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Welcome to the Temporary Forum

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Well... if there will be a forum meet, there has to be lotsa ice tea I guess... :D



btw. I hope that the new AGers server will also speed up the forums... it was slow sometimes, like this forum now... But I don't complain for having this temporarily hangout... ;)

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Originally posted by pleto4_ryan

Yep i really like tea...


Thank you

Always a pleasure :)


Hi Firefoot,


...if there will be a forum meet, there has to be lotsa ice tea I guess...


I'll see to it, then :D !

Yes, I remember AG.com will change its server, perfectly understandable after all this mess. But until then I enjoy hanging around here :cool: !

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After two or three messages I guess it is time for me to post in the thread. Well, I am known as Gabriel but I couldn't register here (wonder why :p) so I got the HAL-9000 username and the proper avatar. I think that when the original forum will be up I am going to change my profile there and make it a HAL-9000;)


Glad you are back and I am not complaining but the forum here is way to slow, at least for my ISDN connection...

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  • 2 weeks later...

And I'm back with the people I love... *sigh* :)


Hugs and kisses to everyone!!! Feels like home... almost... it's like my house is under renovation and I have to stay at Grandma's. Yeah... feels like that...

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Originally posted by Mira

Hmm... i must admit my avatar is too "cute" for my liking. I'll never live this down... :eek::band::eek:


Well... it is a cute avatar:


but you survived the attack of AGers (as most of us did luckily :)), so you'll live this down too... ;)

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Hé Pappa!


Originally posted by Mira

Ah... nice to see some ppl do miss me! :) How's it going? Sorry, I'm really slow with witty comebacks lately.

:) The forums aren't that busy imho... and sometimes awefully slow... But I'm fine myself... having 2,5 weeks off work now... :cool:

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Kingzjester, znaèi prièaš srpski, heh :)

ja ne.

Well, i just fell from the past, and i havent been visiting for a few months now, but i'll try to come when i have time, its nice that you've put this temp forums...cool:)

Anyway i better stop talking now because i dont even know what i'm talking about...

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