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New look for Starwars.com

Bob Gnarly

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come on.. it's not THAT bad. I agree i liked the previous vesion much better, but it still looks ok. The whole star wars fell is greatly dimminished, but i think they still did a good job. They went for a portal kinda look, pretty much everything is accesiible from the home page now, i like that. And i'm sure everyone's gonna be more comfortable with the design as they visit the site.


and besides, it semms as they only have made the ep3 section this way (yet), and tell me if i'm mistaking, but it's only accesibble for the hyperspace thingy suscribers, looking at the other thread taking about this it doesn't seem like much of you guys will register so you really have nothing to complain about.


edit: oops! took a second look and some of the features concerning ep3 are available withouth paying. still most of it isn't free.:rolleyes:


now that i took a second look, i think i really like the new design.


*avoids shoe*

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It looks terrible. It really does. What on earth has possessed these people? The colours are awful. The design is very poor. And it takes an absolute age to load on a 56k connection. I've been sitting here for over 2 minutes waiting for that page to load. They've actually managed to make the navigation less inuitive. It's just an untidy jumble...and the menu looks like someone wanted to test their 1337 flash skillz... Oh God...


*finds a paper bag and vomits* :barf:


The previous design was miles better, and loaded a lot faster.


Oh well...someone let me know when they come to their senses...I won't be visiting that site again for a while if it takes that long to load every page.



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