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Killer Idea


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I've always wanted this in an ORPG...the ability to change your characters name. I know it would be near-impossible...but imagine you have a high skill character, and then on of your IRL friends as a prank they place a bounty on you...


...and then it gets higher...and higher...until you have a good number of people after you for no good reason.


Alas, if this were to happen as a real situation, the target person would in a smart sense change their name, to avoid being tracked.


If wishes were horses :rolleyes:

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That is a good idea but it wouldn't work. When you register a different screen name it replaces the old name in the same place. If I changed my name from Chewbacco to crust or something, I would have the same amout of posts in my count the same everything in my profile. The only thing that changes is the screen name. Nothing else. So the bounty will still be on your head. No mater what.

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Originally posted by TheMaestro

I've always wanted this in an ORPG...the ability to change your characters name. I know it would be near-impossible...but imagine you have a high skill character, and then on of your IRL friends as a prank they place a bounty on you...


...and then it gets higher...and higher...until you have a good number of people after you for no good reason.


Alas, if this were to happen as a real situation, the target person would in a smart sense change their name, to avoid being tracked.


If wishes were horses :rolleyes:


Nah, it wouldn't work. Your names your names, you don't see people being hunted by the police in real life changing there names. :rolleyes:


I couldn't see it fitting in to the game to be honest. :)

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i have some good idea for you if you dont wanna be chased by all those bounty hunter.

1. Dont have stupid friends :p

2. wear a mask

3. spend your entire game life inside

4. dont play



ummm ok these are all just stupid and lame ideas but i couldnt think of anything else

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Originally posted by -=ReApEr=-

Nah, it wouldn't work. Your names your names, you don't see people being hunted by the police in real life changing there names. :rolleyes:



LOL! Dude, you are soooo off. If you check up the current list of 'most wanted' criminals, you'll see that most big-time crooks have used between five to ten different names, to make them harder to track.


EDIT: and anyway, you can't get a bounty just like that, you have to earn it. You can't just pay a lot of money and make someone hunted. That would be like an ingame mechanic for griefing, after all.

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I have an idea, which might work. Have, in a roleplaying sense, a function where you can put your name up annonymously . I know in everquest when you do whatever to see who is in the zone and make it so that you can put your name as annoymous. The thing is when you actually confront the player they have their names above their heads etc... My crap idea could work for bounties, where the bounty hunter could try and befriend the bounty, so that player would allow them to know their real name. Because then it could come into the effect that to find out the bounty's name, you could would have to use their descriptions, like facial features or something. This probably doesn't make sense but i hope i got the idea across. Obviously is has flaws, but you get that... i'm not a game developer you see :p

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Originally posted by setsuko

LOL! Dude, you are soooo off. If you check up the current list of 'most wanted' criminals, you'll see that most big-time crooks have used between five to ten different names, to make them harder to track.


EDIT: and anyway, you can't get a bounty just like that, you have to earn it. You can't just pay a lot of money and make someone hunted. That would be like an ingame mechanic for griefing, after all.


:( Ok i wasn't thinking, damm i look a right muppet now. :o

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Originally posted by setsuko

EDIT: and anyway, you can't get a bounty just like that, you have to earn it. You can't just pay a lot of money and make someone hunted. That would be like an ingame mechanic for griefing, after all.


oh well...

that's true tho...if you pissed off some higher up player...man...that could make your life miserable...

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I'm thinking along the lines of using an alias for a limited time.


Situation 1: Say my name is Dude. I've been on the run for about 5 days (There should be a minimum requirement) with a vague bounty from someone I know. I have left no trace, so any bounty hunter will have to start from scratch. I go to a local goverment place with your file in it. I slice into it and delete all the information. I create a phony name and file and get a disguise. After, I pretend to be that character.


Situation 2: My name is Funk. I commited a crime that aggrevated a local crime lord. He gives exact descriptions of me and sends several BHs. This will be harder. I kill one of them. I get more BHs after me. I call a close friend in the governement who is willing to help me. We agree to meet somewhere and I'll wait outside while he will give me help. Before this, I go to an Image Designer and Tailor and get myself a completely new look. When my friend changes the file, he tells me my is now Punk etc. I continue on, using that fake character.



I'm just implying that it should be a long and grueling process and slightly different depending on the magnitude of the situation.

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I think you can get a last name at Character Creation, but I'm not sure. Might be one of those games where you can have a common last name, but all first names are...damnit, forgot the word.


Unique! I keep my eyes on a lot of games. Sometimes I get the features messed up :).

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I remember the devs saying *way back when* that you can choose your first and last name but there will be heavy restrictions...probably a prefix and suffix and body chooser for both names, or maybe just the last. If I get the FS slot I want my Twi'lek's last name to be Secura so I can play the fictitious role of Aayla Secura's younger brother.....but anyways.....

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Originally posted by Lord_Vessen

"K"? What does that stand for?


in that case, the letter K.


If I get the FS slot I want my Twi'lek's last name to be Secura


so I hope they "let it slide" because I even put together an interesting background. But if they don't that C can easily be changed to a K, heheh.


As in Sekura.

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Originally posted by Donnie Darko

But Aayle never really had a very significant role so I hope they "let it slide" because I even put together an interesting background. But if they don't that C can easily be changed to a K, heheh.


But if they let one slide, they would have to let the others slide. Which would they cause a riot of some sort, of mixed opinions. I think it's best how it will be, most names are protected. :)

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