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Jedi and TeraKasi are to me going to be good in one on one. But still, pistols do kick some serious arse... i'll never be a jedi, but if I was, I reakon it would be cool to try and made a gun blade, but with a lightsabre and a pistol. I have no idea what the versatiliy of weapon construction is in the game, but it would be good IMO.

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Originally posted by Damarius

I dont see what good the skills of a teraski would do if they were trying to dodge blaster fire?



I don't understand what you are trying to get at.....by what I understand you are trying to say "What's the point of dodging a blaster" Well...seeing how Teras Kasi use their fists they can't get blown away when apporaching their opponents so blaster dodging is a necessity.

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Originally posted by Donnie Darko

Do you think they will let Teras Kasi wear armor seeing how they are the sterio-type of a karate expert...and they don't wear armor...so will the Teras Kasi???


Of course they can wear armour, might just decrease there speed and movement a bit. :)

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Originally posted by Damarius

What do you guys feel will be the strongest profession in PvP matches and soloing? I think it will be the ranger. Tell me why too.


Okay folks, stay on topic. ;P


Anyway, I will make a very general statement here, leaving my inside Beta info out of this entirely, so don't read too much into this.


I think, that if done properly, no specific profession will have advantage over all the others. Snipers may be better against Pistol wielders, but Teras Kasi experts might air Snipers. It should all be situational, and depend on the player/character skill combination as well as the situation. Obviously, certain professions should have advantage over others, but that can be purely situational, and outcome should be alterable like those circumstances. Have I confused you all yet? Good. :D


Basically, in theory, a Sniper should have advantage over a Pistoleer at long range, but up close, the Pistoleer should have the advantage. At mid range, they should be near even. Make sense?


Now mind you, I am not a PvP player, so I have no first hand experience with any of this yet.

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Yes, I agree with everything you've said D_S. They will make the classes so they all have their strengths and their weaknesses, their goods and their bads. They will each excel in some areas, but be poor in others. Saying that, though, makes the topic moot :). So, if I had to choose, I would choose Teras Kasi.

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If you find any term in Star Wars that you don't know or understand...go here



It's the best SW dictionary out there.


As for Teras Kasi...It's a non-weapon martial arts style used by many in the SW universe. Very hard to master and is used by many of the greater fighters in the SW Universe. Many Jedi learned Teras Kasi and used it in addition to their lightsaber and force training...famous among those is of course Darth Maul...in fact I believe it mentions Maul using Teras Kasi in the Darth Maul book whose title seems to have slipped my mind.


Basically it is a mystical (to us anyway) type of unarmed martial arts combat.

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"Teras Kasi Artist

This profession includes skills from the fist accuracy and technique disciplines. A player in this profession is extremely dangerous in melee combat. Teras Kasi, or "steel hands", is a Bunduki martial arts discipline focusing on weaponless combat."


I got this off of the main website. Think that should explain everything.:)

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Originally posted by setsuko

Mystical and mystical, it's the Star Wars school of k'ung fu, dammit! :)


:D so true


SW Insider gave a peak at all 7 lightsaber techniques...it was amazingly hazy...and ment nothing to me at all. I don't know how many countless things that SW books make refrence to that some poor sap in a back room has to come up with to fill in holes that were created in one sentence of a 600 page SW book.


Although Teras Kasi is one of the more popular MYSTICAL things authors like to use...ever since the game came out anyway.

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Originally posted by StarCords

Um, sorry to disappoint you but Darth Maul was a Sith, not a Teri Kasi Artist.


I'm gonna have to disappoint you, now, StarCords :)


Read the new Darth Maul book (can't remember the title, but his face is on the cover. You can't miss it.) It explains very clearly in that book that Maul is a Teras Kasi artist who became a dark Jedi.


It's analagous to someone in RL earning a black belt in some Karate style prior to becoming a computer programmer. In other words, you can be a (dark) Jedi without being a Teras Kasi Artist. Maul just happened to be both.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

If the book says he is a Dark Jedi, then they have no idea what a Dark Jedi is.


Maul was never a Jedi in the first place, thus he cannot become a Dark Jedi. Same with Palpatine.

They are both Sith all thru.


Did they become siths, because a Jedi didn't get them to the Light side first? :confused:

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You can only be termed as a true Sith if you are trained by a Sith Master, like you can only be termed as a true Jedi by being trained by a Jedi Master, or you are granted this term by the Sith or the Jedi.

And you can only be termed a Dark Jedi by falling to the dark side as a Jedi.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni



You can only be termed as a true Sith if you are trained by a Sith Master, like you can only be termed as a true Jedi by being trained by a Jedi Master, or you are granted this term by the Sith or the Jedi.

And you can only be termed a Dark Jedi by falling to the dark side as a Jedi.


Oh ok Jan, thanks for clearing that up. :)

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