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Monkey robot MI4, geat error of desingers

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Well I think that EMI is overall good game (4), exept the part that u play at Monkey island. It is obvious that original desingers (Ron Gilbert etc.)

have never planed to make Herman as Grandpa Marley, because story of Grnadpa Marley beggins at MI 2, and it is clear if u look at facts of Mi1.

But I ll leave that aside. New desingers have really ruined MI4 with bad sense for humor and parody. Too much of anything isnt good , so too much of parody also isnt good. Previous games had the right measure of humor and parody, and that is wahat make em so great. The most stupid things in game are Toothroot story and monkey combat. If u played MI1 u remember that great monkey head was actually skull of some giant monkey, u used its backbones to come down in tunnels. It were empty bones , not some bloody robot, or UFO. Alien monkey theory really sucks and it was never ment to be. Escape of monkey island looses the real spirit of piracy that was so alive in previous parts. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT DESINGERS OF MI 4 HAVE EVER PLAYED ORIGINAL GAMES; THEY MADE SO MANY MISTAKES; EVEN MILLION ATTEMPTS OF SUPPORTING IT CANT HELP TO HIDE THE TRUTH! Or maybee i expected too much from returning to Monkey Island , that cult place, after 10 years.

I hope that MI 5 will make things right.


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Originally posted by Croatian Guybru



Sean Clark was one of the developers of the CD-ROM version of MI1, so I'm sure he has played it before. ¬

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I can't remember who but one of the guys at Lucasarts mentioned in an interview how difficult it is making a sequel... it can't be too original and too unlike the other game(s), but it can't be the same either. Final Fantasy wins fans like this because in each game you have to learn a new System, new plot and new characters, but there's still something wonderfully familiar about each episode that it feels like the same game.


I think MI4 was a good game, but they tried to make it too original in a non original way. I mean Monkey Combat was some attempt at a parody of Mortal Combat or something, and while being an original idea, that didn't mean it was funny. They should have left it out.


They tried too hard to be funny and didnt' quite capture the more subtle humour of the previous games. As a game I loved it. As a monkey island I was disappointed.

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Originally posted by Croatian Guybru

If u played MI1 u remember that great monkey head was actually skull of some giant monkey, u used its backbones to come down in tunnels. It were empty bones , not some bloody robot, or UFO.


when guybrush enters the monkey head, he says "wait a minute, i never noticed this little trap door up here" or something like that. saying that, aside from the hell and the mushrooms and bones, there is also a giant monkey robot

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saying it was a dream is just a easy excuess to get out of things

they should have a good plot for the link between the two....


and i think MI4 was funny.

like the bit where he finds that the ship is pink.


but the reason that MI1 and 2 were so funny is becouse they didnt have sound voices in it and could go back to it and add in a extra joke in when they think somthing up.


And with MI3 and 4 they couldnt do that becouse they had voices

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  • 1 month later...

what i love here is the wording of the topic title "Monkey robot MI4, geat error of desingers!". Erros suggest that it was an error in programming or other and the designers didn't actually mean to put that in, but it just showed up. Trust me, with the extensive 3d modelling of the robot, i'm sure it wasn't an error.

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I think the whole "Herman Toothrot = Grandpa Marley" would've been quite a nice twist, which works better without CMI I guess. The giant robot monkey head was the frowning face, as well as the other general "stupidness" of the tale.


CMI was hardly perfect, though. I mean, it was great, it had it all I suppose, but the half hour speech that LeChuck makes at the end was a little bit of a cop-out - it was the other extreme to Monkey Island 2's final chapter, I suppose.


Most LucasArts games have great endings, but I haven't seen a "brilliant" one yet in the Monkey Island series.

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I, for one, loved EMI (it was also the first MI game I ever played). The bit with the talking figurehead was hilarious, especially the part where she scares poor Guybrush with the "king of the world!" thing. I made the mistake of taking a drink of water right then...spewed it all over my keyboard. That was embarrassing.


Anyway. Silly personal anectodes aside, I'm neutral on the idea of the giant monkey robot. On the downside, it wasn't quite what I was expecting out of the idea of the Ultimate Insult. I imagined more of a battle of wills and magic than...erm...giant robots. Heh. But on the other hand, they were totally mocking Power Rangers there. I thought that was funny.


And you know, I think I figured out once how Herman = H.T. Marley. It was a very long and complicated theory, involving a lot of guessing on my part and a lot of lunacy on Herman/Marley's part. One of these days I'll actually write it down.

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.. okokok. ill post this again. (RappScallion made a thread concerning this topic some time ago)


a) After SoMI the caves closed somehow herman in efmi said. that's ok so far ..


It could have happend together with the creation of Dinky Island before LCR began. The caves closed because LeChuck was gone or something like that..


b) The vulcano breaks out after CMI .. that huge explosion when Guybrush "kicks ass again"..


c) The mechanical voodoo ape (i think it's better than a voodoo based ape, because the voodoo is: it is driven by apes and lava (the vulcano was there all the time!).. and the power of that ultimate insult). Perhabs it could be driven by anything producing heat .. this could explain the colemine thing ..


d) This ape .. was build by.. who ever it was .. i would say Herman was with him/them (cannibals? apes? ..). He was the the one that holds the governors seal which is needed for the ultimate insult.


So Herman must have build the ape, then get the stuff to lucre island into the bank .. then he got back to Monkey Island (to find the secret) and stranded there ..

Then came LeChuck .. and later on SoMI.

LECHUCK used his powers to create these caves under MI.


Now The CLUE is:

1) there is the key to the apehead (big q-tip) .. and

2) in SoMI not mentioned: the lever in the nose! One way goes UP (into the control-center-head) and one DOWN. May be originally it was the way into the apes body and mechanical section and LeChuck has changed/used/cursed it for his caves!

In SoMI Guybrush only uses that way down to the caves.



yes another point is that LeChuck and Herman could have been like piratepals ..long long time ago .. or something that allows LeChuck to get attracted by Elaine .. perhabs Herman dont liked it and theyve got a little trouble with solving the prob. Or they had other trouble bout treasureNmore because Elaine couldnt be much older then -1 year 20 years ago -- ..


..So Lechuck then gets to the "dark" side.. perhabs he managed Hermans journey to end up shipwrecked .. maybe another voodoo-spell .. maybe after he has recognized Hermans work on the ultimate insult.

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wow, i never went that deep into it :rolleyes:

i just accepted that somehow in the earlier MI's guybrush missed the great giant voodoo robot. Id have to say the downer to the game was monkey island, however this is the may i felt about all the games, simple cause i didnt like being on my own.




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LOL Ray, it sure takes a lot of work to decipher your posts! Anyways, those are good points, except for the part about HT building the monkey, and THEN going to lucre to deposit the heirlooms, then going back to MI. I think we should just leave it as a complicated plot-hole, and shrug it off.

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Originally posted by scabb

I think the whole "Herman Toothrot = Grandpa Marley" would've been quite a nice twist, which works better without CMI I guess.


You think? Besides the fact that it is directly contradicted by the first game, there's also the "who cares" factor. Let's say that Herman is Elaine's grandfather. Why should I give a toss who Elaine's grandfather is?

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I personally love EMI (of course I haven't played the others). It cracked me up half the time, and then the other half of the time I had to actually think :D . It was a great game for me.


"Welcome to Starbuckaneers, would you like a grogaccino?"

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Yikes! Play the other ones NOW! For the most part, the people that grew up with the MI series, such as myself, are the ones that are dissapointed with EMI. If you play 1, 2, 3, and THEN 4, it just seems like a bit of a letdown. I, personally, liked EMI a lot, but whenever I "use" the grassy knoll in town, and guybrush responds with an old voice clip from CMI, I start to think about what could have been.

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Hmmm, still haven't played 4 (I plan to get the required 3D thing soon).


How bad would people say it really is? Is it really as much of a major letdown as people are saying? What's Melee Island like? As my favourite location of all the previous games, I hope that retains its credibility?

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Was it bad? No. Was it a let-down? Well, possbily. I still really like it.


Melee Island is good, especially the SCUMM Bar. Just don't play it if you're alergic to developers using artistic lisence to move land and buildings about to make it fit better into the 3D environment. ;

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yeah, didn't there used to be a huge cliff face behind the governors mansion and the sea behind the scumm bar which was next to the docks?


Originally said by Shutt

there's also the "who cares" factor. Let's say that Herman is Elaine's grandfather. Why should I give a toss who Elaine's grandfather is?


Why should I give a toss about who this dweeb is in the first game who keeps saying he wants to be a pirate? It's part of the story, live with it.

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