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WORST strategy game!

Dagobahn Eagle

If you could decide, the developers would ship WHICH game in favor of another project  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. If you could decide, the developers would ship WHICH game in favor of another project

    • Red Alert (and/or Expansion pack)
    • Red Alert 2
    • Force Commander
    • Rebellion
    • Age of Empires (And/or Expansion pack)
    • Age of Kings (And/or Expansion pack)
    • Starcraft
    • Homeworld
    • Stars!
    • Other (please list)

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Don't dis' Force Commander!!!!!!!!!!! the bhci made alot of sense and landing troops and vehicles is nice, and the graphics are sweet! the ai is the only bad thing in the game, mp is good. skirmish can be challenging if u put more than 1 enemy. :D


um....fast food tycoon is the worst one i've played, the interface was too difficult to get used to.


Rebellion, Force Commander, and Galactic Battlegrounds are the best. Kohan is pretty good, tho i've only played the demo.

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I guess I will go with Force Commander, because the damn thing would not run on my computer, after several instillations, but then I read reviews everywhere that said the game absolutely sucks. I have not seen one good comment on it in years. So Force Commander gets the official Darth Groovy Lemon Award!

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FC wasn't that bad... the campaign was actually nice.

The multiplayer was just too...bleh... it sucked. you can defeat a rebel in a couple of min with imperial.


For a copy, GB isn't bad at all...


The only RTS I didn't like is AoM. I just don't like the way god powers are used, and you don't even control your myth units' special abilities. but that's only my opinion...


I would expect NL_Ackbar to come and kill me right away!:D

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I too, am dissapointed with the fact that y'all put RA and RA2 up there! I mean, those were the best games westwood's produced (not that the other games stink, but these were just some of the best next to Generals and Tiberian Sun). If GB had been made with the RA2 engine, imagine how much better it would have been! Just picture what it would be like to have tie bombers going and bombing like harriers! Or Trade Federation Tanks blowing up Gungan Troops westwood style! AoK engine was good, but I'm still with Westwood.


Now I am also dissapointed that someone said Total Annihilation. That was one of the greatest games I played and it was released in the 90s! The Bombers went on runs, Tanks looked nice, only problem was the fact that graphics weren't as great as they are now.

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C&C generals.


Dune 2: LOVED that game.. the only thing was that i couldnt sell the buildings.


Command and Conquer: OMG.... GREAT GAME. 2 mission were to hard without cheating your way :D


Command and Conquer red alert: GREAT game. ... no real improvements on graphics tho.. still great.


Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun: Also LOVED this one. great story. some mission TOO easy tho. started a clan with a shool friend and kicked ass online. great game


Command and Conquer Red Alert 2: GREAT graphics. cool story. russians were to easy. finished the game in 2 days.


Command and Conquer Generals: Looks good...a bit odd to the feelings im used too. ABSOLUTELY NO STORY! that is why it sucks.


in all the other C&C games.. the strory was GREAT!... but this sucked. My reasons

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it's the gameplay that counds


but i agree that a better story would be better for generals

but thats the downside


ps: Clefo, If I am God and I have God, then why do I need God and want God?


Intrinsially, and by the very fact of your created existence, you are God and you have God. But since you are not consiously aware of it, at the same time you want God and you need God. What you really want and need is not God Himself, but consious and constant knowledge of God and union with God

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Originally posted by NL_Ackbar

did you even play AOM?


AOM= is great game

C&C Generals= is a better game

Warcraft 3= the worst game


and you like warcaft 3 don't you?


Yes, I did play AoM : I have it


cnc gen is a really good game (i have it too)


but wc3 OWNZ everything

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I don't think there will be one. Besides, Command and Conquer was worth the money. The graphics are awesome. The gameplay is easy to learn, course that is just me. Homeworld, it was a good game, but I got bored with it when I couldn't beat the last level (grrr... the level before is hard enough...) Red Alert 2: It was good. Ganeplay was good, controls, the same like Tiberian Sun, but the graphics could have been changes (not just adding more details, I mean a total makeover). The worst game I have ever played? Real War, the first one. That game sucked. Graphics were horrible, the story was a tad confusing, it took me a while to learn the controls, and I am quick at learning. Warcraft 3, it was a good game. Good story line, awesome graphics, unit population: way too low and the amount of buildings was too (I'm one to build huge bases). The multy play is good. I love using the Starcraft units!

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Yes, the best thing about WC3 is the Multiplay. It is easy to use, and since the Map Editor is pretty advanced on WC3, there are loads of awsome custom-made maps for internet play. You have Tower Defence, Castle Defense, Zone Control, Helm's Deep, Hero Arena, World War 3 (I love that one: You have a large map wich looks just like a world map, up to 12 players, and all are allied at the beginning, so it's not all about fighting and getting rescources, but also a lot on diplomacy. And of course, no population limit), etc. etc. etc. and these are only some of the categories of the maps. You have many different versions of each, especially Tower Defense, there must be hundreds of that. People make new awsome custom maps all the time, so you won't get bored of it.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Yes, the best thing about WC3 is the Multiplay. It is easy to use, and since the Map Editor is pretty advanced on WC3, there are loads of awsome custom-made maps for internet play. . . People make new awsome custom maps all the time, so you won't get bored of it.


Thats so true, the replay value of the blizzards games makes them part of the best games for PC

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