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Which MI3?


Which MI3?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which MI3?

    • The MI3 we have now - COMI
    • The MI3 we might have had - Ron Gilbert's
    • The MI3 no-one's thought of - Someone else's

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I think I probably know what the outcome will be but just as an experiment, vote below for your preferred Monkey Island 3.


Remember, if you dont vote for the one we have now you're voting for no Murray, pirate song or lovely Bill Tiller art.

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It depends. If Ron Gilbert's version was made to the same technical standards as our CMI (maybe not Bill Tiller, but still.. good background art) then I might prefer his. After all, the whole 'he's really a daydreaming kid' theory is completely blown out of the water by the CMI we know and love, so seeing how the game should have flowed next would be very interesting.


However, CMI was one of the best games I've ever played, but it could have been so much different with Ron at the wheel - for better or worse. My vote is "Our CMI".

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I'll have to go with CMI. Sure it isn't perfect, but as Benny said, it does have Murray and the Pirate Song, and it drips with atmosphere (both graphics and music). And it's funny.


What Ron would come up with now is anybody's guess, and I'd be curious to see what his MI3 would be like.


As it is though, I liked CMI quite a bit, so I'll stick with that.

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I chose "Someone elses MI3", because I want to be different :~


Aside from the gawky characters, apalling Intro and absolutely abysmal cop-out "chat with Chuckie", CMI did rule. But If we got rid of it and were presented with a different, Schafer-written version, we'd get rid of EMI too! Now that's a small price to pay.

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A hard one, but I'd have to say Gilbert's MI3 because the series would have flowed much better if he had finished off the storyline like he wanted to. I'm sure LucasArts would have found some way on continuing the games somehow, in which case we'd probably have our MI3 as some parallel universe’s MI4 anyway.

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I voted for the version of CMI we have now, mainly because of Murray, and the Pirate Song, and the introduction (which I thought was hilarious when I saw it) and the graphics, etc. And they did do an admirable job trying to explain the ending to MI2. ;)


It's hard to say "what might have been" if Ron Gilbert had continued on and done an MI3...though, to be honest, the ending to MI2 scares me so badly I'd almost be afraid to find out. (And I wouldn't want it to turn out to all be "just a dream," which is what it started to look like from theories I've read and the ending itself...the whole "just a dream" is overdone.)

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Of course, I've always loved them, but I always thought that there could be more to the game, and therefore, I picked Ron's MI3. I am not saying I am not loyal to the game, I did love parts, but selfish me always wishes for more.




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I didn't vote for Gilbert's CMI, as he already gave away the secret at the end of MI2, and in any case Gilbert needs his support team of Tim Schaffer and Dave Grossman for the game to be funny - you weren't specific enough.


I didn't vote for the CMI we have now, because I've played it through a few times and I'm fairly bored with it now. Besides I always thought it could have been a little different from the first two games.


So, CMI as handled by someone else. It would be interesting. Only problem is, who should the talented individual be?

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I don't think Ron himself ever really got the plot sorted out. He could pull off a good beginning, and a damn fine middle, but he stumbled like a drunken mule down a flight of stairs when it came to ending the games.


Secret's ending wasn't so bad, I suppose, but it was a little disappointing. And of course, very few people liked Revenge's ending, those that did being strange in the brain.


Still, I much preferred having the large gap between games go unexplained, rather than being told exactly what happened. It would've been a lot more fun to come up with your own way of how Guybrush was miraculously in pirate-land again, or at least be given subtle hints and having the reality broken to you slowly as you progressed through the game. With the first two games, you had no idea how Guybrush ended up on the island, you were just humorously informed of his desires.

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Originally posted by bgbennyboy

Remember, if you dont vote for the one we have now you're voting for no Murray, pirate song or lovely Bill Tiller art.


You just described every positive quality Curse had. Why so many people are so enthusiastic about this warmed-over MI1 is a mystery to me.

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The entire game was enjoyable, fun and atmospheric. That counts to a quality game for me. CMI managed to keep the familiar MI experience while adding new twists/etc without butchering it. EMI just went too far and took the series beyond repair, unless MI5 has an extremely redeeming plot.

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In my opinion, CMI wasn't much like the first two games, but considering we've never seen anything like the first two games, it has definately earned the right to be called a Monkey Isalnd game. Rons version would have been different, but we can't be sure that it would have been better (and scabb, yes, rons endings weren't too good, but then again, CMI's ending kinda took the cake (I'd have prefered the song that was meant to be sung, but I guess time is time)). And someother persons version would basically be a different version of CMI, we can't be too sure if it would have been ebtter or not. With no concrete evidence of whether the others would have been better plus the fact that CMI rocks, I'm voting for that.

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