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Admin mods PETITION


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This is addressing all modders and coders who will be modding JK3:JA


First I would just like to say I have nothing against admin mods and am not putting down their work.


Ever gone onto a server where force is disabled, the admin is empowered and using force, and anyone that says anything gets amslapped? This is what I, and many others, are strongly opposed to.


To keep this short let me just get to the point:

Admins please leave out any slap, empower, bunny, punish, or other ways to humiliate players simply because they aren't up to par. If you don't like somebody in your server then kick them.


Agree? Disagree?

Please no excessive flaming.

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Here are the ONLY features an AdminMod should contain:


1. Improved kick/ban procedures

If you know anything about the admin'ing features of BaseJK you know that an admin mod of some sort is essential to effectively admin a server. The banning/kicking procedure in jk2 was lackluster to say the least.


2. A message of the day

Simply for stating things such as file location, forums and website. If you add too many "rules" the adminmod should hack your server and broadcast the rcon out over the internet to everyone.


3. stat keeping incorporation

If you know about stats in jk2, you know it's a little difficult to continously update a website manually with stats the way it is now. It's annoying as hell. An admin mod should automate this function.


4. Damage scales

If Raven has another patch fiasco we can put the damages for each move the way we want them.


What the mod shouldn't do...


1. emotes

Leave this to some RPG newbie to code. Don't make it easy on them.


2. bunny

Dumb as all hell


3. Terminator

If I want to have all guns with unlimited ammo I'll use a cheat code in single player


4. empowerment

This was the bane of FFA's. This is the dumbest thing anyone ever did in a mod. Yes, it's great if you get empowered, but it only serves to breed hate and angst amongst the community when someone get's tossed around by some nazi power hungry admin.


5. slap/sleep/punish/silence/explode

Are we in 3rd grade? Do we need some admin telling us, in essence, to go sit in the corner? Kick and Ban are all the functions any admin should ever need as far as regulating the players on the server. If someone's got a mouth on em, kick em. Silencing them, sleeping, slapping, punishing, all these things make people more willing to bash and degrade and flame, etc, they create more disruption than they prevent. Leave em out.


6. Teleportation

Why was this ever coded into any mod? Is a serious detriment to competitive play.

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Frankly these "admin mods" are just ego trips.


In the base game, the "admin" is just like any other player, except that (because he owns the server) he has the power to kick/ban people or change the map/settings without asking anyone's permission to do so.


These admin mods are totally unnecessary (the tools they provide can easily be done in the console or with cfg files in the dedicated server) and are designed so that bored admins can screw around and piss everyone off by pretending to be "gods." Basically its like allowing cheats, but only for one person. Pretty stupid.


On the other hand, since these are custom user made mods, nobody is forcing you to use them, and so I would simply avoid joining games that have them running, since I find them utterly useless and stupid (to anyone but the admin himself of course).


About the only other use for them is in non-competative "role playing" which is something I and many others have little interest in for this game.


Mods are made not because the community demands them, but because the person who made them wanted to do so. This is perfectly fine. Nobody has to use a mod, but it's there because somebody wanted it (even if it was just the author himself).

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I lost the long post I just wrote. :swear: Damn you Lucasforums!!


Something that I still remember from the post:


* 150/1000 players are playing on modded servers at the moment.


* 147/550 servers are NOT modded.


Avoid that! :(


Clans and people who follow (sorry, I mean: who enforce, but stop following themselves the second they need to "teach someone a lesson" or just feel like messing around) their code will surely choose a setup that lets them enforce their rules.


They'll choose mods that allow them to PUNISH wrong doers and keep their turf clean from lamers, cheaters, hax0rs or people that make them look bad. These mods also allow them to show off their amazing skills to newbies by performing cartwheels or "cool" emotes.

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Well, now that Star Wars Galaxies is out, I hope and pray that some of those people who want to sit around all day and turn into bunnies and bow and kiss each other will head over there to greener pastures....



Ah *waxes nostalgic* the days when FPS games were full of shooting and running and explosions and dying... *single tear runs down cheek*

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Originally posted by imyourfather

An admin once made me sleep




I got sleeped 3 times on 3 different servers yesterday. It's a bit odd, because I'm not any good and I never "lame" (as in attacking those with saber down or chatting).


I was also gripped and thrown around quite a lot. It's kinda funny when someone does that on a no force server...you know: puts you back into your place, shows you who is boss, pwns your noob ass.

Yeah, to me that's like: Whoa dude! Respect! You are so POWERFUL and SKILLED! Ph34r! :rolleyes:


god damned idiots...

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We dont want stupid mods like that!


Problem is that most servers have mods on them. The ones that dont have mods arent being used that much :(


Some mods are ok... i liked force mod... cause no one can cheat.





heres the problem... even if the people who make these mods see this, it aint ganna stop em from making those mods.

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