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My computer......dead.

ET Warrior

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Not really dead, just incapacitated at the moment. The CPU fan broke for no reason yesterday and I was unaware of it because it's a quiet fan, so i did not hear it shut off, but I think it caused some overheating issues and my computer is much damaged now. I have a technician who's supposed to call me tomorrow to decide when he'll come fix it.......but until then, my time here will be limited........rrrrrrrr


The worst part is that the computer is only a month old!!! I got a crappy fan......:mad:


Anyone else had a problem with the fan in their computer?

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

I have alot of fans... 7 to be exact :D

I wouldn't really notice if one of miens went bust :p

Bad luck though Et, Hopefully you get it fixed easily and no damage is done :)


7? Give ME one of YOUR fans!! :p:p



I have 3 on my computer, one by the power unit, one on the graphics card, and one by the heat sinks.........the on eby the heat sinks broke, so those things get REALLY hot without that runnin......it's bad news. :(

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Liquid Nitrogen is almost impossible to install if your not a professional, and is not recommended if you aren't either. Even when you install one, Upgrading your machine afterwards can be a hassle, and sometimes impossible. I suggest going with the old fashion fans :p

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