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Lightning poll


Do you believe lightning is cheap???  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe lightning is cheap???

    • Yes, I do
    • No, I don't

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Do you think that using force lightning in a force allowed server is cheap???A bunch of people started calling me a lamer the second I used a force lightning. After they called a vote to kick me(which they did on a 7 to 1 basis)I became a REAL LAMER. A whole bunch of people were waiting to start duels, i force choked or pushed them off the edge:p Still do you think lightning someone makes you a lamer???:confused:

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Lightning is so easily counterable, that the fact that they complain shows their lack of skill. Even if lightning was the only attack you used, they should be able to deal with. If a person used a disrupter rifle or any other weapon exclusively, would you kick them for being a lamer? It's absurd


As long as you aren't exploiting a portion of the game, as in doing something that wasn't intended to be done by the developers (choke-kicking comes to mind) you are not laming.

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Originally posted by SeanTB123

Lightning is so easily counterable, that the fact that they complain shows their lack of skill. Even if lightning was the only attack you used, they should be able to deal with. If a person used a disrupter rifle or any other weapon exclusively, would you kick them for being a lamer? It's absurd


As long as you aren't exploiting a portion of the game, as in doing something that wasn't intended to be done by the developers (choke-kicking comes to mind) you are not laming.


gk is not an exploit kiddo. if it was it would have been disabled from the game.


the fact that you consider it a cheat is evidence that you lack the minute ammount of skill to get out of it. any newb can get out, just point and click *with push/pull/drain/absorb/rage

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Originally posted by Rumor

gk is not an exploit kiddo. if it was it would have been disabled from the game.


the fact that you consider it a cheat is evidence that you lack the minute ammount of skill to get out of it. any newb can get out, just point and click *with push/pull/drain/absorb/rage


I said it was an exploit, not a cheat. There is a difference. Cheating is when one person maintains an unfair advantage over the other players. Since anyone is able to grip kick, that shows that it is not a cheat. On top of that, you've assumed I cannot counter it. I use the lightside, and with the push of a hotkey, the GKer in question no longer has any control over me. When I see one person using this move exclusively and killing any other person without the ability to use absorb, it does seem quite a bit lame. Pushing a grip kicker is a task in itself considering he is manipulating your movement as well as his own, coupled with lag, pushing a GKer is simple in theory, but difficult in practice. Please do not direct assumptions where they are not warranted. Let's try to keep this on topic.

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another exploit is the saber weave. or the yellow dfa where you can abort.


and a simple way to beat an absorber:


wait for it to fall and drain the hell out of them while you kick them/saber them to death.


anyways back on topic:


i had something to say but i got distracted.

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only 1 bug in the game that annoys me is the rocket bug.. and if you know what to look for you know they are doing it.


Lighting so easy to doge any how with or with out absorb.


and a simple way to beat an absorber:


wait for it to fall and drain the hell out of them while you kick them/saber them to death.


Well if some one is that stupid to let it run for so long that they are out of force, hope you kill them quick.

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"Exploit" and "cheap" depend a lot on the game type and person playing.


Take pull throwing.


Full Force saber only CTF players utterly despise pull throws.

There was even a major mod made to remove it from the game.




In FF/SO CTF absorb is king and absorb users are incredibly easy to kill with pull throws so it's only natural that CTF players hate it.


But go to full Force dueling and pull throws are utterly trivial.

Any duel player with 1/2 a brain knows light/absorb is useless one on one and a 30 damage pull throw can be drained back in 1/2 a second by darks.


Grip kicking is no different.


It's very common in dueling and most if not all duel players have no trouble at all breaking them.


Go to a FFA server though and things change.


People who are only used to facing players flying around popping off one DFA after another get frustrated by them much in the same way the CTF guys get mad at pull throwing.


True "exploits" are not combos like pull throwing or grip kicking; they are things like Tosh stated, the rocket bug or the 100+ damage grip glitch.

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Anyways back on topic, no nothing is wrong with lightning.


It *can be used in very cheap ways (especially at level 2) but in the end it all comes down to the player.


If it were not lightning they would find something else to use so you might as well just adapt.


The only time I find lightning *very annoying is on g_forceRegentime 0 servers...


But it’s not really a big deal, 0 regen works both ways.


Originally posted by BongoBob

After they called a vote to kick me(which they did on a 7 to 1 basis)I became a REAL LAMER. A whole bunch of people were waiting to start duels, i force choked or pushed them off the edge:p


And you sir, did the right thing.


Keep up the good work.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

"Exploit" and "cheap" depend a lot on the game type and person playing.


Take pull throwing.


Full Force saber only CTF players utterly despise pull throws.

There was even a major mod made to remove it from the game.




In FF/SO CTF absorb is king and absorb users are incredibly easy to kill with pull throws so it's only natural that CTF players hate it.


But go to full Force dueling and pull throws are utterly trivial.

Any duel player with 1/2 a brain knows light/absorb is useless one on one and a 30 damage pull throw can be drained back in 1/2 a second by darks.


Well i play CtF Full force and guns... so f you want to throw ya saber at me its up to you. but the blaster up ya nose aint so nice to :p


the only time i fight is when trying to babysit the flag and trying to carry it awaiting flag return.


I am not a good fighter... runner yes push and pull yes, but in a dule... i die more than i win.


lighting and grip yea your going to get called noob.. but who is more of the noob the noob or the fool that dies from the noob.


Grip was my fav on ledge maps on returning the flag... not so great on Gun maps, but with a saber doing 0 damage could stay alive tell the absorb ran out and thow you down the pit :p

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WEll I once hit th ewrong key and shot a bolt of lightning while flipping backwards. The lightning like scratched somone nearby and only took like 2 hp, and they gripped me and killed me and then kicked me. ARRGG! However, i don't think lightning is very cheap. It's effective.

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I wish people would just stop using excuse's that they cannot counter. Yes like everybody here said its easy to counter. It seems to me that these people who call people to use it "lamers". Isnt most these people that say this Jedi Force users? Couldnt we say them using heal, absorb, ect "lamers"? Well some do, some dont. Those who dont, have found that way to defeat them and dont cry about it if they are killed. Why dont these people that call force user's "lamers" just get over it and play the game. IF they dont like the way people play's then just uninstall Jedi Outcast and go play some other game that they dont whin at!

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Originally posted by Zappa_0

I wish people would just stop using excuse's that they cannot counter. Yes like everybody here said its easy to counter. It seems to me that these people who call people to use it "lamers". Isnt most these people that say this Jedi Force users? Couldnt we say them using heal, absorb, ect "lamers"? Well some do, some dont. Those who dont, have found that way to defeat them and dont cry about it if they are killed. Why dont these people that call force user's "lamers" just get over it and play the game. IF they dont like the way people play's then just uninstall Jedi Outcast and go play some other game that they dont whin at!

Well as I see it you have 3 type of players in this category: 1st the player that gets down to business and plays 2ed the griefer, cant play a game with out upsetting some one 3ed the player that is good... but so stuck in the way he plays will not get better.. hence the your a lamer pull hore lighting freak and so on.


I try to be good in each category, and the be great in a few... I am no way class my self as a great player.. but what I do like to say is I play fair... you might not see it as fair but how I play every one else can do the same.

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You know...using lightnings are not lamerlike...I have no problems with lightnings...choosing always the lightside and absorb them, making me just stronger.

I think somehow, it's really frustrating...all these rules...even if you behave yourself...there'll be one who call you and say you broke this and that rule or people are just wicked unite and ban other people because they don't like 'em.


I made once an interesting experience...like in real life. I was connected to a server and there was a Kyle skin surrounded by other players ...they talked I guess so.

When I came closer...the Kyle Player started pushing me and doing some darkside stuff...

I use to ignore those people.


The funniest thing was...when I got kissed by another player (don't know what this mod is called, but it was really funny).


I would suggest to you that you stick to a general code of honor...bow before a duel, check the server: is it hack and slay or

are there more duels? and so on...:D

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for gunning lightning is 100% useless.


For sabering its most of the time useless for most players. However, good players can make it useful. In ffa, especially with 0 regen, a smart player can run around and lightning ppl in the middle of getting gked or about to die. Then run away and drain back hp. In duels so/ff, a fast player can just strafe jump around without allowing the opponent to get near and repeatedly use lv2 lightning until they die. Also, lv2 makes lighties use absorb so that don't gain back force. lv2 lightning can also be used to provoke ppl to attack you in a duel and they can make mistakes.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

for gunning lightning is 100% useless.


Not 100%. Back when I used dark side powers I found that a quick burst of lightning can be an effective finisher when you know someone's low on health.

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When i meant 100% i meant when playing against twl clan gunners. First most of those gunners use lightside (absorb), second gunners almost always have a bacta before engaging into combat. If you want to use lv 3 lightning you won't be in their range most of the time. Also, one can't shoot when they use force, and a gun does more damage than lightning. When you are gunning and you pick dark, the only way you will kill well is if you are not playing 1v1 and doing ffa and you rage and gun. Picking dark (except for ctf) is a general mistake for gunning just like lightside is generally a mistake for sabering (except ctf) because while being dark in guns, you lack absorb and protection. Absorb keeps your gun from being pulled. Protect allows one to get away alive to get more ammo, bacta, and shields for another round of attack.


For finishing at low health, lightning most of the time won't work because holding down lightning makes it harder to strafe jump after a person who's running away. Also most gunners go get more armour and bacta after they go below 100/50.


However, against the standard player you meet in 90 % of jk2 servers, i can see lightning being useful.

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