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I want to share a Story

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Do you guys remember in Feb. 2002 I was in a big car accident?


Anyways I'll refresh.


I got off work around 7 in the morning. I hit the freeway and was on my merry little way home. I got into the number 2 lane and was driving about 65 mph. There was a crap load of traffic all around me and it is just a huge mess in the mornings. Well...an SUV swerved in front of me and before I knew it I hit a huge "THING". My car (a 97 tracer (like an escort) went up over the *thing*, slammed to the ground and crossed three lanes of traffic. I blacked out and when I came to, I saw what was happening. I tried to stomp on the brakes...which did not work (there weren't any tires left) and I tried to steer my car, and could not control it. I finnaly ended up slamming into a cement gaurd on an over pass. The whole time I was praying I didn't go over it.


When I composed myself and stepped out of my car I was in disbelief. WTF did I hit? I couldn't even see it. I was scared and I wasn't bleeding thankfully. A few people ran over to me and told me that I hit a bucket...


A metal scoop bucket from a back hoe. It wieghs a couple pounds.....thousand pounds...


Some guy didn't chain it probably to the back of his truck and it had fallen onto the freeway.


Anyways...so my car was totaled. My back was hurt really bad too. At first I didn't notice but after a day it started to spasm and it was so bad I couldn't go to work! My doctor put me on vicaden and soma and sent me off to physical therapy.


Anyways. I owed more on the car than it was worth and of course the insurance company didn't want to pay me anything. The amount they offered wouldn't even pay for a session of physical therapy. Luckily I have good medical insurance!


After much harrasing on the phone...these people were screaming at me and making me cry! They kept trying to take advantage...since I was only 22. Finally I got a lawyer.


Well...after over a year of fighting, we had something called a binding arbitration. A third party judge heard both sides arguments and then he determined how much to award me for my case.


I got TWENTY times what they had orginaly offered me.


Now if they had just been SMART and not tried to fight me on anything...all that I had wanted was my bills to be payed! Now they are payed and then some.


I am soooo happy! I just thought I'd share this news with everyone and offer some advice.


If you are EVER injured in an accident and it is not your fault...and the insurance company seems to be taking advantage...get a lawyer without delay. Don't settle for what they are trying to give you, and don't ever put up with them treating you like crap. When I got my lawyer they changed their tune right away!!!

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I've been in two car crashes in my time, and it's definitely not recommended as an experience. I can sympathise with what you went through.


It's good to hear that you got a good result at the end of it. It pays to stand up for your rights. :thumbsup:


I hope your compensation was significant, because I have to say you will probably experience more problems later on in life as a result of your injuries. I know, because some aches and pains I'm experiencing now I can probably attribute to those seemingly minor injuries I received all those years ago. For example, in the first RTA I had I experienced some whiplash, and as I'm getting older I can't turn my head as far to the left as I can to the right. I also hit my hand on the dashboard during that accident, bruising my knuckles and spraining my wrist...and in recent months I seem to be developing some RSI in that hand. Lastly, I whacked my right knee hard into the dash casing...and I've had aches in it ever since, and now the damned thing clicks every time I walk up stairs.


I'd recommend putting some cash away in your own private health fund in case you need it later on in life.

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Originally posted by Black Mamba

You go girl *shakes head* alright, so....you got alot of money...yeah.....hopefully going towards your son??


In a way the money is. My son has too much of everything as it is. But. The money is going towards my wedding and possibly a house. The only thing I'm selfishly buying is a sound system for my car. I'd like to get a new deck, 6x9's and an amp. But that's not set in stone yet. I keep thinking of something I'd want..but what I really want is a house.

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Trinity: You always told me to stay off the freeway.

Morpheus: Yes, that's true.

Trinity: You said it was suicide.

Morpheus: Then let us hope that I was wrong.


Heheheh anyway :D It's cool to know that you didn't let yourself be farked over by these greedy bastards.


And don't get me started on houses, I hate them so much... Way too much work to maintain it in good shape! If you absolutely HAVE to have a house, then at least pick a small one!

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