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I'm going through another big change in my life...

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We're moving! :D Not very far, but into town. Right now we live pretty far out in the country so it'll be really nice to get back to civilization ;) It's a five-bedroom house with a big front yard and a ok sized back yard. It also has a rec-room type of thing that's not attached to the house. Here's a picture of the front: DSC01813.jpg

From left to right: My dad, my little sister and me.


We'll be moving in this weekend, so this all goes to say that I won't be around for a couple days starting Friday.

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Nice house. Probably bigger than mine anyway. I have the smallest room in the house while my parents have a porch and my little brother has the biggest room...but I have Cable for my TV in my room with the addition of a phone line somewhere in my room. Maybe the crawlspace. Anyway...it looks good. I had a bigger garden though...I think it was about 10' by 40'. I have a huge backyard.:D

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We moved last summer and I almost began spasming for lack of internet connection and games. I envy your area. You have trees. Shade. We have......almost nothing. Our streets are completely bare, and it almost makes me miss my old house, where I could just sit with my back to a tree on a hot summer day.....sigh.....

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Congrats bro, I know you will enjoy it after you get settled into it. It sucks to move, but its sweet after its all done. I will be moving too in like 2 months. I am not resigning my lease where I am, this place sucks, so I will be moving some where nicer and closer to work. :D


Congrats again bro and good luck moving.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

You know, this should inspire a new thread... "Post pictures of your house!" :D We should have a contest to see who has the best-looking house!


And coming in last would be my **** hole of an apartment. HA HA. Sorry, had to say it. But seriously, I cant wait to live in a nicer place. Woo Hoo.

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Congrats on the coming move, SH! :) I'm sure you'll love your new place.



*scribbles down address for evil purposes*




I think I'll be moving in a few monthes as well. We've been doing a ton of stuff to get our house ready for appraisal. What a pain that is. You finally fix everything in your house when you're going to move. :D It's lame but necessary I suppose.


I'll run outside and try to get some pics if ya start that thread, Phil. I may even put Chase in a pic! :D

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