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ForceMod II - Final beta feedback


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Some minor aesthetic changes I'd like to see...


I don't think most of these are specific to ForceMod, but I'll mention them anyway.


Maybe it's just me, but I think the default effects when using Force Protect & Absorb look awful (I'm also not fond of the yellow mess when using Force Seeing, but that's too useful to simply drop out of the game). Perhaps someone familiar with editing shaders can give me a few pointers on how I could change these to suit my taste?


Also, there are a few scaling irregularities that are a little unpleasant. Ever notice how many of the items and weapons in the maps look HUGE? The blaster rifle is bigger than Yoda. And speaking of Yoda (and other scaled down models), they appear to pass on their scale to other players they've dismembered, i.e.: if Yoda hacks off Desann's leg, suddenly Desann's dismembered leg becomes "Yoda-sized." I think this is just a limitation of Tchouky's scaling, but if I've set up something wrong, someone please tell me.


Then there's the thermal detonator. If you ask me, it looks more like a fancy firecracker rather than something that should be feared (yeah I'd like to see its damage and splash zone a little bigger too, but that's a whole other issue :)). This probably falls under the category of editing shaders as well. Anyone know how to make it appear to have a bigger boom?


Lastly (and I'm embarrassed to ask but here goes anyway), my custom hilts pack doesn't show all the hilts properly in the character setup menu. Some hilts appear with their custom icons and some just appear with a "generic" icon. Really a trivial issue, as the hilts work fine, I'm just curious why it's happening. (I'm using the Dueler's mod hiltpack, which for whatever reason works/looks fine in Dueler's mod).

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To KaiaSowapit,


As far as the saber icons go, I believe it's because they are saved as jpg's in the pk3 rather than tga's. If you open up the icons in a photo edititing program, choose "Save As" and then choose ".tga" as the file extension, then zip everything up again, it should work fine. (It did for me at least.)


Also, it didn't work when I tried just changing the file extension manually (since I don't have my file extensions hidden), so apparently it must be done through "Save As".


Hope that helps.

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Ahh... sometimes the most obvious is the most overlooked! Thanks 7th Jedi!


BTW, does anyone know the console command for setting bot intelligence (initiate, padawan, jedi, etc.) when starting a server? Is that what the cvar bot_thinktime is for?

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I think Kaia answered most of the questions, but the few i saw might not have been:


Those of you having trouble choosing a merc class, make sure the server has the "Jedi vs Merc: MercMod" on the server startup screen. That's likely the problem.


The darth maul hilt now has a blade extend at the place it should. This will cause it to look funny if you have a hilt with the name "maul" in it that isn't saber staff length. Sorry for the inconvenience, i should've made this configurable. But the original jedimod has the maul staff saber hilt included, and it matches that length.


You should be able to make an invisible saber by making all four files relating to one blade black.

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JEDICW, read carefully... :)


Put your new skins either in the "base" folder or the "ForceMod" folder. Personally I would go with base, but it's up to you.


Example: Put maul.pk3 in base folder.


Maul should now be a selectable skin when you start a new game.

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Ok guyes again i did download some char. skins and put them in my forcemode2 folder , then went to play and i had darth maul to play as enemy but it wasent the darth maul skin what am i doing wrong. Also i did notice when saber fighten and u saber lock somtimes u can see the saber blade is on the handle when locked up, i would think that the handle then would be destroyed.

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Originally posted by JEDICW

Ok guyes again i did download some char. skins and put them in my forcemode2 folder , then went to play and i had darth maul to play as enemy but it wasent the darth maul skin what am i doing wrong. Also i did notice when saber fighten and u saber lock somtimes u can see the saber blade is on the handle when locked up, i would think that the handle then would be destroyed.


regarding saberlock problems this will occur if one character is taller than another. You can thank the Jedi Outcast developers for that. If only they had implemented singleplayer saberfighting into the multiplayer game we would have a killer multiplayer game.

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I need a little help regarding the bots and their sabers. I've been trying to get the bots to use the double-bladed and dual-bladed sabers but the custom models I have won't do it.


The Desann bot will use his double-bladed saber, but the custom models will not. I've tried with Aurra Sing, Darth Maul, Exar Kun, and Maw (all of which have been denoted in the fm_classes.cfg file to use saber variations). They will change their roll style and saber blade style and Maw uses his invisible jetpack so I know it's reading from the file.


I do have the double and dual saber options in the lightsaber menu enabled. I've tried everything I can think of to try and get them to work but with no success. If anyone has any idea what the problem is please let me know.


Other than this little problem I'm having, I love the mod and think it's absolutely great.


Thanks Azymn for this wonderful piece of work!:)

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Hmm....you could try tinkering with f_forcesabertype (i believe it's called "Force Saber:" or something in the lightsaber menu).


If it comes to it, you can edit the *.bot files as shown in "note_to_modelers.txt" in the documentation folder, and that will make them work for sure. As of right now, editing the *.bot files takes precedence over the fm_classes.cfg.

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Hello all while playen forcemod2 i found somthing that hopefully will be fixable:) i noticed when playen using darth mauls saber and it gets split in two u then have two whole darth maul saber hilts, shouldent it be just to halfs?

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How do u play as a dark jedi and the other classes?? I have been playen jedi master on online but playen against the computer witch is fine im kinda lost, ive looked at the readme a bit and ive looked at the screen shots but i caint get the skins to work like boba fet, i think i might be doing somthing wrong??

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  • 8 months later...
Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

OMG!! I just fought against darth maul Bot I managed to split his sith saber in two, he then begins to kick my butt me with 2 sabers. :drop2:

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