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Ghoul2 Collision gone?!


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Ghoul2 collision is a option in Jedi Outcast (g_saberghoul2collision) that appears to introduce enhanced collision and mid swing parries allowing for much more cinematic dueling (at the same time) offering competitive play.


With this cvar on, and g_sabertracesaberfirst off, saber battling is exceptional in JEDI OUTCAST! Excellent parries and move BREAKERS often occur giving dueling a movie like feel and look, and also provides for some great gameplay.


Unfortunately, I have heard that this cvar will be removed from Jedi Academy! I hope they do something to make up for this or include it, because it is just a fantastic fighting collision system!

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I have a funny feeling that the beta from July 2 isn't going to have it... The GHOUL2 collision in JO MP was crap by default, they're probably redoing it.


Monroe just said that SP and MP will be virtually identical in terms of features, unlike JO.

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Well it would be good if they remove it and instead hard code it on :)


I believe Raven knows how much more people loved the look of single play jedi outcast then multiplay. While it would probably be impossible to get it like that (without killing pings) im sure they'll work on it.


For one example, I read somewhere that they were gonna do a max of 16 players instead of quakes 32/64. They said quality over quanity.


This tells me they are going to throw in some things that are a little heavier on connection. I.E. the more data being sent the more detailed and fluid the game becomes (usually).

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Originally posted by Smood

Unfortunately, I have heard that this cvar will be removed from Jedi Academy! I hope they do something to make up for this or include it, because it is just a fantastic fighting collision system!


What about cg_fpls (used to play First Person LightSaber in MP)? Have you "heard" :o it will be removed too? I'm very worried about it.

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Originally posted by defalc

Jeez...I hope that multiplayer sabre combat doesn't HANDLE like single-player. Eg: It's impossible to land kicks in single-player, executing the DFA is slightly different etc. I prefer the control of multi.

If you look around here, you'll find you're in the vast minority ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

If you look around here, you'll find you're in the vast minority ...







Well enabling ghoul2 collision online doesn't seem to hurt pings very much, and it brings fantastic gameplay and much more movie like fighting.


Opposed to JO's original MP fighting which was basically running around with swings and misses (a lot of misses). Although this system did require some skill, it didn't feel like true saber battling (like ghoul2 does).

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Originally posted by Smood

Opposed to JO's original MP fighting which was basically running around with swings and misses (a lot of misses). Although this system did require some skill, it didn't feel like true saber battling (like ghoul2 does).

I'm really just a [sP] person, with rare [MP] appearances. Maybe that's why I prefer Jedi Master ... the whole game is about running around killing and no saber-to-saber battles.



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Originally posted by ryudom

no, i'm pretty sure most people prefer the mp's control to the sloppy sp control

I won't speak for anyone else but myself, but I found SP anything but sloppy - I was very much able to control hits and locations. That was one of the things that thrilled me so much about the game ... not just hack and slash and pray like JK1 ... I actually felt like a Jedi in control of his saber.



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in sp you'd slide around, which you don't in mp. saber is also more controled. maybe you didn't play the 1.03/1.04 patch, i heard 1.02 was sloppy too. the specials and and hits felt sloppier to me as well... especially the medium special

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Originally posted by txa1265

If you look around here, you'll find you're in the vast minority ...




around *here yes, but the majority of people making up the “die hard” mp community don’t even come here or know these forums exist.


I'm talking about the people who bought the game just for the mp content and only play sp as an afterthought.


The majority of us utterly hated the sp physics because they were so clumsy and restricting.


After playing a year and a half of mp only, when I first went to play sp I felt like someone tied a 200 pound rock around my ankle in the way everything was so sluggish and unresponsive compared to mp.

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You don't need me to tell you this but, obviously it's a matter of opinion. Those of us (like 'unnamed' said) that play JK2 just about all the time in MP are used to (and therefore like) the control there. Those that play mostly SP (txa, etc) like that one. That's what I'm hoping JA will fix, MP and SP are supposedly very similiar, which is a good thing.


EDIT: I did go through SP first, and I remember when first playing MP how different it felt. In a matter of a few days however it seemed natural.

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Originally posted by GC256

You don't need me to tell you this but, obviously it's a matter of opinion. Those of us (like 'unnamed' said) that play JK2 just about all the time in MP are used to (and therefore like) the control there. Those that play mostly SP (txa, etc) like that one. That's what I'm hoping JA will fix, MP and SP are supposedly very similiar, which is a good thing.

But 'fix' is a relative term, isn't it?


The majority or players - the OVERWHELMING majority of buyers - still play SP only, or maybe a bit of MP. ESPECIALLY for a Star Wars (or Star Trek) game (check out the 25 people playing Elite Force II MP right now :( ). Therefore I am assuming - and I use the weight of the facts that the SP game is in the top 25 'all time' at GameRankings, and that pretty much all of the complaints (outside of the first five levels having no saber) were about MP, to assume that MP will be altered to be like SP, not the other way around, and not likely a mix of both.



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Originally posted by boinga1

A little off-topic here, but... is it even possible to kick in SP? I didn't think it was. :confused:

It actually is, but it is darn hard to land. You do the same walk up double-jump thing like in MP , but it rarely does anything but jump. I


played around on the Doomgiver first level ... I disarmed everyone and then tried to kick them.


I landed one.


So I killed them ... all of them ... ;)



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I meant fix meaning that MP and SP would be similiar that's all. Are you sure that more people play JK2 SP than MP? I highly doubt that. Have you been in MP lately? There are about 480 servers and plenty of people playing in them. Maybe I missunderstood you but I don't see how people can still be playing SP 1.5 yrs after release. MP however is looking as good as ever.

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These are pieces of the IGN review, which gave it a 9.0/10.


"Too many cutscenes in games are either unnecessary or overly long. While the cutscenes in Jedi Knight II are pretty beefy, there's always enough action going on to keep you interested."


"The enemies themselves aren't too terribly bright...enemies will just walk back and forth along a single path until you kill them."


"If there's one area in which the game could stand a bit of a tweak, it's the puzzles. Don't get me wrong; I loved every crate shoving, dark maze exploring, platform jumping, button pushing minute of it, but most of the puzzles in the game are a little too hard and a lot too ridiculous. Some of them are of the type that's so obvious once you figure it out that you want to kill yourself for not seeing it an hour earlier; others make you question the enemy's logic in putting the button that sends power to the communication array in a tiny room floating high above an abyss that's only accessible by a sequence of catlike jumps.


At least the game has a quick save option.



"If there was a second thing that needed to be improved, it would be the lightsaber interface. Overall, it's quite good but it requires a substantial warm-up period"


'The direct approach is also rewarded in the game's awesome multiplayer games. The standard deathmatch and capture the flag modes (in solo and team mode) are included but there's more to be experienced here. The duel mode, in which only two players fight at any time, is intense but there's far too much downtime for the other players between matches. Capture the Ysalamiri is another interesting idea. Each player tries to capture the Ysalamiri, a small lizard that dampens the use of Force powers. You get a chance to buy Force powers before the multiplayer match starts and there are a whole range of new, multiplayer-only Force powers.


The option to add bots for any or all of the opponents is good. The fact that each of the bots has unique preferences and tactics makes it even better. Unfortunately, like Elite Force, the game has two separate executables for the single player and multiplayer portions of the game so you'll have to quit one to start the other. Even so, the multiplayer side of Jedi Knight II will ensure the title stays fresh long after you've saved the galaxy from extinction. "


I really don't see what you mean. All of the complaints (besides the waiting in duels) were either in SP or affected both SP and MP. Of course that's only one review, but IGN is very respectable.

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I simply laugh at the comments about singleplayer being clumbsy, that's pure BS.


And first person lightsaber combat is entirely useless, I don't know why anyone would want it, unless they want to loose every battle they fight...

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Originally posted by GC256

I meant fix meaning that MP and SP would be similiar that's all. Are you sure that more people play JK2 SP than MP? I highly doubt that. Have you been in MP lately? There are about 480 servers and plenty of people playing in them. Maybe I missunderstood you but I don't see how people can still be playing SP 1.5 yrs after release. MP however is looking as good as ever.


Singleplayer still makes up the bulk of the gaming world. People buy a game, play the SP, and that's it.

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