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The Return of the Concussion Rifle!


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Kenn Hoekstra says in an interview with Action Vault that the Concussion rifle will be in Jedi Academy. :thumbsup:


Kenn Hoekstra: Jedi Academy will feature 12 weapons as well as three different lightsabers. The two new weapons in the game are the DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol and the Stouker Concussion rifle.
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ah the conc fires so fast a projectile that it would be hard to push back. The secondary for a conc won't be able to be pushed since its an instant hit. I doubt it will be able to be blocked by a saber. Also if it could, you could just aim at the ground and let the splash damage hit. This is my thoughts if the conc is similar to tohe jk1 conc.

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I don't mean to take the wind out of your sails but this has been common knowledge around for forums for weeks now.


Also, plz don't silicit information from a user who has played the illegal leaked beta or heard fromm someone else who has.


Hopefull txa won't show up here ;)

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I will pm this guy and get the info.


My intent here is to discuss how the Concussion Rifle will work in Academy multiplayer. Getting some info on how it actually works would help move the discussion along.


For instance, will gun fans be happy with it? Or will they cry about it being a flaccid tool for the "Star Wars Roleplayers" or whatever the latest label-du-jour is?


Will saberists run and cry in terror from the concussion's overwhelming might?


Or will the Concussion be a weapon of balance and beauty?

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Wouldn't a jedi simply absorb the impact and shunt it into something useful like telekentics? (sp?)


Movie Example: Vader absorbing hans laser blasts and then using the energy to rip the gun from hans hand (lol hans hand)

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When was the last time ou saw anyone [deflect or absorb a concussion blast] in Jedi Outcast? Or Jedi Acdemy, or Jedi Knight, or MOTS, or heck, even KOTOR?


Somewhere around 1998-99, the SPORK mod for Jedi Knight allowed Jedis to deflect incoming Concussion rounds, but only if they directly lined up their saber with the round. They couldn't deflect splash damage. So that meant you couldn't deflect because the concussion rifle is usually used for indirect fire. ;)


I'm hoping concussion adds more 'oomph,' 'muscle,' 'power,' 'explosive action,' whatever you want to call it, to gameplay.

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I think that the very definition of a Concussion Rifle needs to be examined. It says in the JK manual that it fires rounds of "Ionized" air. Well...compressed air launched at high speeds could be damaging, but it wouldn't explode, and it would probably deal direct damage to the target as opposed to hurting shields. I don't know what "ionizing" the air does.


Personally, I don't think it will be used nearly as much as the Rifle in JK, simply because the auto-targetting in JK was its greatest strength. However, in JO, it should be harder to aim, and it really does fire pretty slow.

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Well, it's an almost 1 secong delay between shots...maybe .8 secs. Now, of course, in JK, you would get your power boost and run around shooting half that speed, half the ammo use=0WN4G3.


On the other hand, put it in JA, it'll probably shoot about like the Merr-Sonn Rocket as far as rate of fire. Just a guess. It's a slow shot, compared to, say, Repeater Alt or Flechette Alt Fire.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Shotokan

But aren't you guys the least bit worried that n00bs will spam that weapon in MP?


My God, I can't stand it when people who complain about spamming a weapon or force power, for God sake shut the hell up, the weapon is there for use, not to conserve, if they are spamming the Concussion Rifle, take a different tactic in beating the person who frequently chooses to use the Concussion Rifle, that will force that player to take a different tactic with the Concussion Rifle, if you can't think of a different tactic, then truly it is you who is the n00b, if you can't counter a weapon in the game then it is truly you who are the rookie, and the person who "spams" the Concussion Rifle is the better player.


If you think I'm complaining to victimising you then you are mistaken, in MOTS I used to use the Concussion Rifle alot, and yes it did rack up my kills, however people knew how to use, protect, speed and pull to counter it, therefore I adapted a new technique, the whole point for me of playing this game is to learn how to counter other people's style of playing and become a better player because of it, not complain about someone who is new who is kicking your ass because you don't know how to counter the Concussion Rifle, also killing that n00b with your "1337 5k1llZ" will make you feel extra satisfied, it will also make the "n00b" a better player.


This rant is about general "n00bs" who use the Concussion Rifle frequently, not honorz RPG gamers who personally I have no time for at all, BTW in the films did you ever see at the start of a Lightsaber duel someone bow; because I didn't.


Anyway to some it up in a few words, the Concussion Rifle is there to be used how anyone wants, if someone uses it frequently; exploit is weakness frequently ;)



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Originally posted by Sargasso

Hopefull txa won't show up here ;)

HEY ?!?!? :eek::confused:;)


OK, so I've been a bit sharp-worded in opposing the beta info, for two reasons - the illegality & ethics or piracy, and the deluge of unwanted spoilers. Honestly if it weren't for the second I'd freak less about the first. The problem (and I've run into it on the KOTOR boards, MacGamer boards, and the jediknight usenet group, among other web boards I've glanced) is that the people posting about the pirated beta tend not to be considerate of others' concerns or desires not to see spoilers. They treat it like a released game.


I know we'll go through the same thing here after release - people posting titles like 'what do you do in X after killing Y', when both X and Y are spoilers ... but right now we're in pre-release mode and enjoying discussions. After the 17th I'll pobably stay away for the most part until I play through at least once.


Hey - I forgot to mention the concussion gun :rolleyes: I'm pretty excited about it ... I'm sure I'll be ~90% saber, but it is nice to see old weapons returning, regardless what they are ...



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It looks different than the concussion rifle in DF1 and from the one seen in JK/MotS.


It looks more like the JK one actually, but with double (?) barrels, and two "side knobs" (instead of the one that looked like a second handle on the JK one).


It's supposed to be big and boxy, and it looks no worse to me than the "ugly" Flechette or Merr Sonn.


It sounds like they limited the range on it (in the previous games, it would go until it hit a wall or other obstruction), but still has an impressive blast radius (12 feet!).


Can't wait to see it in action...



On a side note, the BlasTech pistol looks good (I can excuse the lack of a trigger of course), and the Personal Shield Generator has been re-designed.


I wonder if this means the Stun Baton is nixed? I also didn't see any new items listed...

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It's supposed to be big and boxy


Erm, says what?


Now big I don't mind, even if the conc magically grows in size with each iteration. And boxy would be exceptable had they skinned more detail on the weapon.


But when these three unite it can't help but suck. There are just huge spaces of blank, solid grey on a boxy, big conc. I think both the Mersonn and Flechette are actually excellent looking weapons with their models are skins, even if their effects are boring; they look like Picassos compared to the kindergarden fingerpainting which is that conc.

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