinion, and if that means leaving out a lot of movie elements, then so be it: get rid of the movie elements.

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Originally posted by mariners2001

you wanna see a good new trailer???


check out the new one for KOTOR...holy crap...i might just leave JK3 for that one....


Lets take a look...


The last one was dissapointing SABER COMBAT wise, all else was good.





Indeed very impressive. The only problem, is I wish to play the game, not queue moves and then watch them occur.

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Originally posted by Zodiac

I disagree with you on that. I think Raven went wrong with JKO by trying to make it more like the movies (as one of the many reasons why JKO failed as a MP game).


If they are concentrating to make it feel more like a game, well that's great!!!! Bah to the movie feeling, because this isa game, and it's been proven that most of the things that work in movies do not work well in a game. I'd rather have a fast paced, action packed fun game than a 'game' that's 100% realistic.


Fun in a game has the highest priority in my opinion, and if that means leaving out a lot of movie elements, then so be it: get rid of the movie elements.


Zodiac, In what way did they make this closer to the movie! By saying this you must have no clue what realism is. ELABORATE on your vague rebuttle.

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Bah! If you guys are so dissapointed don't buy the game. Besides, the community would probably be better off witout negative rotten apples like you. Its just a game thats ment to be fun, last time I checked it wasn't trying to be a groundbreaker like Doom III, or Half-Life 2 are. Lucasarts is just trying to make a fun game, and some money. I'm almost certain that you guys will buy the game, take it for waht it is, not what YOU want it to be, you can't change the way it is going to be this late in the game. Some people get TOO uptight about little things that will be moded anyway, like the force puch bubbles, if people dont like them, they will mod them out. I think the game is going to be fun, and I like the force puch bubbles. I'm not trying to flame, but it will probably comes off that way and StormHammer will probably say smoething smart in response, but dont get worked up over little things. I know, I know, these are your opinions, but this is also my opinion.

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Originally posted by TheBlueFlamingo

Bah! If you guys are so dissapointed don't buy the game. Besides, the community would probably be better off witout negative rotten apples like you. Its just a game thats ment to be fun, last time I checked it wasn't trying to be a groundbreaker like Doom III, or Half-Life 2 are. Lucasarts is just trying to make a fun game, and some money. I'm almost certain that you guys will buy the game, take it for waht it is, not what YOU want it to be, you can't change the way it is going to be this late in the game. Some people get TOO uptight about little things that will be moded anyway, like the force puch bubbles, if people dont like them, they will mod them out. I think the game is going to be fun, and I like the force puch bubbles. I'm not trying to flame, but it will probably comes off that way and StormHammer will probably say smoething smart in response, but dont get worked up over little things. I know, I know, these are your opinions, but this is also my opinion.


Why should I say something smart? Well...telling people to leave the community...yeah, not very nice, so please don't do that again. :tsk::p Other than that, I agree with your views on the game. :D;)


It's just a game. Personally, I don't like the glowy Force bubbles, but that's just me. Some people will like them, some loathe them. They can't please everyone all of the time.


Anyway...it's harder to judge the actual game flow from that trailer. Yes, it looks fast-paced, etc., but remember it was edited that way. Also, no matter how complete the game is...they will still have to tweak and balance it until it's close to release. I think they've shown that JA simply builds on what they achieved with JO...and that's good enough for me. I didn't expect them to move mountains.

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To be honest, I agree with 100% of Flamingo's post. No reservations whatsoever. What ruined the last game, (game being the operative word) was 1.03, which was an ill-advised attempt to pander to the nebulous cuckoo-esque squealing desires of people who wanted "BETTAR SABAR COMBET!!11" and "MOR SABAR COMBET!!1" and the result was the ruination of all game modes. The ruination of the fun of people who bought the game not to pretend to be Jedi, but to play the darn game. It's a game. Made to be a fun game, not some 'ommage (sic) to the movies.


I simply don't understand (and certainly don't respect) the idea that the game should mirror the movies in any respect other than its basic setting and the presence of force powers and lightsabres, nor the opinion that the most important thing about a game is the smoothness of its character animations and/or the subtle visual texture of a lightsabre blade.


It wouldn't be a problem if certain members of this community disliked the game. If I dislike a game, I don't play it. I don't sit around for months on end using up oxygen and listening to my cells crackle quietly as they degrade as I try to change the game to match my grand imaginary design. No, the trouble would be if people disliked the game and then ranted and raved about how much they dislike it, and how much they'd like Raven to change it, on these forums. Kinda like the past year, actually.


Star Wars buffs? I am one. But I can stand them less and less as time goes on.

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You people will bitch and complain about anything...


Does every thread on obi-wan's robe have to have the EXACT same fiber count as the movie prop?


Damn lighten up, it looks cool and will be a great game, key word being game, not an interactive recreation of a movie.


Just be glad you are getting the damn game.

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I agree with Spider_AL. Trying to make the game exactly like the movie just isn't going to work. The movies are all preplanned, scripted and choreographed. Video games are not, therefor it cannot be the same.

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Hell, I was pretty happy the way the saber was in JO. Of course it isn't going to be exactly like the movies, but it never will be. Sacrifices have to be made for gameplay reasons. I like that it isn't complicated to use. Then I can focus on my strategy, not on the controls.


Why does the lightsaber controls have to take "skill"? What fun would the game be for the casual fan if you had to learn all these complex controls? When I first played JO, it was easy to learn the swings, but it took a while to become good at lightsaber combat. Utlimately, the lightsaber does not have to be difficult to use to be fun.

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Just a few things. First off I would like to say that Jedi Outcast was NOT a ruined game, and in my opinion with the release of jedi outcast it DID move mountains in terms of the jedi knight series. Just LOOK at the saber combat, the graphics and such of jedi knight before JO. If you thought the saber combat in JO was bad go back to jedi knight 1 and you'll see bad saber combat!! Ok thats enought with my little rant. Anways i cant dload the movie from the actual site, some javascript problem/issue on there part or mine (i dont know/dontcare). can someone plz post an alternate link. thnx.

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One other thing. I also distinctly remember JO's trailer showing some bits of sloppy saber combat. The people who are playing at the time aren't necessarily trying to make it look good. They probably turn on god mode and hack away since it's just a very early trailer. Many times I've created magnificant scenes in JO that were never in the trailers.

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FORGET MOVIE!!! (Although I might have liked this)


AT LEAST GIVE ME A GAME WITH REALISM. Give me a game with EXCELLENT animation, not swing a saber so damn quickly and jerkely that you cannot see it.




Listen all I know it is a game, but its attitudes like that, that hinder games from progressing to new levels. Instead, think of it as a conveyance of imagination, give it more meaning then it might even deserve, and watch games flourish and accelerate technologically.

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Originally posted by Spider AL

To be honest, I agree with 100% of Flamingo's post. No reservations whatsoever. What ruined the last game, (game being the operative word) was 1.03, which was an ill-advised attempt to pander to the nebulous cuckoo-esque squealing desires of people who wanted "BETTAR SABAR COMBET!!11" and "MOR SABAR COMBET!!1" and the result was the ruination of all game modes.


Dear Spider Al, we meet again...


No, this was not the ruination of the game. Nor was 1.02 bad. The gameplay changes made by Raven altered dynamics here and there, but the fundamental principles governing the game were what was somewhat flawed.


Now that actually is not 100% fair, considering JK2 was a huge leap from JK1 in many respects, and thus I cannot demand more of JK2. I only can suggest CORE game changes to bring more realism to the game, and possibly bring them closer to the movies. What does this mean? It means saber combat where I KNOW WHATS HAPPENING, I'am in charge of every swing movement and reflex, skillful fighting. Retain your weapons and your fast movement, but consider that.


I wish we could speak in person Spider AL, it would be so much easier then text

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I'm pretty sure in the trailers for JO the lightsabre combat was portrayed to be alot worse than it was in the game. Never know it could be the same case once again. But personally I didnt think it looked pretty cool myself and am thoroughly looking forward to it. :D

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Originally posted by Atsuri

Just a few things. First off I would like to say that Jedi Outcast was NOT a ruined game, and in my opinion with the release of jedi outcast it DID move mountains in terms of the jedi knight series. Just LOOK at the saber combat, the graphics and such of jedi knight before JO. If you thought the saber combat in JO was bad go back to jedi knight 1 and you'll see bad saber combat!! Ok thats enought with my little rant. Anways i cant dload the movie from the actual site, some javascript problem/issue on there part or mine (i dont know/dontcare). can someone plz post an alternate link. thnx.


Here http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=2896 you need to make an account on the site to download though :( but it doesn't take long.

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Originally posted by Emon

One other thing. I also distinctly remember JO's trailer showing some bits of sloppy saber combat...

I remember this as well. I only saw the movie after I had played the game. I remember thinking that the clip wasn't a very good indication of what lightsaber combat was actually like. I suspect this video is the same.


Originally posted by Smood

What does this mean? It means saber combat where I KNOW WHATS HAPPENING, I'am in charge of every swing movement and reflex, skillful fighting. Retain your weapons and your fast movement, but consider that.

I don't quite get this. Why don't you know what's happening? Why do you want things slowed down? The swing speeds need to be fast, just like the "real thing". There's only so many frames available for animating each swing. IMO, we are in charge of every swing movement now. You can control almost exactly how the saber swings depending on the direction keys. What extra control would you like? What are you limited from doing currently? Frankly, I wouldn't want lightsaber combat any slower than it is now. Just look at the red stance! Sloooowwww. :)
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I'll bring up the point that LEC expects us to play $50+ for JKA. IE new whole game price.


Are they putting a lot of work into it? yes.


Is it going to be worth the full game price? maybe. When you come back and demand full game price like that, the players want a full new game. Not a fancy expansion of the old game.


Is this going to happen? We will see.

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good point Razorace, I hope they change it up a little instead of just improve what they've had. It looks like they've added enough for me to feel like my money worth, well...... we'll see, I cant say that yet. But we wont know untill the gme comes out.


OK, question, the Tauntaun, wampa, and rancor, do you think thoes would be in MP? ALso the wampa size is bigger than the jedi, does that mean there will be different size models in MP, i know Knija or the guy who made Yoda model for JO was haveing trouble with the size. Also it would be easier to get a Wookie model size right. I hope MP is cool with rideable things, jousting would be cool. Sorry its off topic, but this topic isnt really impotant anyway.

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