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Matrix Reloaded: Reviewed (err... kinda)

Boba Rhett

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Just. Woah.






It totally blew my mind. A few things were not as great as I'd have liked them to be, such as the freeway scene, but still I think this movie did a great job melting my pants. Morpheus' speech was kinda over the top as well and the Zion party scene was like a girls gone wild video such as Harry Knowles said.


There's a whole lot to wrap your head around in this one. So many questions to be answered. So many things that will leave you WTFing all the way home. Is the matrix INSIDE another matrix**?! What's up with Neo? The seventh time this has happened?! :eek: The seventh, "cycle" of this whole ordeal?! :eek: Why are all the Zion women hotties? HOLY ****, ZION HAS MECHS!?! I WANT ONE! Where is my asprin?


I think a lot of people are going to be walking out of this movie with totally different interpretations as to what they just saw. Right now I'm giving it a solid Nine. This may change upon more viewings.


I know this Isn't much of a review at all but it's 2am now and I want to hit the sack. I'll add more to this tomorrow after I see Reloaded again. :DEveryone feel free to add their own reviews!


Since viewing it I have set out to process all the information that was piled on top of me and I *think* that I have got quite a few answers so feel free to also post any questions if you have them.


I'm off to dream of vampires, zion women and orgasmic chocolate cake. You'll know why soon enough. ;)



** = I think Roger Ebert came to the same conclusion. "The Architect seems to hint that when you strip away one level of false virtual reality, you find another level beneath. Maybe everything so far is several levels up?"

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Well, I almost did the some thing you did Rhett. Review @ earily morning. But bed looked to inviting. Anyway...


First, to repeat Rhett...




The Praetorian Non-Spolier Review:

The movie was very good. The plot wasn't quite to the level as the first, but the action...OH THE ACTION...I LOVED THE ACTION...THE PLAYGROUND...IT'S ALL IN THE PLAYGROUND (you'll understand)


I thought I was a nerd for getting to the theater at 7:45 when the movie started at 10:30, but some people were at the theater at 1:00pm for the 10:00pm show. (oh wait, I am a nerd, what am I talking about?)


The Praetorian SPOLIER Review:

I really enjoyed the movie. REALLY. But it left SO many questions. Rhett covered them, so I won't say them again. Let's just say I'm still trying to process it all.

The only scene I didn't get was the massive Zion dance party/Neo & Trinity love scene. My friend best described it after the movie..."The only thing I was thinking, 'I thought I was watching the Matrix...you know the one with the guns, and the slow motion, and the Kung Fu, so...what is this?'"

Also, the 100 Smiths vs. Neo was awesome. They did an awesome job. They also have a scene with Neo vs. some programs (hard to explain...watch the movie) that used a lot of medevil weapons...REALLY cool.


Now Agent Smith is "unplugged". Neo freed him when he "deleted" him. Now I think he holds the keys to destroying the Matrix. (i think that because the Revelutions teaser.) He can take over other agents, people, and unplugged people.:eek: That is how he becomes multiple. But if he takes over an unplugged person in the matrix, they can pick up the phone be extracted out and he still controls them.


The movie didn't end quite on the same climax I thought it would. I thought you would hit a big climax and it would end. But it wasn't that bad.


Oh and BTW, those Zion Mechs...Rhett can't have one unless I get one too.:D

Revelutions trailer after the movie was not a trailer...it was a teaser, but it was still good.


The final result: I agree w/ Rhett...9 out of 10

(Note: I gave the original Matrix 10 out of 10)


(I know I'm not a very good reviewer. This review jumps around everywhere...Rhett's should be better)


EDIT: I almost forgot...Rhett, dreams of the cake...yeah, you wish (or should I say dream) you could be that lucky. j/k

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I saw the Matrix: Reloaded today, and I can't friggin wait for the next one. There were so many good parts (in fact all of them) I want to see Revolutions now! (starts spitting funny substances out of mouth and falls down in convulsions.)

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I was able to comprehend it all nicely, but I want to see the next one now!!!!


Oh, and all of the fight scenes were amazing!!! People complained it wasn't fast enough to start, but I thought it was just fine.edit: sorry for teh double post. Someone decided to move my post in another thread and put it here before I knew it, my apologies.

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Spoiler warnings, I'm going all-out in the whole post.






Okay trying to process it all right now... like previous people said, the whole movie brings a huge "WTF?!" down your spine.


When I first started watching, I was underwhelmed. That's right, underwhelmed... all I was seeing was more of the same. Then came Morpheus' speech to the people of Zion. Now that first came off as weird. Morpheus was always the quiet type... why would he act like that! Then, when the dance scene arrived, I began to understand what the Wachowski brothers wanted to convey.


People didn't seem to get the dance scene. THIS WAS ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING SCENE EVER. People should look past the erotic layer and go deeper. When I saw that scene, I knew right away that Reloaded wasn't just in for the money. It was a different movie, with new ideas, just like the first one.


Explanation of the dance scene: This is a far future. People have high-tech equipment, and they are fighting even more advanced technology, A.I. The vast majority of them escaped from the Matrix; they were unplugged from a machine. They are outcasts, learning how to survive on their own... just like a tribe. Notice how the people danced. Notice the music, with the heavy use of percussions; as if from a prehistorical age, an age without machines. You see, the tribal dance is a kind of escape, where the people of Zion forget about everything else and go back to their most basic instincts; animal instincts, which differentiates them from machines... It's their way of reassuring themselves that they are humans. It's absolutely brilliant, magnificent.


Then there's some more fight scenes :D I'll skip that because there's not much to say about them except what other people stated.


I'll go right away to the part with the creator of the Matrix. Damn, I need to see this movie again... I couldn't catch all that he was saying, there was so much to assimilate all at once! I didn't catch anything that led me to believe that there was a second Matrix. All I got was that there's the Matrix as we know it, designed by the Creator and the Oracle. There's a bug in it, an anomaly that can't be removed; the One. So instead of removing it, they control it. They lead the One to the Mainframe, where the Creator is, and make him choose between the eradication of all human life, OR the simple destruction of Zion (keeping the people in the Matrix alive). If he chooses the latter, he'll have to choose a few men and women to reconstruct and repopulate Zion. Now, I don't understand why. Why would the Creator want Zion to be reconstructed?


Also, it'll be interesting to see what role Smith plays in the whole thing. We know he has a 'mole' in Zion, but for what purpose?


Now, to the fun part: GOTTA LOVE THE FRENCH GUY!! When he started swearing in french that was so HILARIOUS. I bet it sounded pretty melodic to most of you, but people here understood everything and the irony was so perfect :D


I'm so sad that the Oracle is evil! :( She was too nice! REVENGE I SAY!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Why would the Creator want Zion to be reconstructed?


Because it HAS to exist. There must be a place for those people who can't accept the matrix. The machines saw that if these people stayed in the matrix, it would be utter chaos and the matrix would be destroyed and everyone would die. But if these people were allowed to play out the whole real world zion scenario, the machines saw that this took care of that problem. It weeded those people out and all the machines would have to do is destroy zion occassionally and then the cycle would start over again building up until another, "The One" came along and it'd happen again.


Now does this meen they occassionally have to "reset" the matrix? Wouldn't they HAVE to have done so if it's been around for as long as they say? If they didn't reset it, wouldn't the world inside the matrix eventually have the same man vs. machine problem? Reloaded brings so many of these questions to the surface.




Now about the Zion Dance Dance Revolution thing. :D I saw the primal link the bros were trying to convey. I probably would have really enjoyed the scene if it wasn't interlaced with an incredibly drawn out horizontal limbo.




Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

I'm so sad that the Oracle is evil! :( She was too nice! REVENGE I SAY!! :mad:


Evil? Eh? What you been smokin', boy? :indif:

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The Marix, I thuoght, wasn't a lot of WTF's at the end, I just wanted the picture completed. I caught most of what the architect was mumbling, even through the rather big words he used (was not a good idea to use them.)


As for the dance scene, I wasn't really watching it, everyone in our theater started dancing.

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I promised myself I wouldn't LOOK!! AHHH! Doesn't matter most of what you guys said never made any sence...all I got is


Neo and Trinity have looong sex while some tribal party goes on at Zion.

MOrpheus speaks more than a sentence at a time.

Neo does a lot of Kung Foo to the point where we think he should be more "god" like.

Agent Smith is "unplugged" and there's a bunch of him.

The other dude with the strange hair is a virus.

The oracle is bad.

Neo is not the first "one"?


oh plleeeeeaseee ..please let the night go by faster!! I am *hoping to see it this morning...around 10...I got my sister to watch the baby. Hopefully the tickets aren't all gone! Then I'd cry!

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The oracle is NOT evil. She was a program designed to help monitor human behavor in the matrix. She figured out that if you try to keep the humans in the matrix, some will reject it and cause havoc. Soooo, that is why Zion exist. (see Rhett's 2nd post for more info)


In order to keep Zion under control, the machines destroy it everytime the "One" comes. This has happened 5 other times, and this is the 6th time. Neo is the 6th "One". However, this is what the creator of the matrix said, and I don't know if I trust him or not.

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Thanks for explaining the reason behind Zion's existence. I did not catch that part ^_^


The Oracle wishes to preserve the Matrix along with Zion. To me, she's an enemy; she does not have the goal to free mankind, she wants to control them for the machine, even if that means letting a human city survive.

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correct. The movie is very slow at the beginning because they set up some of the conflicts and some problems for the rest of the movie. Then Neo meets the oracle, and BAM!!! The movie is like someone going from zero to sixty in about .4 seconds. It is slightly wierd, but the pick up was a bit abrupt, because the fighting just starts almost.




Where he meets the oracle is the same place where he fights the smiths in the trailer.

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the movie is a bit over the top


i don't like it that neo gets the bullued out of trinnedy

thats over the top and the flying stuf to


she sould have died god da**


a bit unrealistic

any way whole this movie is unrealistic :p

and a bit complicated


and sudenly neo has the force at the end

thay did bluw it !


but it gets a 6/10


matrix 1 did get a 10/10 from me

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The latter. ^_^


I don't think the Oracle is evil. I think, possibly, this was her plan all along - whatever is about to happen now that Neo rejected his part in the program. Why do I think this?


A) The Oracle told Neo "You've made me a believer." This made no sense at the time. But at the end of the movie, I had to think...what if the Oracle wanted the One to refuse to reconstruct the Matrix? What if she had been disappointed five times, and picked Neo - who was different from all the others in that his love for humanity was focused on Trinity and his friends rather than the world in general - so that he would refuse it? After all, she had to have sent him those prophetic dreams...and without those dreams he would have never even known Trinity would die if he didn't choose to save her. Why the dreams, if she wants to keep the Matrix going?


B) The Oracle, it seemed, designed Neo's powers. So? Note what happened after he walked through the other door, and exited the Matrix. "Something's different now." Neo's powers are based on the ability to control the Matrix - a machine. Now, suddenly, after walking through the "other" door, he can "feel" and apparently affect machines in the real world. If the Oracle designed the powers of the One, then she had to have designed this power. If she just wants to perpetuate the Matrix, why did she do that?


Or maybe I'm just all wrong and delusional and stuff. :D

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hee ( i was right all along). I thought he chose the door in which supposidly the destruction of all humans would occur etc etc. Scott thought he chose the door in which Neo could pick the people to be saved when Zion is rebuilt. I knew I was right but then doubted myself....because


Why would they tempt Neo to gave save Trinity (even if he thought he wouldn't be able to) if that was not the choice that The Architect wanted him to pick?


The thing that is confusing me is the spoon. What did that mean?


Neo is a program....maybe. It seems like that is a possiblity now. After all The Architect basically said he was. Then how does he exsist outside the matrix? Well we saw that Mr. Smith can exsist outside the Matrix...and he's a rogue program so... ahhh


brain explodes.

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Throughout those mingling stories we get deep inside Zion, seeing how life is under the surface, and also getting some serious revelations about the nature of the Matrix. Some of these revelations are incredible, while one or two others seem just a bit ludicrous, even being so weak as to make the final moments of the film feel like a bad 60's thriller.


honestly love to say that I thought this was an amazing sequel, but I can't. It's certainly not as bad as Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, the Blair Witch Project sequel, but it's also not as good as a lot of other sequels and "middle" films either.


Have the Wachowski brothers, the creators of these films who both directed and wrote everything, lost their touch? Will the franchise still do well considering it's got an 'R' rating in the U.S., which will keep some of the younger crowds away?


all I know is that I'll be out to see it again once it's released, but I'm certainly not as excited about this film as I thought I would be. The magic isn't exactly gone, it's just washed away a bit


only the action is super!

the rest is :crybaby:

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