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Well, the obvious is Jedi seeing how it was stated that they can handle a group of people the same level as them. But other than that I think it would be Pistoleer. For some reason I can just picture this crazy Bothan with a blaster pistol just shooting the crap out of someone at short range and the only thing the victim can do is stand there and take the barrage of bolts. They're fast at shooting and with a good weapon can do good damage in a short amount of time.

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX

I can imagine Teras Kasi being pretty powerful to. Thats what Darth Maul was after all. Other than that thoug i'd say either Swordsman or Pistoleer...(I havent decided which is better, melee or range :( )


I will deffintley be learning Teras Kasi, it will deffintley come in handy for me. :D

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I wouldn't be suprised at all...considering that Jedi use Teras Kasi techniques all the time. Now in game that could be somewhat of a problem...but in the SW universe there are plenty Jedi who know it. In fact I remember reading an article at SW.com holonet stuff that stated the winner of the Teras Kasi terny was a non-Jedi for the first time in many years...this was maybe a month or so before Ep II came out when they first started the mock-up Republic holonet stuff.

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