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Thermal Detonators


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This is probably mentioned in another thread somewhere, but I looked around and didn't see it mentioned so here I go...


The Thermal Detonators in JA need to be made way more dangerous than they were in Outcast. Once I took one out walked up to a Stormtrooper and pegged him in the head with it, after it blew up around his neck, he turned and shot me in the face. In ROTJ Leia threatens to blow up a good portion of Jabba's palace with just one of those things. I'm not saying they should be that powerful, but I would at least like to be able to cause some damage with them.

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Yeah, I agree. I was always under the impression that thermal detonators were really deadly with a huge blast radius. I dont remember if it was in Shadows of the Empire or some other book but, someone threw one down into a garbage schute and blew up an entire building, dont know if I'm remembering correctly, its been a while since I've read any SW books. I remember it taking a few to blow myself up when I was throwing them at the wall and having them bounce back to me. Also they must be something if Jabba was scared, Jabbas throne room seemed big, and I got the impression that it would easily take out that whole room.

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It was in Shadows of the Empire.


The only explanation for the difference between the Movie and some EU TD's and the weak ones of the games and some other EU TD's is that there are different classes of TD's.


Like a class A TD was what leia threatened Jabba with. One of those probably is pretty powerful, but rare and/or expensive.


A class B or C is probably what is used in the games, providing more of a grenade-like experience, but are cheaper and/or more common.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I vote to make them more powerful, in both SP and MP. They should be feared as a weapon.


Absolutely agree - I remember the scene from Artus Mines which showed up in early screenshots for JKII - where the 4 stormies come down the elevator quickly and you see some TD's exploding. I typically use TD's there as well, but can take out generally 2 stormies with one. I would love it to be a fierce weapon ... it should take out a room, not like in Dark Forces where you have to pitch 6 or so to take out the couple of dozen stormies all grouped together.


Of course, it would be great if it could do some 'real' damage (no I'm not expecting 'geo-mod' to be put in JA) - so that if you used one on that elevator, sure you'd take out the troopers, but also destroy the elevator ... thus subjecting yourself to a jump puzzle to reach the higher level :)


I'd rather have more splash damage from the TD's, and less from the weapons.



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I really hope so.


More importantly, they need to make sure there is a throwing animation this time around. I can't imagine them letting that go by again.


And also importantly, stormtroopers should take advantage of their low yield thermal detonator they carry around. Tis the little white cylinder on their back.

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Originally posted by Emon

I really hope so.


More importantly, they need to make sure there is a throwing animation this time around. I can't imagine them letting that go by again.


I totally agree with you. That's one of the things that always annoyed me with JO. You don't see a nice animation for throwing TD's in first person, and then when you run out of them, it still shows you holding one. The animation should definitely be in there, and I think that when you run out of TD's you should auto-switch to the next weapon, or at the very least show an empty hand. The same goes for mines and sequencer charges. Actually, for sequences charges I wouldn't mind seeing a similar system to Half-Life, where you plant the charge, and then it switches to show you holding a remote detonator in your hand.

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Originally posted by Vagabond

Speaking of empty hands, I hope that not having a weapon armed means we can punch each other again, like in JK/MotS :cool:


Sorry for going slightly off topic(Stormy:D), but yea, that was one thing I felt was sorely missing from JO. JK Boxing matches were a hell of a lot of fun at times :p


And hey, now that there's an actual proper kick implemented in this game, combined with a "punch" weapon, we could actually get some Kung Fu Fighting going on in this game:D. Personally I think that could be rather amusing at times, like with a group of friends, but on public servers I can just see the lamers now...


"WTF!!!11 Lamer!1! You shot me, there's no guns and sabres on this server, only honourable hand to hand combat" :rolleyes:


Still, in select circumstances(like on a LAN with friends) it could be rather funny.:cool: (I keep saying fun as I'm not very competitive/serious about this game, I just play it for a laugh with my friends most of the time). But when it comes down to it, punching is something I'd like to see in there, but I wouldn't really miss it too much if they didn't include it.

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Originally posted by Emon

I really hope so.


More importantly, they need to make sure there is a throwing animation this time around. I can't imagine them letting that go by again.


And also importantly, stormtroopers should take advantage of their low yield thermal detonator they carry around. Tis the little white cylinder on their back.


i also totally agree Emon. the 1st person TD animation was very pitiful and just plain sucked. and third person? even worse, id say. he throws it worse than a 6-year-old girl would, and it looks like hes throwing it down, too.

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I think that maybe JA should add concussion grenades to the weapons list. They would have a big blast radius, but do little damage.


Anyway, the TDs need to be made, a)more dangerous, b)to have effects more like those of the EU. In the books, TDs detonate into a big "ball" of energy, which then collapses. Anything inside the ball is incinerated, anything outside is left almost completely untouched. This would make them more like precision tools, and less like grenades, which, to my mind, is a job best left to conc grenades.

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Yeah, the TD needs to be more powerful. The blast radius should be raised to at least to a 128 game unit radius. If they want to make it so powerful, they should also balance the presence of TDs. It would pretty stupid to have a slaughter fest with large amounts of TDs.


The TDs would probably be Class Cs.

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Originally posted by toms

nevermind player boxing, they need to put back in punching for the AI, so they have something to do when you pull hteir weapons away. :(


That is a major difference between JK1 and MotS (just finished JK again, and have just taken over as Mara in MotS).


I think it is more important to have the enemies have punch and kick skills than give punching to the player - although I'd have loved to 'Duke boot' those mine crabs in JKII :mad: . In JK, you pull their weapon and they run around like fools with their hands in gun-golding positions. In JKII they react differently - run away, give up, 'hide', or rearm. MotS some run but most attack you. I'd love to see some of the enemies - maybe species specific - attack you in hand combat in JA. Of course, I'd also love to have Gamorreans swinging big axes at you ... :D



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