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Skill Cap of 250??


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yes its true, Q3P0 himself said so.


This is precisely why we give you 250 points though, so you have room to get those elite professions and the base skills under them.


this was from his posts answering questions on the official site...check the newspage of swg.net too...

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One of the devs said 250 in a post today on the official site, and I've heard 250 before now. I thought it was always 250.


They also said starting credits are 250, but that's neither here ::points to ground::, nor there ::points to ceiling::.


[Edit] Evil smilies

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Welcome To SWGalaxies.net!!!


Im Zaius, welcome. Here are some basic rules for the forum.


1. Listen to Wraith, Jan and Darth Sidious

2. Be R-E-S-P-E-C-T-F-U-L

3. Never accept any chocolate gnorts from anyone. Treat it like you would unattended luggage in the airport.

4. Rent Planet of the Apes (best movie ever)


as for your question, yes it is true, the skill cap is now at 250.

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That doesn't add up if it takes 63 points to master a profession. The devs. said you could master 2.5 professions. 2.5X63=157.5 Besides, where are you drawing these numbers from anyways, and if it's from beta, maybe those are the numbers so they can see how it works to get master level, kind of like lower the limit so more people can get it. Ya know?


-Zauis, Mjollnir is going to come down hard on you ;)

--Also, related to Zauis, you gotta see the Simpsons episode where one of Marge's sister marries Troy McClure...he is in the musical "Planet of the Apes".


EDIT: Which one Zauis, the old one or the new one?

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Also, not every Profession will take the same amount of SP. The starting Professions probably will, for balance purposes, but each Profession has different pre-requisites.


Of course, I could be wrong. I haven’t found information that says either way.

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I may be mistaken but...


I thought it was 250 SP for a while now.


Starting trees are approx 63 points to max. But enough points for 3.5 profs have been added.


For Example Dr Zaius wants to be a weapon/armorcrafter.


Starting prof Artisan (1 profession), Weaponsmith (2nd prof) and Armorsmith(3rd prof). This one works out well for Dr. Z because his starting prof relates to both his Advanced Profs.


In my case I have to mix and match a little more. I want to be a Creature Handler (Scout starting prof) and Carbineer (Marksman starting prof) I will not master either starting prof but only fill the trees that I need for advanced profs. For Creature Handler (2 of the scouts 4 trees), for Carbineer (still unknown but hopefully 1 or 2 of those trees.) With that in mind I am hoping to only use up 3 profs. Half Scout/Half Marksman(1 prof), Creat Hand(2nd prof) and Carbineer (3rd). Hopefully enough left to get some basic melee skills for the "dirty stuff".


The big thing is to remember 3.5 profs gang. Although argued as not enough by some, I am sure it will be enough for most. Just don't expect to be the best melee, sniping, armorer/cantina owner with a "black belt" in Tera Kasi. Or you could give EQ a second chance;)



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