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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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Lokpihet: Well, I want this planet stripped of resources. Then, I want to begin destroying Cracken's empire. He's onto me, though. I won't be able to do another Bilbringi...however...


Korriban. He'll go there. I think we ought to level it.

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*Fused Irvine nods, and lowers his head.*


Fused Irvine "What is this Korriban? We should at least sense where Cracken is now, to make sure he isn't there now. Besides if Cracken wishes to go there, wouldn't there be some sigifigence if what ever he is there for, can't be used for us?"

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Adriana: So, you've actually written some of the Blood Scrolls? Wow. I mean, it's an honor to meet one of the writers. Even if it's just a few from this dimension. Well, anyway. *She presses some buttons on her equipment* Are you a race of immortals? I mean, Rwos told me you had very long lives but...Are the three other writers from your people still alive as well?

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*Deac locks himself in his cabin as the ship takes off*




*Beler Jil arrives at the landing pad*


Beler: Admiral! I'm glad to see you made it out ok!






Lokpihet: He seeks to destroy me with relics of a dead order. I intend to entomb him there.

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Flax: I think that we should move to a more comfortable location.


*Flax leads the group to a small sitting room, furnished in dard oak panels, with a marroon trim, he gestures to some well padded easy chairs.*


Flax: Our strength is considerable, when I left I took a large portion of the second fleet with me. In adition considerable numbers of the NR military mave also defected from other fleet groups.


Opinion in the Republic has been split in two, so far around 40 systems have defected to Deac Starkiller, a further 100 have defected to us, getting our military leadership out will probably sway a few more. The reason more have not deffected to our cause is the military forces loyal to the Senate have locked down the remaining systems, they are now under martial Law.


Our Terretory is roughly one quarter of the former Republic, however since most of it is Mid Rim outwards we lack the proportional industrial base the Senate opperates.


At the moment we are in the process of forming a provisional government, that will take another week, from there we can move foward.

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*Orion looks as if her suspicions had been confirmed. Adriana hurridly looks up from her screen to answer Odin*


Adriana: Yes, they are quite lovely. The drakes. About the Scrolls, I wouldn't say we "finally" translated them. Finding them has been a much bigger issue. Lots of fragments, I'm sure you can guess, and records can be so imprecise...Translating, well, Warren----


Warren: How much have we translated? Ah---yes, most of them. To some degree---these things can never be precise, as we are working with languages that have been long---er, long dead.


Orion: *speaking in a manner contrasting the frenetic pace of her colleagues* It would be better if we didn't have to work under any false pretenses here, 'Lord Odin'. We're here because we trust no one. *She pauses to survey the odd group gathered in the room* From what I've heard of you, I'm sure you return my feelings in kind. Do you understand what I'm saying?

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*Rwos and Evan exchange glances throughout the conversation. Obviously, the two know each other well, although neither speaks*


Adriana: *slightly nervously* Well, I would be a bit surprised if our languages ended up in your dimension. Not to criticize your capabilities or anything. It's just---


Orion: *to Adriana* So, are we online?


Adriana: Almost. *returns to tapping her monitor* Making a crossdimensional link like this would be pretty much impossible if it wasn't for that teleporter core I added---and even so, it's gonna take a minute or three to establish a stream.


Warren: *to Odin, taking out a couple scrolls* As Rwos has told you, I'm sure, we have a scroll or two that seems to be in code. The first line led us to you, so we're hoping that something in your Scrolls may be the key. Perhaps a key phrase, or similar passages of unreadable glyphs...

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Adriana: *looking a bit lost* Where is your son?


Warren: That shouldn't be necessary...we've determined that the glyphs here are not in any form that could be construed as a language by the minds of any of the possible races that wrote these scrolls...


Evan: We should let them have a look anyway. After all, that's why we're here, isn't it?

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Beler: Isn't Starkiller on our side? I mean, he did make that big speech? I think it's safe to say he's with us.






Lokpihet: I don't care. I want him to die. And then I want Deac Starkiller to die. Then I want to rest.

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