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O_o, Al-Qaeda targetting parts of Canada?!?!

Guardian Omega

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Does it really matter any more? And I don't see the point in Canada getting involved in anything, honestly, we Have a retarded hypacritical prime minaster who can't even speak propar english, and doesn't even deserve to live.


Canada went to hell ever since that hippy became prime minaster and ordered our weapons to be destroyed, Peace my ass, f*cking screwed up country :@



We need Hitler 0_o

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Dark Mercenary what the hell is wrong with you?


Jean Chrétien cannot talk proper english or french because he had polio when he was a child. Look into it if you dont know what it is.


Canada went to hell ever since that hippy became prime minaster and ordered our weapons to be destroyed, Peace my ass, f*cking screwed up country


Why do you say he's to blame? Every PM in Canadian history was againts having a stronger army and spent more money in social programs. Obivously not enough because your school has failed to educate you. Hell, it was a conservative government that canceled the Avro Arrow (a canadian air plane project that could of catapulted Canada into a military power house)... just a reminder. Conservatives parties are typicaly those who want a stronger military.


I think you need to cool down and educate yourself before you say stupid things.


As for the topic, I feel its odd since I live in Ottawa and I'm quite often near the US Embassy.


Check out the pictures I took of the Embassy last week. I cant imagine it not being there anymore. Good thing to hear this thing was stoped.



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Originally posted by Dark Mercenary.

we Have a retarded hypacritical prime minaster who can't even speak propar english, and doesn't even deserve to live.

Isn't it always funny how the person making fun of another person's spelling ALWAYS butchers about 3 or 4 words on their own in the process? :D


Originally posted by Dark Mercenary.

We need Hitler 0_o

I'm not even remotely Jewish... but I find that comment very offensive...

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Originally posted by The Truthful Liar

I thought that was funny. Try to be more lighthearted. ; ) Can people make comments nowadays without offending someone? :p


I guess not. I understood what you and he meant. I think it was a mistake to make that remark about Hitler.


I doubt we'll ever stop terrorists from attacking us but we can sure as hell try! :)



What we need to do is cool off and teach other countries to band together and help fight for freedom. We look like the bad guys all the time because we try to police areas we don't belong. A lot of times it's just politics and has nothing to do with us gaining anything. I would like to see the U.S. help empower other nations to fight on their own.


Oh and Sylain, I really like your photography.

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Not just Al-Qaeda, but a whole movement of radical islamic militants are now at work against the west. My fellow Americans are seeing it in Iraq right now, that's for sure, and terrorist movements are still at loose abroad. It's my sinking feeling that it's only a matter of time before they strike here again, and to them Canada would be a fair target--we all look alike, after all. Things look pretty dark.


*(Buys a lot of bullets and turns his house into a concrete bunker.)*


:max: I'm ready for you, you rag-headed, goat-sucking zealots! PHEER the thunder stick!

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Oh, take it easy. *(Lights up a 'J' and passes it to Pbguy1211.)*

I prefer the Vodka actually...


Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

You know that whenever I use the :max: it means I'm joking, right? Good. ;)

I guess I do now... but that was still a little excessive...

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