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Store gone. Posts, points, names, etc...


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Why do all these things seem different in different forums?

In one, I'm a guest. In some I'm a "Crazed Tentacle?" All the points are gone. No biggy... Glow and sigs seem to still exist... but does anyone really know what's going on??? I REALLY dislike the "Crazed Tentacle" title... oh well... back to the bar :drink1:

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Originally posted by darthfergie

um...sher...you don't need to buy it now...


1250 posts and you get a glow name.


*hands fergie a book entitled: "Sarcasm and you - Sarcasm soup for the soul."*


This book is your LIFE!

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Originally posted by Eets

*hands fergie a book entitled: "Sarcasm and you - Sarcasm soup for the soul."*


This book is your LIFE!


*reads chapter 1*


*looks at Sher's sig*


*looks at Sher's post*


OH! HAH! It all makes sense now!


*walks off reading Chapter 2*

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Originally posted by Darth Homer

I would just like to point out my number of posts and the fact that my glow is gone...I also cannot find the option to turn it back on (mine, not everyone's; I can see fergie's)


Yeah...dunno what's up with that...Dash also lost his and was complaining all night about it...so who knows...


Not me apparently...niether does Rhett for that matter...maybe when Matt gets on tomorrow he'll find the problem...until then tho...we'll have to live with no sig image limit and weirded out glowies...

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You mean I have to spam post like 300 299 more posts to get a friggin glow again???



In all honesty, why do people now need 1250 posts when you could have had like under 300 posts to get 300 points and get glow before. The newbies are going to feel very inferior. It just seems like a LOT of posts for something so small.

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The whole point of making you get 1250 posts before you get glow is to make you post! Of course if you spam your posts will be deleted (well that's what they SAY anyway) so Spamming is worthless. All you can do is post good posts until you get to 1250. The same thing goes for Custom Titles.

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