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Parents of 'Star Wars Kid' Suing


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Last spring, Ghyslian Raza, a teenager from Quebec, expressed that he was embarrassed when he classmates uploaded a video of the chubby teen doing Star Wars lightsaber moves to Kazaa. Now Raza's parents are suing the for $160,000.


The parents of the four teenagers responsible for the video are being sued because Raza's parents blame them for Ghyslian ending up in psychiatric care. They say he finished school in a psych ward because he couldn't handle the teasing at school.


According to the lawsuit, their son is now labelled "mentally ill" and may have to change his name to avoid future embarrassment. The suit says it will be hard for him to get work or return to school. The family refuses to comment to the media.


I personally find dat quite sad for him... :( Now i want him to be in Ep 3 :/



Oh yeh and nice adverts, LF :D

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That's a Petition to get him in Ep 3 :p ya numpty :D

I checked 3 pages anyhoo, didn't see anything and i've been pretty active lately :)


I dunno though about sueing them that badly.... i mean his friends only did it for a laugh..... It was just by chance he has become an infamous star :/

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tell the kid to grow some thicker skin and quit being such a p*ssy.

and to next time not to be such a dumbass and let personal video get into the wrong hands.

the kids were also making fun of him for being an uncoordinated mess. lose some weight and hit the gym and quit blaming everyone else for him being a moron.


...my not-so humble opinion.

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The kid had the video locked up when some little bastard kids who obviously WEREN'T his friends got in the drawer and digitilized the video, posted it, and told people to make ******* comments about it. So everyone needs to calm down and putting the kid in the background of EPIII won't ruin any of your lives! Quit acting like he hasn't gone through enough. THE KID IS UNSTABLE NOW!! If your kid was nuts/terminal/whatever, you'd probably be like 'oh, put him in his fave movie because he deserves it cuz he's unhealthy'. Let him get his and die out of the spotlight, damn.

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Originally posted by MydnightPsion

The kid had the video locked up when some little bastard kids who obviously WEREN'T his friends got in the drawer and digitilized the video, posted it, and told people to make ******* comments about it. So everyone needs to calm down and putting the kid in the background of EPIII won't ruin any of your lives! Quit acting like he hasn't gone through enough. THE KID IS UNSTABLE NOW!! If your kid was nuts/terminal/whatever, you'd probably be like 'oh, put him in his fave movie because he deserves it cuz he's unhealthy'. Let him get his and die out of the spotlight, damn.

The he obviously showed the video to someone. They didn't guess it was on the tape...

he was probably unstable to begin with... what kid his age in their right mind swings a friggin' curtain rod like they're darth maul?

As far as how I view all those videos of him...


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Originally posted by pbguy1211

The he obviously showed the video to someone. They didn't guess it was on the tape...

he was probably unstable to begin with... what kid his age in their right mind swings a friggin' curtain rod like they're darth maul?

As far as how I view all those videos of him...



Lots of kids would. And besides, I understand it was a demonstration for a play. Of course he showed it to someone. :rolleyes:


:p @ AB

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That is ridiculous. Granted the kid became famous and no one really meant for that to happen but the kid needs to get over it. You cannot sue people's parents because you cannot handle the stress of people thinking you are funny to watch in the not so nice way. It is/was funny. If it costs 160,000 so far in the few months it has been out then this kid has had some serious problems before the whole minute of tape went out to everyone.


40,000 to pay because your kid is a dumb(EDITED FOR CONTENT by me)person for first of all recording himself being a jedi person and then leaving it there is his own fault.



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you guys are saying that it'd the kid's fault since he recorded it. well, by that logic then, you could say it's a woman's fault for getting raped because she was wearing sexy clothing.

people do things all the time that they want to keep private. im sure that this kid wanted to keep this private, much like what people write in a journal would be private. if someone found your journal and made copies of it and passed it all around, then by your guys' logic it'd be your fault for writing the stuff down in the first place now wouldnt it?

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Originally posted by Chase Windu

It's his own fault for leaving the tape. And if he wanted to tape himself that bad I don't see why he couldn't have done it at home.

But still, the people who found the tape shouln't have put it on the net.


I would have. Who knew it would get that big thoguh. :eek:

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Originally posted by The Cheat

gosh a bunch of people make fun of me and it hurts my feelings, maybe i should have my parents sue their parents


You should. Say they threatened to throw your dog out a window, it always gets to the judjes. :p


But, The Cheat made a good point, which has been broguht up a lot in the other thread. People have been made fun of. Get used to it. Its life. Don't like it, jump out a window (Not reccomended for best perforance) :p

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

you guys are saying that it'd the kid's fault since he recorded it. well, by that logic then, you could say it's a woman's fault for getting raped because she was wearing sexy clothing.

Now you're being a f***ing idiot for making that comparison.

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy

you guys are saying that it'd the kid's fault since he recorded it. well, by that logic then, you could say it's a woman's fault for getting raped because she was wearing sexy clothing.


That makes NO sence..... Its like child porn. Old guys tape them doing kids, they always end up getting caught. I wouldn't feel safe video taping myself doing something stupid, my school would get hold of it, one way or another....

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At least this kid is venting to his parents and not keeping it all bottled in,.. plotting a Columbine-style revenge rampage, shooting up his school and targeting all the people who humiliated him.


Besides, this is America... everybody sues everybody over everything. There have been far, far more frivilous lawsuits.

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Ok.. OK,.. so they're NORTH American! Happy now! :p

Or how 'bout this: Suing people is the WESTERN WORLD'S way of settling differences.


Canadian, American... Same difference. They do the same things there that we do here...

Any country I can drive to doesn't qualify as a foriegn nation in my mind. ;)



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