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Lets have a square go.


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-=Chi3f=- enters the battlefield wearing Monkey-proof armor and a scarf



Death to all who oppose monkies! Go.. go little ones! The time is now... no wait.... yeah right now!



Unleashes a hoarde of Monkey-pox infested chimpanzees






Mwa ha ha ha!


Onward my minions! Spread the plague Make them cough for 12 to 48 hours! Drink all of their Nyquil and get mildly buzzed! May this land smell of bannanas! Fling, fling the poo at them fling it!

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Semicolon eats a monkey and gets monkey-pox. This causes his next two posts to be be all backwards. He also smells like bannanas now.


Bah.. my monkies fear no mortal!




-=Chi3f=- releases SARS infected hippos apon the Forums. The monkies jump on the hippos and ride them like horses.


Onward my hippo riding monkies! Now you shall taste the power of Monkie-SARS!

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Oh yeah, well your hipporiding monkies can't survive the horrible mystical powers of my Super-Llama, Carlito.

*Carlito uses alpaca vision to wrap the hippo-riding monkies in a soft material*


*Bob lights the material on fire, burning all the hippos and monkies to death*

Bring it! The master of the bongos will kick major arse!


PS-Great Thread, but shouldn't this be in the Role Playing section?

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Attaches Bob's head to the last surviving burnt monkey-SARS hippo rider


With this I can control you and see into your thoughts




Looks into BongoBob's mind



As I thought, he plans to steal the Angel arm and mount it to his Super-Llama, Carlito. He must be stopped at all costs!



-=Chi3f=- retrieves the Lance of Longines from Lilth's hand




Eat that!







Bob explodes into hundreds of midget Bobs.



Mwah ha ha ha!

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Thank you, for hundreds of midget bobs can work faster than one giant one.

*Attaches Angel Arm to carlito*

*Carlito regenerates the bobs into one*

*Lines up semi colon, lj, topshot, and chi3f with the force*


*Carlito fires the angel arm, seriously hurting them all*

*Insert psychotic laugh here*

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WOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm back!

and I'm not alone, I'm here with DEATHSTAR III !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*starts shooting at everybody*





*something big gets blown up*



*shot SamFisher in the a--*






I'm so evil :dev10:

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