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*takes an Alka-Seltzer*

Boba Rhett

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There I was, about to end my swiming session for the day when I decided I'd swim one more lap before I got out.


That was my first mistake. Here comes the others.


I swim with my eyes closed. It comes from the built up cockyness of swimming night and day for years. My third mistake was seeing how fast I could do it and finally my fourth was veering off my planned route and swimming full bore into the concrete side wall of the pool.


My head softened the blow. :D I had to have my right pariatal bone put back into place and I did so the swelling went down but here I am fourteen hours later and I still have a mondo headache. :D



Oh well, I just wanted to say that. .. I could have sworn there was a point in this somewhere...


Ah yes! Never be a dumb*** whilst swimming.


Anyone else done this before?

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Ouch! Hope you feel better soon.


I haven't hurt myself swimming, but I've suffered great embarasment. I got out of the diving pit once and everyone was staring at me, eyes wide open. I got really flustered and asked my friend why everyone was looking at me. He said "your tit is hanging out". :|

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I've swam into stuff, but not going full speed or at the point of where it would hurt like that... damn bro...


have a couple of cold one's and you'll be fine


ps... anyone have a video camera or anything? you could send it into real tv ro some show that you could get money for it! :D

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

huh? you wear your glasses while swimming???


I do, because I'd rather not come up to some guy or girl who looks remotely like a person who I am swimming (same hair color and swim suite color, everything else is a blurr) with and start babbling. Besides...I've only lost my glasses a few times while swimming and they were easily recovered. May look dorky, but it's better than not seeing a thing.

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Geez, rhett, I swim blind, and I still have never hit a wall yet! I swim blind because of chlorine amounts in the pools kill my eyes, so I just simply never open them. But still, what were you doing? I hope you have a concussion the rest of your life!






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I jetski and the last time I really wiped us out. We were at a lake around these parts and I had my brand new Arnettes on. Well I thought they were safe because I attached a floaty strap to em. Ya...right. So I'm hopping waves going faster and faster. My favorite thing is to try and get it as high as it will go and kinda turn the ski so that a spray of water will kick up. Well I was hopping waves....and you have to do it in Rhythum. I got off of the Rythum and turned to sharply and hit the gas at the same time. We went flyign....the jetski was like a mile away and our glasses were no where to be found. Expensive crash..but it never hurt.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

There I was, about to end my swiming session for the day when I decided I'd swim one more lap before I got out.


That was my first mistake. Here comes the others.


I swim with my eyes closed. It comes from the built up cockyness of swimming night and day for years. My third mistake was seeing how fast I could do it and finally my fourth was veering off my planned route and swimming full bore into the concrete side wall of the pool.


My head softened the blow. :D I had to have my right pariatal bone put back into place and I did so the swelling went down but here I am fourteen hours later and I still have a mondo headache. :D



Oh well, I just wanted to say that. .. I could have sworn there was a point in this somewhere...


Ah yes! Never be a dumb*** whilst swimming.


Anyone else done this before?



Ok here is the thing. I had not learned to swim...till I was like 15...so when I finally learned..I wasnt that good...then I almost drowned, cause I panicked after hit my head...cause I got too confindent in myself...so now I will go in the water but do not attemt to go too deep or swim....


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Originally posted by TK-421

Ok here is the thing. I had not learned to swim...till I was like 15...so when I finally learned..I wasnt that good...then I almost drowned, cause I panicked after hit my head...cause I got too confindent in myself...so now I will go in the water but do not attemt to go too deep or swim....



Shame on you! Learning to swim so late! And getting overconfident!

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I'm not sure what I got, TD75. All I know is that it still hurts. :D



I can't believe people are still using Chlorine in pools. :eek: Baquacil is where it's at! It's safe to swim in after ten minutes and you can'teven tell it's there! It works extremely fast too.

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yeah, chlorine bleaches the crap out of EVERYTHING and hurts your eyes...


i USED to be a REALLY good swimmer. i was able to doggy paddle forever! :p Seriously though, i took lessons forever. i was able to hold my breath under water for a very long period of time too.

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