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Chat Killing


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Originally posted by evildude

thats the newbie way

It is very newbie. The player should know that chatting in the middle of a fight leaves them open to attack. This is a very foolish move on the part of the chattee.
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Yea true....most of the time when they do it they start yelling at you. Its really funny when they do that. If there gonna chat why dont they just either finsh the fight or move away to a safer location, then standing out in the middle of the fight.

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I always try to move safely out of a fight before i open console/chat. it really bugged me when people would put up chatbox in the middle of an FFA, then complain to me about getting chatkilled.


same goes with getting lamed, they'd run out into an FFA saberdown and get killed, then complain about getting lamed =/

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Chatkilling is almost always bad, but it does have its place.


When playing CTF, if the enemy is in your base and decides to chat, then he's free game. At all times if the flag carrier decides to chat, then he is also free game. Other than that, chatkilling is a "no , no.":D

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If someone's in a discreet corner of the map with their chat box up, I leave them alone. They could be setting some options or away getting a snack. I don't want to bother pissing people off, it ends up making everyone unhappy.


However, if some moron is standing in a traffic area of the map, or starts typing in the middle of a battle, I smite him with my saber.

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Originally posted by [fk]mediablitz

it's strange that people get so upset over being killed in a computer game while they are "chatting"


I love it when they come after you after vengance (sp?) and you keep killing them over and over hehehehehe why people get so upset is beyond me... if your getting that upset it might be best you log and take up stamp collecting.

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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

you type, you die, don't bitch about it.


end of story.


If you have to kill someone while they are helpless then you have no skills. People have the right to chat as long as they're out of the way of the battle.

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Originally posted by TK8252MJL

If you have to kill someone while they are helpless then you have no skills. People have the right to chat as long as they're out of the way of the battle.


Ok TK8252MJL, explain to me what "skill" has to do with anything? Skill = Honour? You are surely joking, yes?


"you killed me again and again and again using [insert any move/force/gun] so therefore you have no SKillz."


Is that it? That's how it works? Only those who follow your rules are skilled whereas anyone who "lames" (=beats you) have no skill? :rolleyes: Excuse me while I'm LMAO.


But you're right: People DO have the right to chat whenever they feel like it. But they do NOT have the right to bitch and moan if they get killed while doing it. They do NOT have the right to enforce their rules upon others. They do NOT have the right to kick-vote players off servers because they're not following some retarded rule that DOES NOT EXIST.


Imagine the Superbowl. Imagine a kid taking his tin soldiers and walking into the middle of the field The kid places the soldiers around the grass and starts messing around with 'em. "Boom Kaboom! Bang-Bang!! Arrrghg I'm hit! Medic!! ... "


The crowd stares at the kid wondering WHAT THE HELL he is doing there. Both teams stop playing and the ball bounces into mid-field knocking over a few tin soldiers.


The kid stands up and he is furious. You've never seen a kid this mad in you life. He walks slowly towards the two teams and starts screaming horrible insults to the players: OMFG You f'kingGayBitchAssF***LamersUnhonourableF***faceLamourz!! MOMMYYYY the players laaaameed meeeee!!!"


The crowd is still totally quiet, shocked, wondering what the hell that kid is doing on the field.


The players are also speechless, staring at the little kid and his tin soldiers.




You, saber down = peace/duels only/don't lame/Force is gay-people are that little kid with his tin soldiers.


You, TK8252MJL, are the one with the tin soldiers. And you're screaming at the players because they lamed you.


Question: What on earth are you doing in the middle of the field playing with tin soldiers? Did you notice that it's the Superbowl? Sure, the players knocked over your soldier which was kinda rude and unfortunate...but how about if you take your tin soldiers and play somewhere else? You know, like MSN Messenger or ICQ?



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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Ok TK8252MJL, explain to me what "skill" has to do with anything? Skill = Honour? You are surely joking, yes?


"you killed me again and again and again using [insert any move/force/gun] so therefore you have no SKillz."


Is that it? That's how it works? Only those who follow your rules are skilled whereas anyone who "lames" (=beats you) have no skill? :rolleyes: Excuse me while I'm LMAO.


But you're right: People DO have the right to chat whenever they feel like it. But they do NOT have the right to bitch and moan if they get killed while doing it. They do NOT have the right to enforce their rules upon others. They do NOT have the right to kick-vote players off servers because they're not following some retarded rule that DOES NOT EXIST.


Imagine the Superbowl. Imagine a kid taking his tin soldiers and walking into the middle of the field The kid places the soldiers around the grass and starts messing around with 'em. "Boom Kaboom! Bang-Bang!! Arrrghg I'm hit! Medic!! ... "


The crowd stares at the kid wondering WHAT THE HELL he is doing there. Both teams stop playing and the ball bounces into mid-field knocking over a few tin soldiers.


The kid stands up and he is furious. You've never seen a kid this mad in you life. He walks slowly towards the two teams and starts screaming horrible insults to the players: OMFG You f'kingGayBitchAssF***LamersUnhonourableF***faceLamourz!! MOMMYYYY the players laaaameed meeeee!!!"


The crowd is still totally quiet, shocked, wondering what the hell that kid is doing on the field.


The players are also speechless, staring at the little kid and his tin soldiers.




You, saber down = peace/duels only/don't lame/Force is gay-people are that little kid with his tin soldiers.


You, TK8252MJL, are the one with the tin soldiers. And you're screaming at the players because they lamed you.


Question: What on earth are you doing in the middle of the field playing with tin soldiers? Did you notice that it's the Superbowl? Sure, the players knocked over your soldier which was kinda rude and unfortunate...but how about if you take your tin soldiers and play somewhere else? You know, like MSN Messenger or ICQ?



LOL! :lol:

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If you have to resort to killing people when they CAN NOT fight back, you need to get some skill. Now, I've never reacted like all those foul-mouthed whiners, but it's just common courtousy that you allow a certain amount of mercy online. After all, you're not fighting bots or NPCs in SP. You're fighting REAL people and it's a whole different story. And about your child with the tin soldiers story, no one has the right to go onto the field and interupt a major sporting event. I don't even own any tin soldiers, and I think you've been playing too much Return to Castle Wolfenstein multiplayer. Help! Medic!

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If you have to resort to killing people when they CAN NOT fight back, you need to get some skill.


This has nothing to do with skill. This has to do with "being an ass in an online game".


Killing someone who is AFK is one thing. That's no biggie. What is a biggie is the god damn WHINING that the typekill-victim starts. Whining ruined JO. No matter what you do, it results in: "Waaah waah waah you laamed meeee" :violin::crybaby:


I doubt many of us think chatkills are cool. If someone runs to a dark corner, types "afk" and leaves his chat box up, I'm surely not going to kill him. But if I'm rocketing someone who runs past that corner, I'll surely keep on firing. If you're in the way, you die. It's not like you're "out" after getting killed in JO. It should not matter at all. Respawn & play. Simple. It's just a game.


Some people seem to think that they can start chatting in the middle of a fight. These people also tend to walk into a madhouse of DFA's saber down and whine if someone scratches them. Some people are idiots and shouldn't be allowed to breed.


it's just common courtousy that you allow a certain amount of mercy online. After all, you're not fighting bots or NPCs in SP. You're fighting REAL people and it's a whole different story.


Exactly. Agreed. Well put. But being courteous and playing "honourably" is two entirely different things. It does not make me a bad guy if I don't bow before duels/if I use lightning/kick/hit you in the back/grip-kick/Shoot you with a big gun/use a bacta/lure you into a trap/use [insert any technique] you might think is not "honourable".


There is NO SUCH THING AS HONOUR. There is NO SUCH THING AS LAMING. There are jerks and courteous people, but that's it. Code of Honours have nothing to do with it...although you're definitely a jerk if you expect others to acknowledge YOUR code and play according to it.


Please try to understand this, TK8252MJL. If you people try to enforce your honour codes in JA as well, no-one will have fun. JA will become a game of "kick teh dishonourable lamourz!!1" instead of "let's play the game and have fun".










Someone posted here that there will be "official" emotes in JA. Bowing and meditating. :( I can already picture it: A whole FFA map filled with people bowing and meditating. No-one PLAYING.


....except for Luc who runs around cutting off the heads of every dumb-ass who thinks "FFA" stands for "let's sit and meditate".


BTW - I don't own RTCW. :p

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Hold on a minute! I sayed that if people are OUT OF THE WAY then you shouldn't kill them. If someone is right in a battle then starts chatting I NEVER SAYED you shoudn't kill them. I agree. That kind of chat killing is okay. Some people are so stupid and right in the middle of a duel they start chatting I HATE THAT!


I don't care if people don't bow, I, myself, DON'T BOW!!!!! And I use Lightning, kick, I hit people in the back (people should be alert at all times), I don't know how to use kick-grip with 1.04 but if I knew how I'd do it, I will use rocket launchers from time to time, always use bacta (nothing wrong with that!), trap people in the rancor pit in Jabba's Palace, use mines and det packs, it's all part of the game!!!!! And I don't whine!!!! I just think that people should be somewhat courteous. (don't yell and curse at each other, let people configure options/charactor/chat in a dark corner, and don't whine or kick people for gripping people over ledges. I'm not talking about honour, I'm talking about giving a good, clean, fight. With the Force!


BTW, If you've never played Castle Wolfenestein, try it! It's made by the same people that made Jedi Outcast (activision)

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