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strange mentality of jk2


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I suddenly realized why all these ppl get pissed and call ppl lameres and ban them or kick them from the server.


I have noticed while playing jk2, a difference from other games. When I used to play or play UT, q3 (ra3 included), jk1, half life. I came into a game room with the expectation of a challenge or a loss. So when someone beats me I don't get pissed.


But while playing jk2, ive always wanted to win and no matter what I would not allow myself to lose. This one fag in my clan (reborn) even said he was going to kill himself (although jokingly) after we got beat 40 to 15 by a clan called iFear or something 2v2. However, I don't have these anti-loss emotions as strong as many other players.


So therefore, many of these ppl start whining and booting because they get jealous of score, which is pointless in ffa since ffa doisn't really show skill. Also, especially if all one does in ffa is duel they won't kill as much. The other players going around killing in an ffa will always have a higher score.

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In one of my very first online games I was at the massassi temple...followed a guy downstairs in the tomb. He made a barricade with mines arround hin in a corner I fired several times with the rocket launcher at him then I got his attention -> saberfight. I fought like a wild hornet and beat him at last...he disconnected and called me a bitch or something like that.


I know what you mean...although I find the code of honor when you do duels with someone ok. I mean bow before the fight starts and those kind of stuff....

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Maybe it has something to do with the Jedi mentality of this game or something. Like "everyone follows the Jedi Code of Honor or else." You don't see nearly half as much complaining as in other "real" FPS, like UT, QIII, CS, etc.

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ehh in a way I kind of like it.


Take now for example.


All competitive play on 1v1 or team levels is all but dead and has been for several months.


Sure people match now and then but it’s more out of boredom than any desire to be #1 at your game type.


So what is left to do if you still enjoy the game?


Provoke saber noobies on FFA servers.



This is why I’m really looking forward to JA.


It will be a rebirth of the competitive community and fresh crop of angry noobs to mess with when boredom sets in again.




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I think a Star Wars based fps is better accepted by parents of younger kids than Quake or Unreal or a military based fps.


So in my opinion, ther are alot more super young boys playing JKO than the others.

And lets face it, to many young boys have little or no self esteem. And they place more emphasis on WINNING than us older boys.

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I bow before a match to make sure the guy isn't lagging (or that he isn't a total newb and attacks me), but other than that, I don't have a problem with losing. A game that is way more prone to crybabies is Starcraft. I used to play that. One of my friends would actually disconnect his modem from the wall so that he got a "Disconnect" on this score rather than a "Loss". People who kick after they lose don't deserve to have others on their server, so I just leave, and soon enough the server is empty. So I go back, play some mature people a few times and don't sweat it. The one thing that really gets me worked up is when lamers taunt me and mouth off because they beat me by kick/lunge whoring me. Then I almost always make a point of humiliating them, especially if it's their server. If I get kicked, I consider the argument won.

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Originally posted by griff38

I think a Star Wars based fps is better accepted by parents of younger kids than Quake or Unreal or a military based fps.


So in my opinion, ther are alot more super young boys playing JKO than the others.

And lets face it, to many young boys have little or no self esteem. And they place more emphasis on WINNING than us older boys.


I think you are right!

I'm sure you are right!

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only time I get angry is when playing a Team game.. yes you might be new to the game or new to a team game, but them few points spent on energise or team heal can win lose games.


and you don't need to be a rocket scientist to use them.

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Well, its actually usually me getting kicked from servers. True, competitive play even on TWL is dead. Its only 1v1 ff sab, and i left it because its gonna be gay.


I don't mind losing as much as many of the people i see that play. But the main people i can't stand losing to is people in my clan about as good as me. or worse than me UJ this includes reborn, and PP. Heh, evil-SD even quit our because he got beat by PP in TWL. He was angry because he was the person who taught PP all his moves. So when the student finally beats the teacher. He got angry and left. But when someone clearly better than me such as swift in sabers, narbes or hoodwinker in guns i play. I don't mind losing at all.


Older boys

16+? or you mean like 25+

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Losing in it's self is not a big deal. It's those loses that make you better if you chose to learn from them.


I admit I tend to lose my patience with people in duels when I'm just there for a quick 45 second fight and people drag it out by running and draining non stop, but every now and then I'll "cheap" people myself so it's not really a big deal.



The only time I really got pissed over a match was when we lost that TWL match to {FotS} when they used that energize script.


Right before we went live Swift goes "Look at them energize while they are typing, WTF?" and I knew we were screwed but we played it out and we didn't even protest it.


Even though we knew we just got screwed all my guys played it off like it was a legit loss.


Although once Fallen called them on it after FK played them and they started lying about it I couldn’t stomach their lies and hypocrisy anymore and I started flaming them.


What really pissed me off more than anything was how much crap they gave us over the span of 4 months about "scripting" simply because they never played full force and didn't understand that the things we did were not "hacks" but simple combos that were easy to learn once you tried doing something more than DFA, DFA, DFA, DFA...


But that sadly is the norm in JK2. They guy who cries “script!” the loudest is more often than not is the one who abusing them the most.

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I think JK2 isn't very n00b friendly... I've been playing it since it came out, and in the beginning everyone was just playing the game and having fun.


Then after a while, ppl began to bow. Hey no problem with that, I did it too, and after a while 95% did it! But then all the codes of honor came and ppl tried to enforce them... I allways adapt to the server I'm in, so saber off is peace and whatever... But when a n00b comes in (who has just bought the game) and starts slashing with his shining thingy toy, everyone gets mad, kicks him :rolleyes:


They just don't understand not everyone knows their 'rules', or supports them :(

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For an example of everything that is wrong with jk2 go here:


** JK2Files.com FFA Server **


Whiny players who bitch about everything and anything.

Power tripping ****head admins.

16 people in the server, not one person playing.

That server is the perfect example of the glorified 3d chat room that jk2 has become.


You bump a guy with your saber as you pass by him he will cry “ADMIN HE LAMED ME!!!”


You will be put to sleep for that and (I love this part) one of the admins will stand over your body and recite a 12 page bible of Jedi honor.


And at the end of the sermon you get something like “Are you able to understand the words on your screen?”


I used to avoid that server because of the way the players and admins acted but recently I’ve found it to be rather fun going in and just trying to push their buttons in any way I can.


My most recent ban from there was classic. I went in and got slapped for attacking a person and after the admin let me up I went up to him and just stood in front of him face to face and “stared him down”.


He would move, I moved with him. After a few attempts to get away from me he snapped and asked “WTF is your problem?”


I replied with “nothing, I’m just standing here” and continued to stare him down.


Eventually I was not only kicked but banned for intimidating his online ego by getting in his face with my 3 dimensional character…


I don't know how people can get so uptight over a game like those guys but it's sad because so many people in jk2 are like that now.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

For an example of everything that is wrong with jk2 go here:


** JK2Files.com FFA Server **


Whiny players who bitch about everything and anything.

Power tripping ****head admins.

16 people in the server, not one person playing.

That server is the perfect example of the glorified 3d chat room that jk2 has become.


You bump a guy with your saber as you pass by him he will cry “ADMIN HE LAMED ME!!!”


You will be put to sleep for that and (I love this part) one of the admins will stand over your body and recite a 12 page bible of Jedi honor.


And at the end of the sermon you get something like “Are you able to understand the words on your screen?”


I used to avoid that server because of the way the players and admins acted but recently I’ve found it to be rather fun going in and just trying to push their buttons in any way I can.


My most recent ban from there was classic. I went in and got slapped for attacking a person and after the admin let me up I went up to him and just stood in front of him face to face and “stared him down”.


He would move, I moved with him. After a few attempts to get away from me he snapped and asked “WTF is your problem?”


I replied with “nothing, I’m just standing here” and continued to stare him down.


Eventually I was not only kicked but banned for intimidating his online ego by getting in his face with my 3 dimensional character…


I don't know how people can get so uptight over a game like those guys but it's sad because so many people in jk2 are like that now.


haha i love doing that...but i've never been banned for it. going to the server right now ;P and they can ban me all they want....i'll be back in 30 seconds anyway ^^

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I still have lots of competitive spirit for 1v1 duel servers. I even got pretty good at one point. But what really stopped me from doing it full time is, in a dueling server, when you lose... you have to wait like fifteen minutes before you play again. And in most cases, since you lost in the first place, the same guy with kill you again in two seconds... and then you wait again for fifteen minutes. I didn't mind losing.. its the waiting.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

For an example of everything that is wrong with jk2 go here:


** JK2Files.com FFA Server **


Whiny players who bitch about everything and anything.

Power tripping ****head admins.

16 people in the server, not one person playing.

That server is the perfect example of the glorified 3d chat room that jk2 has become.


You bump a guy with your saber as you pass by him he will cry “ADMIN HE LAMED ME!!!”


You will be put to sleep for that and (I love this part) one of the admins will stand over your body and recite a 12 page bible of Jedi honor.


And at the end of the sermon you get something like “Are you able to understand the words on your screen?”


I used to avoid that server because of the way the players and admins acted but recently I’ve found it to be rather fun going in and just trying to push their buttons in any way I can.


My most recent ban from there was classic. I went in and got slapped for attacking a person and after the admin let me up I went up to him and just stood in front of him face to face and “stared him down”.


He would move, I moved with him. After a few attempts to get away from me he snapped and asked “WTF is your problem?”


I replied with “nothing, I’m just standing here” and continued to stare him down.


Eventually I was not only kicked but banned for intimidating his online ego by getting in his face with my 3 dimensional character…


I don't know how people can get so uptight over a game like those guys but it's sad because so many people in jk2 are like that now.


shock ~ unnamed your the best.... heheheheh WE NEED MORE DEMOS FROM YOU :)

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