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A Serious Question

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A very hard to answer question:


the mening of life?


We should see first who or what gave us life, for what? and why?


speaking of religion matters:


God? who is God? what is a "god"? What is the name of the ONE, the creator? God?


with wich porpouse?, i was raised in the Catholic religion, and i learned the teachings of the bible and all of that, now that i think a lot more than when I was a child, I dont think (not offense to all religious people) that all the books in the bible are true, i dunno just a personal way of thinking.


now back to topic: If God created us, and he loves us, why created wars? diseases etcetc... and I mean he created, because its suppossed that we were creates as image of Him, (WATCH: IMAGE NOT POWER OR ELSE ok?)


Then What kind of life did he gave us?




i hope i didnt bore all of you, now, in my opinion, life is a "gift" made by one reason, dont ask wich one, now, its a very expensive gift, because you learn all kind of feelings: love, sadness, pain, friendship etc etc etc... all these feelings are great and difficult tests to pass, but i think thats the way of the human being to live for, always challenging himself, who knows.


But life is something that we never asked for, like i said it was an unwanted gift, and for some reason we received it, now ill change the question for only a phrase:


"Give me the reason of life, so that I might laugh...at least I’ll try in bitterness.

I could die just like a christian, I could fade away in sleep, but I want to die for someone, for the one who waits for me."




thank you

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The meaning of life? Wow, deep...


I believe it has a different meaning to everyone, I may say what life means to me, but it isn't the same for everyone else.


For me, the meaning of lifeis simply to live. We may have been put here for a reason or to fulfill a certain purpose or we may just be points of light in the darkness that burnout much too quickly, who knows. I think that you should live. That's all.

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Well I belive there is no meaning to life, unless the question is "what is the purpose of life?" in which case the individual must ask themselves, or "why does life exist" in which case life is just another chemical combination, the result of the Big Bang, particles, stars, dust, the Earth's formation, and varios factors on the Earth.

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rent the lion king...


there you will find the meaning...





Actually - when I saw my son for the first time - I'd have to say that's when I understood the meaning of life. I thought it was other things, but then you learn...its about the broader picture.

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