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This Sucks!! We all got screwed over!


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Such anger! Remember, anger leads to hate, you know the rest.


I'm more interested in playing the game when it comes out than I am in learning all sorts of trivia before the release that won't convey any real sense of what the game will play like anyway. That's just me, though.

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I think this belongs here.


Also, like Spider AL, I don't care if they don't release any info earlier, I just want them to do a good job so I can have a good time playing a good game. Look at HL2, they released a very small portion of what HL2 is capable of, that's because they don't want the game to die from hype.


Hype -> speculation -> high hopes/dreams/wishes for the game -> ranting about how the game was such a letdown

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Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Power. Power leads to Victory. Rage Channeled through aggression is unstoppable. the dark side offers unimaginable power. the dark side is stronger than the light.- OXM ADD


funny how many people talk about that but they will never touch force powers ingame because "IT R NOT IN TEH MOVIEZZ!!! "

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

The only great thing that ever came from E3 was the movie. There was no new info execept you get to cut ur saber staff in half. So some please prove me wrong.



How many more stupid posts from you can we expect before you leave?

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Say no to dru...err...SPAM kids ;)


the game has just been announced so i think its only normal little slices of info are released each time. be patient and you will learn more ;)


check out lucasarts or EB evry once in a while for more released info.

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*Puts on old-fashioned police helmet*


Allo allo, what's goin' on 'ere, then? The spamishness is not overly appreciated;)Also calm down, don't get so worked up over it. It's just a game.


*Dodges thrown vegetables*


Only kidding of course, the game looks awesome ^^; Okey dokey...


*Moves to Jedi Academy Forum*



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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

The only great thing that ever came from E3 was the movie. There was no new info execept you get to cut ur saber staff in half. So some please prove me wrong.

Oh yeah. Nothing good ever comes out of E3. Why do they bother? :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Prime

Oh yeah. Nothing good ever comes out of E3. Why do they bother? :rolleyes:


I wouldn't say that, we got to see that JO movie about 2 years ago, and the DOOM 3 trailer was cool too.



Also I think this thread should be locked there is nothing relevant said in it, just Blademaster ranting on about something stupid like when he got angry that Republic Commando got a trailer.

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Originally posted by Prime

Oh yeah. Nothing good ever comes out of E3. Why do they bother? :rolleyes:


I wouldn't say that, we got to see that JO movie about 2 years ago, and the DOOM 3 trailer was cool too.


Note the sarcasm in Prime's post.

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This thread is crap, what the hell do you want them to do tell you how the hole damn game goes lvl for lvl so you have no surprise whatsoever! Come on dude less info = more surprise! I think the suspense is getting to you a little go grab some booz and forget, lol.

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Hopefully we can get a working beta or demo out soon. Raven should release a beta so to get comments/advice/feedback from the community, especially about the new saber combat and Force system, cause these aspects is what will probably keep the community thriving months after release.

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Now, let's all calm down, shall we? Take a deep breath, put your feet up, have a Kit-Kat. ;)


Blademaster_109...your original post was unfounded, in my opinion, because others have already provided you with links to information that did come out of E3. We got information, screenshots and a movie during or around E3, and it was very good, as far as I'm concerned.


Anyway, before this turns into a flame-fest, the thread's closed. :cool:

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