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Dante modellling CONTEST

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Hello everyone. As you no doubt have guessed, I am new to this forum. Yet, I will start my hopefully useful presence by opening a project, which is to make a model from a very singular character that amazingly enough, no one has done until now. Maybe cause its apparently difficult to do.


The character that you should model is none other than DANTE from CAPCOM® 'S Playstation 2 game: Devil May Cry.

This project has awards, that I think the modellers who put their efforts truly deserve.


The awards are:


1_ A full set of CAPCOM® CPS-2 game roms


2_ A full set of NEO-GEO MVS game roms


3_ A full set of exclusive DEVIL MAY CRY insider artwork (not seen anywhere else).


4_ The PC game ONIMUSHA® (4 CDs)



So there you go. We will send you the prizes as soon as the model is handed to me, in this case.

Thank you to everyone, specially to Jerry, William, Hiroko, and Perry from CAPCOM® , for providing the prizes.



Any questions will be answered via PM or by replying to this post.

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Isnt that illegal?...i mean getting some kind of payment for a 3d model that has copyrights?


Capcom has no problem with this?? guess not...cool, dont mind me then :D.


Shotokan: As a personal choice, i'd prefer a character from Onimusha too!.

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Originally posted by Apollyon

Please understand that usually, the Internet art conceptors (graphics, game, music, video, websites etc.) such as those you will encounter in forums like this one, do their job for passion, reputation, help, and above all fun. The only reward we usually run after is a big number in : "downloads : xxx times", or a little .gif with a rank on it... You see, it's more natural to win a (one could say) virtual reward for a virtual-world work.

This is why, when a contest is opened that promises real rewards, some of us find it strange, questionable, a bit as if it was an intrusion in the pure world of virtuality (even if months working on a map, or a model is far from being that virtual)

And this is natural all the same that you find some reactions agressive, even if, as you said, nobody even knows you. But, hey, here, nobody knows nobody !

(exception : I meet one of you guys every morning, but I'm the only one to know that niark niark niark...)

To conclude, don't feel agressed, but on your side please try to understand this singular situation and the singuliar reactions that come along.


Good luck to you and your contest

He posted that in GamingForum. I reposted it here because it's so very ture.
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Ok. Then we wont give you the gifts. Now, if you have SO MANY problems in letting modellers accept our humble gifts (cause they TRULY DESERVE it), if you have so many objections about rewarding a very well done work, then I will rephrase the topic.

"Could you please make a DANTE model? Multiplayer or singleplayer, whatever you want. Thank you."

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We are very pleased to read your positive response, Darth Kitty.

As the answer to your question, YES, there is a PC-CD ROM Onimusha game, which has chinese and english voices and subtitles. And if you want them of course (cause there has been some surprisingly odd responses for the gifts offered) we will be more than happy to send the goods.

Keep us posted!!

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Sorry, the reward is AFTER you submit your work to me. BUT, for being the only contestant so far, I could reward you in advance, yes. You just PM me with a screenshot of your WIP, and what part of the gifts would you like to receive as a proof of my veracity, and we will be set, I will reply to your PM as soon as possible with the details. Thank you again for taking this task.

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yeah this does sound a kinda bit shady does'nt it. well ok also i wanted to know is if there are other modelers that do decide to be a contestant and they work hard on making the models too. but only one can be chosen for a prize? i mean there should be second and third prizes as well right? cause why would it be worth doing then? all that hard work for nothing? and you wonder why theres only one contestant. and why does it just have to be a dante contest? if it were something to the effect of say "do your best work, make it as complex of a thing for you to do. something of a real challenge. and there will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners. it just does'nt sound very moving to me like yeah i really wanna do it. theres my 2 cents lol. oh and yes paypal is the best way to go. make this an ebay thing lol. i dont trust nobody.

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If you read a post of mine, on this very thread, you will get your answers.

And NO, its not shady at all. Besides, every modeller that makes a model doesnt get any material reward from the requesters, dont they? So you got nothing to loose. If you dont trust me, which is logical, then dont, you wont loose nothing, cause no one gets a material reward for their models. But if you trust me (I dont care which), you WILL get a reward.

As I stated before, if this were to be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize contest, it would be ILLEGAL to give them as prizes. This is not distribution, its rewarding. Everyone that does a Dante model will get a prize (has to be moderately good one, and not a pile of nods).

And as I said, since I joined this forums, just for trying to be nice and reward the modelers, I have gotten nothing but aggresive responses, or negative ones. There is nothing shady about this, you people complicate things.

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i was'nt trying to be negative. i just said the thing about paypal to joke around. what i meant to say was use a P.O. box or something. so anyway what your baiscly saying is if theres very good runners up on the finished models. you have more than enough of those prizes to give out to the winner/winners ?

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So you got nothing to loose.
Besides your time, and a lot of it.


When modelers make models, they're usually sending it to jk2files.com or some other jk2 site. If there are 10 dante models, it would be dumb to send them all. Like ninja said, you should have given the modelers to choose what models they want instead of giving some dumb a$$ anim charecter.


I said it before and I'll say it again, models take time, and no one seems to disrespect it more then you do.

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Another iluminative and brilliant post from an even more brilliant poster... lol.

The modellers are quite excited with the project, and we are working cooperatively, I provide material and guidance so they get it right.

Time is not lost if you put your good will, and effort in it. Whoever thinks that a good work's time is lost, then he is lost himself.

So take a hike, imyourdaddy.

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