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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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Flax: Oh....... Never heard about that. Mind you, back then I was just a pilot. My Grandfather controlled all this.


Sellena: I'm going to see Greer. I'll leave you to it. Goodby, Deac.


*As the door closes Flax raises his eyebrows.*


Flax: You must have made an impression.


*A few minutes later there is a knock at Greer's door.*

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Great Britian, Earth, 1700s


*The parents leave the barn and move towards the voices accompanied by a few of the fighters among the group, fearing danger. As they approach the thickets outside the barn, two forms emerge from the brush. The two parents immediately recognize them*


Katherine: Cynthia! Patience! *She rushes towards them* You're hurt!


*The tallest girl, Patience, speaks* We're alright now, mother. We found some lovely people in the woods. They helped us...


Katherine: *feeling her daughter's cheek* You're...so cold...


Patience: The lady in charge said we should find you. She said we would know how. She said we should give the gift to you too...


Katherine: Gift, my dear? What gift?


*Her daughter smiles at her a little. For a moment, Katherine thought she glimpsed something impossible - a pair of sharp little cat teeth in her daughter's smile - but -


An icy voice comes from the trees* Don't move.


*Cyrus steps out of the undergrowth, crossbow trained on the reuinted family. His companions emerge from the trees as well, weapons at the ready*


Cyrus: These are not your children anymore, woman. The Devil has taken them.


Katherine: *shocked* What are you doing?! What are you talking about?


*Cyrus stops advancing, but keeps his weapon on the family. He glances around at the tangle of woods surrounding them*


Cyrus: Enelya! Scourge of Angels! I know you're here! I can feel you! Come out and face me like a man!


*For what seemed like a long time, nothing happened. The scene seems frozen in time, only the wind moving. Then a figure in a heavy cloak softly emerges from the woods. A woman's voice comes from underneath the cloak, speaking in heavily accented English*


Woman: I am not a man.


*She drops the cloak to the ground. An eerie sight presents itself. The woman was tall, and apparently of African descent - she was a colonial slave in life, Cyrus remembered - her skin was deathly, darkly pale, and something about her gave the strange impression that she was illuminated from within by a dark golden glow. Her mouth was open, revealing a pair of sharp, white teeth.


Enelya...the Vampire...I often wondered what she would be like face to face...but I never could have imagined this...


He speaks*


Cyrus: At long last, we meet, princess of demons.


Enelya: Many of my kind have met their end at your hands, vampire hunter.


*Enelya's face changes, alters itself into an expressionless, demonic mask. Her teeth are bared. Cyrus recognizes from long experience the so-called vampiric "game face"*


Enelya: Your end has come.

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((you know, after thinking about it, I think I might actually reply, red))




*Irvine ignores Gillian like he was completely unable to hear her at all. Irvine's hands kept very firm fists, in one instence, a drop of blood drips down from his right hand, and falls to the scorched dry earth.*

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((Scar, Gilian is female ;)))


England, 18th Century


Cyrus: We shall see whose end comes here. *He fires his crossbow. Enelya ducks the bolt. As she dodges, Cyrus, quick as lightning, sinks two more bolts into the chests of the returned children. Before their parents' horrified eyes, they explode into dust. The mother screams. The father faints. Enelya is upon Cyrus before he can turn the crossbow back in her direction. The two lock into combat*


Cyrus: *yelling to the frightened group of travelers* Hurry! Through the red doors! There is no more time!




*Gilian's vampire senses register the falling drop of blood. Her mind, still caught up in the memory, does not*

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((We'll go with James then))


Sellena: Eight actually James. It was that spat at teh mining colony on Kolador. How have you been?




Flax: The war is going cold. We've drawn the line in the sand and most of the people who are going to walk over to our side have.


We have about 90 percent of the Second Fleet, 30 percent of the Third and about half the Fourth. The First and Fith fleets are core based and all we got from them was a few conciencious objectors.


As far as planets go This half of the Outer and Mid Rims is ours. The Republic retains the Core, the Colonies and the Inner Rim. The Expansion region is contested space.


At the moment we're at a stand off. I have some ideas to tip the scales in our favour.


At the moment though you need your rest, in two days my wife is buried. After that we need to figure out what to do with you daughter.


*A page arrives with Deac's food.

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((Deac: You still have a message that you haven't read from me ;)))


F. Irvine "Coruscant. Hmph. Too much has happened there. But should that be the only target? Besides, there might be some use for that planet before we destory it. When I was there I sensed beings whom seem to have darted in and out from nowhere. Deac starkiller had been captured by those beings for some bit of time before leaving, somehow healed. I'd like to come in contact with those beings, and see what we can get from them."

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((Scar: Please post in understandable english))


Asgard: Gladsheim


Odin: We have watched the inner and mid rim worlds of this galaxy for years beyond count. We have kept them safe from outside threats that could have destroyed those civilizations. We have seen them develop. In order to keep the mid and inner rims developing at a healthy rate and to prevant stagnation it is necessary that we withdraw a portion of our protection.


There are still innocents in the galaxy. Although they be few and far between. We will not abandon them to the wolves. Nor will we abandon the few allies we have to face the threats alone. We will continue to watch, and if necessary step in.


Already there are fully automated listening stations posted around the worlds. Some Valkyries may be wondering if they still have a job with this. They should not fear, there is and always will be plenty for the Valkyries to do, and there is plenty for every Aesir. The futhark has returned, we still have our mission with the Jotuns and numerous other tasks.


While we advance keep in mind. Evil is only allowed to presist when good men do nothing.

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England, 18th Century


*Enelya and Cyrus fight each other*


Enelya: *hissing in his face* You're far too strong for a human. What part of your soul did you sacrifice for your power?


Cyrus: Speak not of souls, foul demon, for you have none.


Enelya: You think so? Wrong, human. It is with my humanity I have become what you see before you, and it is with my humanity that I shall exact my vengeance on all your kind. I have a soul, human, just as you...


Cyrus: Even if what you say is true...it makes no difference to me. *He manages to stab her arm with his short sword blade* You are an unholy beast, and I will destroy you and every last one of your dark kind.


Enelya: What about your children, Cyrus? Your family? A family like the ones you honorable Englishmen do not allow my people to have?


*Cyrus regains his crossbow. He fires at Enelya, who catches the bolt with her hand. She yanks it out of her palm and throws it back at him, missing*


Cyrus: A family? One like me does not have the luxury of families.


Enelya: You're lying. I can see it in your eyes. *She glances at the barn, where all the people have headed* And why don't you have your friends run away? Not as if they could escape...but why do you herd into a barn like animals waiting to be slaughtered?


Cyrus: So much talk, vampire.


*An arrow flies from the forest and buries itself in Enelya's chest. She twists, and it misses her heart.


Cyrus' companions emerge from the trees. The gargoyle has another arrow notched into his bow. The elves carry large, round weapons with curved spikes circling their outer edges. The furred man carries long claws*


Cyrus: You will die here. Your demon companions we have already taken care of. They will not come to help you. Have you any last words?


Enelya: No one needs to help me.


*She leaps high into the air. She catches on a tree branch and flings herself onto the barn roof. The gargoyle fires arrows at her, but she is too fast. She disappears over the roof's peak.*

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Flax: Lokpihet is carving up the loyalists in the Empire and Cracken isn't stopping him. I have a tactical analysis of his forces and conquests, as well as a break down of his possible targets. I don't have any Infiltrators in his ranks. You'd have to be mad to accept that assignment.

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F. Irvine "I never said anything about not destorying Coruscant. But before we leave I want to have a bomb ready."


*F. Irvine hands a piece of paper with set instructions writen on it to one of the helpers Lokpihet was taling to earlier.*

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England, 18th Century


*When Cyrus and his men made it to the other side of the barn seconds later, Enelya was nowhere to be seen.


In fact, she had gone down the side of the barn itself and slided in through a high window, perhaps intending to take a hostage or start a commotion to mask her escape.


What she saw stopped her in her tracks, hanging in the rafters.


A net of blue sparks hung in the air, forming a giant circlet as big as one of the barn walls. In between the blue sparks, a set of large red doors was visible.


A carriage was heading through the doors. It was horse-drawn carriage with a team of four horses. Except the carriage was completey embraced by a great structure of dark metal that could not have been forged by men. The only trace of metalwork that appeared to the vampire's keen eyesight were the runes all along the sides that she could not read, but even without being able to recognize that, she would have still known that what was in front of her did not belong. Being pulled behind the carriage by virtue of a long chain was a huge star-shaped structure that floated of its own accord, glowing.


A strange pale green sheen ran over the carriage's runes as the carriage went through the red doors...into the wall.


Something inside her was stirring, drawing her towards the net of sparks, towards the doors into the wall...


Before she could do anything, before her stunned eyes the doors shut. The circlet of sparks drew inwards and vanished in on itself, leaving nothing but a blank, slightly charred barn wall.


All the humans were gone. Escaped.




In the present, in an alien dimension, Gilian, recognized what was in front of her. Like most vampires she had an exceptionally good memory. Even if she hadn't, however, she still would have remembered this.


What was in front of her was the carriage from the barn, or one like it. The actual horse-drawn, human-crafted carriage itself was long gone, but there was no mistaking the pieces that remained.



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Sellena: Well my twin sister is dead and so is the Republic, so about the same.


((With Greer and Deac's permission I'd like to do the two day time skip to the funeral. It'd be the best way to re-focus the thread. Then I gues we're going after Deac's daughter. So maybe we should be setting up for a new thread?))

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F. Irvine "It may not matter of what or who I am to Cracken, but I'm sure it'll hurt him well enough to ackomplish something that he couldn't. Of course it might mean that I'm starting to rain on your parade, but at least this gets my nose in the door."

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((I'm okay with that - I've purposely avoided bringing most of my characters back in as I might or might not have limited Net access soon, so I'm not doing anything that would prevent a time skip or a new thread...))




Gilian: *turning to Irvine, rather startled at the gradual continuing change in his appearance* Tell Cracken, when he gets here...tell him I know what this is. It's likely from my dimension, and it's certainly alien to this one...what it's called and how to use it, I'm not sure, but I'm leaving to find out. Can you tell him that?

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*Irvine blinks, shakes his head, and falls to a knee. The color of his hair briefly changes back into red, back to black, in a wave-life pattern from his steams to the tips. He looks at his hands, the blood rom the small cuts. Slightly confused of what is happening to him.*


Irvine "Yes, yes I will tell him."

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