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A place to list servers you have been banned from


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i just got banned from [RoC]. i went in there and there was the standard noob ffa fest on the streets (ffa_bespin) so put on rage and dfa spammed and got to first place in no time. a bunch of people started complaining the i was laming (as soon as i took out 3 or 4 people in the mayhem, someone would try to run away for force/health/whatever and i would chase em down and dfa em real quick) so about 3 or 4 people started following me around and waiting for me to put on rage and then they would grip/gk me. what was funny is when i reached ~60 kills i noticed like 5 people had switched to rage lol. i disposed of any would be challengers pretty easily except one guy who beat me in a NF duel. anyway so i get to like ~85 kills and everyone just stops fighting. they go to the pad and start talkin about stupid crap or whatnot and i was getting impatient because it was like 4am and i was only 15 kills away from the limit (100). so i run up to the pad after about 20 minutes of standing around waiting for some sort of ffa to develop in the least (i actually went to make a sandwich, come back, watch some tv, check back in and the nearest person to me is about 40 kills behind). so at this point im like screw it and i just rage dfa spam the pad and get about 10 kills in a minute or so. now the whole room is complaining and their best memebers come after me. i killed em all pretty easily and im gking the last one and the admin kicks me (at 99 kills). i thought it was quite funny, im sure they did to. touche to the admin, but i still owned that room hard.


all of this while on AOL 56k in south carolina (~450 ping). lmao.

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Originally posted by I_dF

the s~ is public too but since its FF DUEL S/O it reduces the amount of people that want to even go to it then i help keep annoying noobs out so there is about a total of 50 people that would even go to it :o


Most people don't play on the level we do either.


How many noobs did you ever see on quakesh1t?


Sure they would stumble in now and then but after 1 round you never saw most of them again.


ffa/ctf is a lot friendlier to a noob even when they are playing against better players because it is not a 1 on 1 competition.



You do annoy a lot of people but the only person who really drove people away from our server was ol22 with his /reconnect dropping all the time.

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Originally posted by mr2turbo

anyway so i get to like ~85 kills and everyone just stops fighting. they go to the pad and start talkin about stupid crap or whatnot and i was getting impatient because it was like 4am and i was only 15 kills away from the limit (100). so i run up to the pad after about 20 minutes of standing around waiting for some sort of ffa to develop in the least


That's one thing that pisses me off. Most servers I have been to these days might have an FFA for about 5 mins then they stop and go to the pad or whatever, and I'm just sort of jumping around waiting for a spark of action, it gets frustrating as hell.


Oh and I found the most pathetic server I have ever been to today, I didn't get banned but I got kicked :p. I can put up with the standard no chatkilling, saber down=peace stuff, but these guys are just pitiful: <|SoV|>Server

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Originally posted by Khier Serakk

That's one thing that pisses me off. Most servers I have been to these days might have an FFA for about 5 mins then they stop and go to the pad or whatever, and I'm just sort of jumping around waiting for a spark of action, it gets frustrating as hell.


Here is a recent final score on my FFA-CTF server. The map was duel_temple, timelimit 16, fraglimit 100, and the fraglimit was hit first. And this was a FFA game, not CTF, so those are all frags, not CTF points. Add up the total kills for all players and you get 742 frags in less than 16 minutes. As you might imagine, there was no chatting, RPGing, or emoting going on.


57:21 Exit: Kill limit hit.

57:21 score: 100 ping: 68 client: 8 Ergo

57:21 score: 82 ping: 102 client: 3 Flyshuu

57:21 score: 74 ping: 56 client: 2 tich

57:21 score: 70 ping: 93 client: 9 ^4Ky^1Le

57:21 score: 64 ping: 154 client: 15 ^4{LS}^7*^1DR^4{^1SA*^4}

57:21 score: 61 ping: 102 client: 14 Lord TwinkleToes

57:21 score: 59 ping: 66 client: 5 ^1A Crazy

57:21 score: 48 ping: 104 client: 13 kem

57:21 score: 46 ping: 92 client: 4 Beanclouds Friend

57:21 score: 45 ping: 104 client: 11 brainsex

57:21 score: 38 ping: 118 client: 10 Bad Juju

57:21 score: 29 ping: 186 client: 6 Demall sol zen

57:21 score: 26 ping: 100 client: 7 Mark81388

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its a exploit that lets you damage people from spectate mode. im not gonna go into details of how to do it because it shouldnt be posted here and i dont exactly know how to do perfectly. don't stress it tho, it gets old real quick.




Ghosting is 2 players relaying information back and forth in recon instances in order for both to win, normally one tells the other where a certain person is (of course, this requires one to be in spectator).


The damage trick from spectator is a whole other ballgame, and I'm not sheding light on that either.


EDIT: And I have yet to be banned from a server, just kicked repeatedly. I just got back from vacation... Time to kick it up a notch.

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Originally posted by AdminAmidala

Here is a recent final score on my FFA-CTF server. The map was duel_temple, timelimit 16, fraglimit 100, and the fraglimit was hit first. 57:21 Exit: Kill limit hit.

57:21 score: 100 ping: 68 client: 8 Ergo





Ha, 16 minutes what a slow poke.




I hit 100 in 12 minutes on that server the other day.............grrrrrrrrr.

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I am also going to use this thread to discuss very stupid servers. I went on this FFA server today called BS 2 WE OWN YOU.


^6*BS*2 ^1We ^5Own ^2You|53ms|


I noticed that only one force power was removed....absorb. I thought this was funny, so I said "Removed absorb...what newbs..." They were all standing around bespin platform doing nothing. About 8 of them, all BS members. Not even private dueling. Then I said "are you guys roleplaying?" And was kicked. Ah well. I didn't even attack any of them yet.

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

I am also going to use this thread to discuss very stupid servers. I went on this FFA server today called BS 2 WE OWN YOU.


^6*BS*2 ^1We ^5Own ^2You|53ms|


I noticed that only one force power was removed....absorb. I thought this was funny, so I said "Removed absorb...what newbs..." They were all standing around bespin platform doing nothing. About 8 of them, all BS members. Not even private dueling. Then I said "are you guys roleplaying?" And was kicked. Ah well. I didn't even attack any of them yet.

Before jk2 came out BS was only known as bullsh*t :D

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose



Ghosting is 2 players relaying information back and forth in recon instances in order for both to win, normally one tells the other where a certain person is (of course, this requires one to be in spectator).


The damage trick from spectator is a whole other ballgame, and I'm not sheding light on that either.


oh well whatever. the guy that showed it to me called it ghosting so thats what i assumed it was called.


and *BS* is a great server. they really started the whole abusive admin thing more than any other clan. infact they would just downright lame people sometimes when i used to go in there a few months ago. me and my friend used to go in there and lame all the time to piss paddy and syphalis off, it was great. they usually wouldnt kick us either, they would just try to use admin powers to get us back. they are seriously one of the most pathetic clans in the game, its quite funny.

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True, LCD's have gotten extremely better over the years. But I still think a lot have a slight bit of ghosting even if it is very minor. Some don't though, which I'm glad they fixed. What LCD do you have Rumor? I was thinking of buying one that won't ruin my gaming experience. :D

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i got mine from gateway. it is made by mitsubishi i think. only game that ghosts at all is GTA 3, but then it does on all the monitors i have, crt's too. i assume it was intended, as it only shows up in like the first mission.

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Originally posted by Rumor

i got mine from gateway. it is made by mitsubishi i think. only game that ghosts at all is GTA 3, but then it does on all the monitors i have, crt's too. i assume it was intended, as it only shows up in like the first mission.


LCD's are worthless for gaming, flat screen is the way to go. It has 3d imaging and crystal clear depth to it.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator

I've been banned from

DLO (for ground killing :S)

Darkside duel servers (for notk icking a guy with a slighty bad ping)


That's about it, i never usually get on people's nerves that often.

The Darkside servers were stupid but... I kept winning then i refused to vote kick a guy with a ping of 170. So because no-one could beat me (for vote kicking) they got an admin to ban me with osme other made up reasons :p

ok, i know you're lying about this one becaue i know for a fact that [Darkside] doesn't have vote kicking. never has since 1.02. so stop spreading lies.

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Originally posted by CanadianSurfer

LCD's are worthless for gaming, flat screen is the way to go. It has 3d imaging and crystal clear depth to it.

That's what I heard too. But since I'm off to college, I might not have room for a CRT :( Then again, my LCD might get stolen. :p I actually saw some LCDs with "glass" over the front and it made the image more crisp. I'm not sure what company it was though. I forgot. Sony maybe?

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Yet another to add to the list. That same clan that accused us of having scripts that teleported them 20 feet into a side kick banned me from their TFFA server for "laming" My crime was killing a guy who was mouthing me for no reason while his saber was down. Apparently, as opposed to killing him for calling me a fag, I should have gone to their other server and taddled to an admin to come to their other server to tell him to stop and punish him with admin commands. Their leaders think that their role as server admins is akin to a kindergarten teacher, and that the players are 5 year old kids who need to be taught some weird value system. Their leader also told me that by killing him I was putting myself on the same level....which lead me to wonder about his sanity. Anyone who considers killing a person with their saber down in a video game as bad of an act as calling someone a fag for no reason has some serious issues in my opinion. anyways, their server is called [NT]PowerPlant. All the info can be found under another thread.

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Originally posted by FenixDown

ok, i know you're lying about this one becaue i know for a fact that [Darkside] doesn't have vote kicking. never has since 1.02. so stop spreading lies.


notice he said banned.

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