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How long to get your beta cd?


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Nevermind, I just found out I can download a patcher for it. Nevermind, I'm all good now. Thing is...now I have two cd key! What am I to do?!?!?!;)


seriously though, i have a couple friends that might want it, but if not....well, maybe I'll give it to someone here.

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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

Give it to Wraith, he's been waiting a long ass time. Look at his post he's going insane because everyone around him is going into beta.


Don't force him, but if you want to pick someone really nice. Pick Wraith. :D


Oh and congrats mate, make sure you enjoy it. :)

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It will take you a while to get the actual CDs. I chose 2nd Day UPS (the option in the middle) and it still took over a week for me to get them. There are some Beta testers that chose "Next Day Air" (the really expensive option) and it took nearly 2 weeks to get THEIR CDs.


But, like you said, you can download the patcher and in about 7 hours be up and running (yep, 7 hours even on broadband, haha. I'd kick it off around midnight and go to bed :)). The only people who will be crying about the shipping delay will be whichever friend is anxiously awaiting your buddy key :)


Oh, and welcome to Beta!

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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

Remember this Reaper, having minions is a beautiful thing. You'll have to fight through them first, the loyal subjects they are. But even so, I would gladly accept your challenge and show you what Beta testing has taught me. ;)



Hey, i won't be battling you straight away. Im only playing with you after all. But when the time comes, i will certainly be doing the slaying. :p

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Originally posted by myndreach

I'm on the second server on the list (it had 200 more people on it at the time), and my name is Jen Matheson, female human scout. Still doing tutorial. I'll be back on in an hour or so.


So you d/led it ok, congrats mate. Don't tell anyone any secrets. :D

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